Tyler Jordan Buck............

Take it for what it's worth, but the deer in that still photo doesn't have a drop of water on his coat. They certainly could have let it dry all day the next day before taking photos but I have my doubts.

Edited to add, I found the video of the hunt. His deer did actually die in the river. When they drag his deer out of the water there is no arrow wound on his neck so I'd say it has to be a different deer. You can clearly see that the shot he put on his buck while not perfect is 100% mortal.
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Take it for what it's worth, but the deer in that still photo doesn't have a drop of water on his coat. They certainly could have let it dry all day the next day before taking photos but I have my doubts.
More to that "story", the deer was wasted because it was hung up to dry for a day before it was dry enough for the picture. Far fetched, but it keeps getting more interesting after seeing that he had turned off all comments to the pictures of the deer on Instagram.
Little investigative googlin' found this...I cannot open the video but the title says it died in the water and there is a picture of the deer in the water.
*I can for some reason, scroll through and see some tabs. Appears he shot the deer in the daylight then recovered it in the dark, in the river. If the video the OP shared is indeed the "rest of the story" this Tyler fellow is screwed.
More reasons you don't take a cell phone to a strip club, rookies.
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Something does not add up. Anyone else think the buck was shot and wounded, tracked with the dog, and finished off in the pond when the dog bayed it???
From what I've been able to gather on Instagram that's exactly what happened. I wonder if Mississippi fish and game has seen the video.
Have no idea if the two bucks are the same buck. But I do know from experience - and try to relate to hunters all the time - is the axiom that "big bucks cause hunters to lose their minds." Big bucks will turn a normal, ethical person into a law-breaker. I've seen it way too many times.
Well said it is absolutely crazy what a big deer will do to some people.
Little investigative googlin' found this...I cannot open the video but the title says it died in the water and there is a picture of the deer in the water.
*I can for some reason, scroll through and see some tabs. Appears he shot the deer in the daylight then recovered it in the dark, in the river. If the video the OP shared is indeed the "rest of the story" this Tyler fellow is screwed.
More reasons you don't take a cell phone to a strip club, rookies.
Agreed, perfect example of "No Cell Phones in Strip Clubs"
More to that "story", the deer was wasted because it was hung up to dry for a day before it was dry enough for the picture. Far fetched, but it keeps getting more interesting after seeing that he had turned off all comments to the pictures of the deer on Instagram.
Definitely seems as if the deer had to be wasted seeing as how they left the hide on long enough for it to dry. I'm a firm believer that where there is smoke there is fire. Just seems odd that in the published video and most of the still photos I found there is no visible arrow wound on the left side of the deer's neck where he gets shot in the cell phone video. Also it's very clear in the published video that the original shot on the deer is fatal. For him to have to shoot the deer again means they had to track it entirely too quickly instead of letting the deer lay and die on his own. If that's the case holy cow did they botch the entire situation badly.
For him to have to shoot the deer again means they had to track it entirely too quickly instead of letting the deer lay and die on his own. If that's the case holy cow did they botch the entire situation badly.
Careful, there are several on TNDeer that think you are supposed to run after them and jump them up so they bleed out faster.
Little investigative googlin' found this...I cannot open the video but the title says it died in the water and there is a picture of the deer in the water.
*I can for some reason, scroll through and see some tabs. Appears he shot the deer in the daylight then recovered it in the dark, in the river. If the video the OP shared is indeed the "rest of the story" this Tyler fellow is screwed.
More reasons you don't take a cell phone to a strip club, rookies.
I guess that goes to prove that some people have figured out ways to screw themselves.