- This one is a Heckler & Koch; not sure if they still make the model but at the time was one of the few I could find w/3.5" chambers and super-tight fit tolerances. I'm sure there are others on the market by now.
- With the loads available these days I'd almost start considering shell options the same time I looked at gun/choke options. Hevi, TSS, WinXtended, 6, 7, 8, even 9s...with the right combo are all able to deliver sick patterns that will flat smack a bird dead.
- Since this ain't wingshooting, accurate point of impact (POI) is really important. Top and bottom barrels hit EXACTLY the same on mine but have heard of sloppy fit or imprecise barrel alignment that drives folks nuts. Choose a reputable manufacturer with good selectable barrels.
- Polish the bores, try a number of loads, get custom chokes, and when you find something that works...look out.
Pracitcal versatility in the turkey woods is more than I could ever ask for and it's lighter and shorter than 99% of pumps and autos.