Said I was not gonna say anything but I can't stand it. What biological proof do you have that opening the season two weeks later does any good? Arkansas should be flooded with turkeys if that's the case and so should LBL but why aren't they? They been doing it for years? Why did Missouri drop 25,000 birds they been opening later for years? It's the old Chamberlain theory in full effect. I hope this guy is getting his projects funded for years to come because there sure are a lot of people buying what he is selling even though none of it's proven. TN may be the the state to prove it as once again I will point out they opened counties two weeks later and dropped the limit to study that and see if it increases poult production before switching the whole state on an unproven theory. I appreciate the fact that they want to see if the theory is true before just going to it. If you want to protect mature gobblers ban Strutter decoys and fans. A guy I know recently showed me a video of his son's juvenile hunt with his friend. They both killed each day. Yep strutter decoy in full effect , In a blind and here is the top absolutely no calling! The gobbler just attacked the thing. Then you have people say that they don't work? Start the juvenile the first weekend in April and the season the next one but if you want to protect mature gobblers if it's true they are the only ones to breed. Decoys need to go also!Guys, Ive been hunting these things longer than some of you have been alive. Cutting the limit back was about the most "do nothing" maneuver TWRA could have done. If they really want to conserve birds, change the opening day! Make it open 2 weeks later and leave the limit alone. Something like 6% of licensed hunters actually kill the limit every year, give those mature birds a chance to get the hens all bred before opening the gate to kill them. Its just that simple.