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Trying to get the gill nets banned on Chickamauga Lake


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2013
Cleveland & Bedford CO
Hey guys, for any of you that fish Chic, or going to fish Chic at some point, its time to gets these nets banned from the lake. They are indiscriminate killers. The worst part is the way they are run, far more often than not, placed in illegal fashion and without proper ID tags so they can hide from law enforcement. If your so inclined, please click the link below to sign this petition to ban Gill Netting on Lake Chickamauga and once you sign it, share it on Facebook if you are on there!

https://www.change.org/p/wildlife-commi ... jack-lakes
While there have been illegal nets found and prosecuted on Chickamauga, to say that the majority of the nets are illegal is simply not true.

When dealing with these types of issues it is always best to deal in facts rather than total misrepresentation.
While I appreciate the advice SCN I can confirm that every time I've seen commercial gear on Chic, it has been untagged. We report it and occasionally its caught, but even then, the fine is so small there is no deterrent at all. Net and trot lines are being set across creek mouths regularly and it's time to either hold these folks accountable or shut it down. These are facts.
A same petition could be started for harsher prosecution on all the anglers who cut, destroy and steal every gill net they run across.
I'm neither for nor against it, but I have worked with some commercial fishermen for some research projects and they're not all angels, but they're not all bad either. Some were very eager to help with any information they could, and some were not. The thing to remember is that when done legally, these guys are making a living for they're families. It's very hard work to pull gill nets all day.
Just like hunters and recreational anglers, there are a percentage that feel like the only way to be successful is to break the law in the process.
TheRealSpurhunter":30xbnai7 said:
While I appreciate the advice SCN I can confirm that every time I've seen commercial gear on Chic, it has been untagged. We report it and occasionally its caught, but even then, the fine is so small there is no deterrent at all. Net and trot lines are being set across creek mouths regularly and it's time to either hold these folks accountable or shut it down. These are facts.

Those may be facts from your limited observations, but they don't paint a true picture of the issue. When you compare the hundreds of net days of commercial fisherman against the violations, it is pretty low. It certainly does not meet your "far more often than not" concerning the illegality.

It is also interesting that you report such gear is untagged. That infers that you are running the gear checking for tags. IMO, that puts you in violation of the law as you have no legal right to inspect the gear. Interesting.

Rather than having the facts to justify a total ban, it sounds like you have some specific issues that you need to be working with the District 32 TWRA officers on. Give Capt. Joe Busch a call through the Region III office and see if he and his officers can't deal with some of the things that are already violations.
I feel your frustration. Nothing makes you madder than the prop of your motor or trolling motor getting tangled in the nets. That's my home water too, but several years ago Steve educated me on the legalities of gill nets and made me understand there's plenty of water for everybody. We're down there for the passion but their mostly there to support their way of life.
Should gill nets be fished legally...yes. In my opinion, there is plenty of water for everyone. Recreational anglers, tournament anglers, and boaters are not the only users of lakes. Licensed commercial fishermen have just as much right to fish our state's waters as everyone else.
To clarify, I did not start this petition, but I am helping get the word out to gain support for this issue to be looked into further. I personally would like to see it banned, just as it is on MANY other lakes on the TN river. While I appreciate your assumption that I am just some ignorant redneck on this issue SCN, I can assure you I have had a lot of interaction with both commercial fisherman here and law enforcement about this exact issue.
There is no assumption whatsoever on my part.

There are always issues whenever commercial fishing is allowed, and even in areas that are totally closed. There are some that refuse to follow the laws and regs. I can think of at least one down in your area that has been to court 20+ times over the past 30 years. I am certainly not saying that there aren't significant enforcement issues from the ones that refuse to follow the law/regs.

But, to say that the majority of commercial fishermen are illegal "far more often than not" simply isn't correct.
TheRealSpurhunter":1mjqt4rx said:
SCN, would you agree with this statement? "When officers are checking fisherman, the RATE of sport fishermen cited for infractions, are far fewer than commercial fishermen".

Yes. Any time money is involved, there is a greater temptation to skirt the rules. The compliance rate for commercial activities is never as high as sport activities.

But, that doesn't mean that "far more often than not" the commercial activites are illegal.
TheRealSpurhunter":2ao4pu17 said:
I personally would like to see it banned, just as it is on MANY other lakes on the TN river.

on the lakes comm fishing is banned, how many are banned because of consumption advisories vs. banning due to illegal activity or recreational angling complaints??
rukiddin":durp94tg said:
TheRealSpurhunter":durp94tg said:
I personally would like to see it banned, just as it is on MANY other lakes on the TN river.

on the lakes comm fishing is banned, how many are banned because of consumption advisories vs. banning due to illegal activity or recreational angling complaints??

Im going by what I am told from multiple sources here, but I tend to believe it. Hopefully SCN will chime in with anything he knows.

The reason Ive been told is that the lakes that stock Striped bass, dont allow gill nets. Even though Chic has GREAT striper fishing.
Fairly confident the stripers have nothing to do with it. Watts bar and ft loudoun are closed due to consumption. But there is still a commercial fishery for buffalo on loudoun.
JimFromTN":1xyhge6d said:
When has a gill net ban not helped a fishery?

Thats where I lean as well. One supporter of the net fishing states that without the removal of millions of pounds of rough fish each year by commercial fishermen the lake would collapse due to spawning competition. Im not a fisheries biologist so I cant speak to that.
TX300mag":18i1p6cp said:
From my experience, additional laws have very limited effect on the people already break laws.

While I tend to agree, you cant really hide these nets. It hard work that takes hours to set and retrieve. Ive never heard of any being run on closed waters also.