Turkey contest?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
Wilson County, TN
In years past a bunch from here have done the turkey contest team stuff over on OG. Was thinking of maybe doing something like that here as this is a much closer group of folks.

Anyone interested in doing one on here? Would need to kinda figure it all out on how to set it up and how to makes teams/rules
East vs middle vs west tn? Kind of unfair with lower bird numbers in parts of west tn but that seems to be the main rivalry on this site...
Could be a good idea. I think having to post pics like on old gobbler would be a good idea. Seems like it would help eliminate some disputes.
id be in. I almost joined in on og but I decided against it. i would like to enter one. if we don't i may join a team over there. but i would much rather do it on here. its just a fun contest over there as i think it should be over here. but i am good for anything.
we can set the rules and limits how we want, ideally it would be nice to have Ruger open another thread just for the contest stuff and section on sub threads for teams.

On _______ they use a 10 man team and score the highest 10 birds. We could do that or we could do something like 5 man teams instead. Its all for fun and you would have to post pics of the spur, beard and weight measurements and total score.

again we can do it however people would like to make it fun but the team aspect TO ME is one of the more fun parts. You would come up with a team name and banner and go with it....(Voodoo Mafia as you see on some posts is a team we had from last year)
I'm out this year. 2012 was fun but last year it was a pain. After a kill I want to celebrate and take pics for the memories, not a bunch of tape measure pics. Y'all enjoy and if you need an unbiased judge on some pics or something I'll help out.
Doesn't really matter where the bird is killed you can only count one. By allowing TN birds only would eliminate someone from playing who doesn't hunt in TN.
Yes, VDM has team members from other states, however they may or may not play on here...
Warning: be prepared for some smack talk, it's part of the fun.
So, that being said I'll start lol... For those that wonder what VooDoo Mafia
is about, get you a team together and you'll see!!!! Just remember its all in fun.

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