If enough people hound the Miss. Dept. of Wildlife, Tyler will be forced to address the issue. You can submit your comment to law enforcement here:
What irks me the most about the situation is the DRY deer in the 'hero shots'. How long did they wait to take pics? Mississippi in September, definite chance of meat spoilage! All about milking that content for the social medias, likes and subscribes. Acting like all was fine and dandy with the hunt. I'm pretty sick and tired of the hidden truths in the hunting industry and among influencers. And as long as no one holds them accountable and they aren't forced to be responsible for their questionable actions, they will just continue to gain fame and riches.

MDWFP - contact us
What irks me the most about the situation is the DRY deer in the 'hero shots'. How long did they wait to take pics? Mississippi in September, definite chance of meat spoilage! All about milking that content for the social medias, likes and subscribes. Acting like all was fine and dandy with the hunt. I'm pretty sick and tired of the hidden truths in the hunting industry and among influencers. And as long as no one holds them accountable and they aren't forced to be responsible for their questionable actions, they will just continue to gain fame and riches.