TWRA Letter to Land Owners

The deer breeding association has already accomplished this. They now have resistant deer and some of those deer will be introduced into the Oklahoma deer herd. So, there's some hope.
Resistance and immunity are 2 very different things. Wild deer show resistance. We don't need deer farms for that (or anything else for that matter).
What happens if the viral load gets high enough to transfer over to some cows? if it jumped from sheep to elk to deer I don't see what would stop it from hitting cows.
CWD, Covid, HN51. Isn't it obvious yet they don't want us to eat our own food? No more chicks for eggs, no more venison, no more beef…..When in recent history, has anyone in mainstream government done anything good for the people?
What happens if the viral load gets high enough to transfer over to some cows? if it jumped from sheep to elk to deer I don't see what would stop it from hitting cows.
The same disease in cows is called Mad Cow disease.
I think the "reduce the herd" approach is a mistake.
The idea is that if there are few deer, far apart, that the disease will be less likely to spread or at least slow the spread. It disregards the assertion that prions might persist in the soil. AND that deer will travel a long way to breed if no partners are available locally. SO by thinning the herd, you might accidently cause infected bucks to travel further to breed, thus spreading the disease further, faster.

A more compelling argument is natural immunity. If there are 100 deer and say 1% have either natural or developed immunity, then you have ONE deer that can pass that immunity along to its offspring. With heavy culling, there is a good chance that the resistant/immune deer gets removed and cannot pass on the resistance to its offspring.
If nature is allowed to take its course, resistance to CWD will become a dominant trait in the deer herd. IF all the resistant deer are accidentally culled under the the current "kill them all" management plan, its possible that they will actually remove any natural immunity from the herd.
I'm surprised that Fauci or another non-elected bureaucrat didn't decide that the best way to stop the spread of COVID would be to reduce the human population to limit the spread of the virus. Especially if they could say that conservatives against getting the jab were the most likely to get it and so reducing the population of conservatives would reduce the spread of COVID!
While I am completely against sharp shooters coming in & wiping out deer, the guy from Alabama is a shill for the deer breeders who don't want to accept any responsibility for the spread of CWD. Most ppl that had polio who died didn't die directly from the virus, they suffocated. Most ppl that have HIV who die don't die directly from the virus, they die from an unusual pneumonia. The point is that individuals are dying as a result of a disease, even if not directly from that disease. And CWD can be found in deer of any age.
There's dying with a disease and there's dying from a disease. Covid made it clear how easy it is for government to manipulate data. Motorcycle crash victims were labeled as Covid deaths. Gunshot - covid. Stage 4 cancer - Covid. Each dying with Covid case was sensationalized and 24 hour news chyrons were flashing.

CWD and the reaction/ overreaction is much closer to Covid than HIV. It's their stated goal to reduce the population of the white-tailed deer, the motive behind that goal is what's up for debate.
There's NO magic wand when it comes to CWD! I'm surprised the state would send out letters that not only will rile up landowners but also have a snowball's chance of any takers.

If the infection rate continues to get high enough to reduce populations as it has on Ames, then the enough deer will die to slow the spread. This is the same goal as the state is promoting. Hopefully the disease will take out the sick deer and leave the healthy deer although the disease seems to be indescriminate. We've seen 5.5 year old bucks test positive and 4.5 year old bucks test "not detected". We've had fawns test positive too.

This disease is teaching us a great deal but we know so little about its long term effects other than a smaller, younger herd. My question is does that ever reverse and trend back toward capacity?
There's NO magic wand when it comes to CWD! I'm surprised the state would send out letters that not only will rile up landowners but also have a snowball's chance of any takers.

If the infection rate continues to get high enough to reduce populations as it has on Ames, then the enough deer will die to slow the spread. This is the same goal as the state is promoting. Hopefully the disease will take out the sick deer and leave the healthy deer although the disease seems to be indescriminate. We've seen 5.5 year old bucks test positive and 4.5 year old bucks test "not detected". We've had fawns test positive too.

This disease is teaching us a great deal but we know so little about its long term effects other than a smaller, younger herd. My question is does that ever reverse and trend back toward capacity?
Only time will tell. As we already know. No quick fix. Nature will handle its self, as its always done.
Wonder if insurance companies have a finger in this?
The old wives' tales about insurance companies pushing for less deer are just that - old wives' tales. Insurance companies don't care a lick about how many car-deer collisions there are. They just raise rates accordingly to cover their costs. It's all about actuarial tables and statistics.
Y'all would complain if they didn't do something about it too. I'd imagine the guys that used to hunt Ames would tell you to try any means necessary to slow it down
No, the guys that used to hunt on Ames and the ones that hunt around it would tell you that trying to kill all the deer does a lot more damage than CWD could. The way that place was/is managed is what ruined that entire area.
The old wives' tales about insurance companies pushing for less deer are just that - old wives' tales. Insurance companies don't care a lick about how many car-deer collisions there are. They just raise rates accordingly to cover their costs. It's all about actuarial tables and statistics.
So with less deer due to CWD, shouldn't my rates go down in my area? :D
I recall that Ames was hammering the does and doing night shoots long before CWD was found. Perhaps both together decrease overall numbers and increases the CWD prevalence.
I recall that Ames was hammering the does and doing night shoots long before CWD was found. Perhaps both together decrease overall numbers and increases the CWD prevalence.
Ames did actually hammer does prior to discovering CWD. But reducing populations actually reduces the effects of CWD as it's spread by deer to deer contact. Think of a crowded Emergency Room during a flu outbreak. Prevalence rates may not change if you kill the same ratio of healthy deer to sick deer.
Ames did actually hammer does prior to discovering CWD. But reducing populations actually reduces the effects of CWD as it's spread by deer to deer contact. Think of a crowded Emergency Room during a flu outbreak. Prevalence rates may not change if you kill the same ratio of healthy deer to sick deer.
Whether there's 5 deer per 1000 acres of 500 they are still going to get together. Deer all have the same needs and will feed and breed together. They also don't understand distance as a humans avoid sick humans.

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