Tyler Jordan Buck............

On the other hand,
if not for sportsmen, like many of us,
Realtree would never have become a successful company in the first place.
Don't guess I follow but yes that is true.
Along with any other camo or hunting gear company that exists.
Don't guess I follow but yes that is true.
Which came first,
the chicken or the egg?

Just saying, collectively, we bought what Realtree was selling,
and they never would have existed if not for us, BEFORE,
they ever sponsored TNdeer.

Their sponsorship was appreciated,
but don't overlook how they came into position to be a sponsor.

Also, had Realtree not become a successful company capable of advertising/sponsoring TNdeer.com,
some other company might have been more successful in the camo clothing industry? It's not like hunters were not going to buy camo from some other company if Realtree didn't exist?
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On the other hand,
if not for sportsmen, like many of us,
Realtree would never have become a successful company in the first place.
If not for sportsmen, like many of us, what hunting related business (this forum included) would exist? Point taken, I like it
Look what happened to the NY Post. They were censored for speaking about somebody powerful's offspring who'd been on video doing naughty stuff. How'd that turn out?

Money shouldn't be able to buy immunity, and sure as heck shouldn't be used to strong-arm silence for threat of losing it. This is the last place I'd expect to see it.
After seeing the video would you want them to?
Meh. If a company made a quality product, the actions of higher-ups won't stop me from purchasing that quality product. I know that's not the popular opinion, I just don't see the value in it for me to cut my nose to spite my face or whatever the saying is. Again, I know it's not the opinion of most here, as some will swear never doing business with a company for whatever reason...but one bad apple doesn't ruin the batch necessarily.

If not for Reeltree tndeer would have been gone a LONG time ago.
They were the sole supporters (bill payers) for probably 10 years and supported the site before then as well.
Wish they still were! Guess they fell off some time ago.
Meh. If a company made a quality product, the actions of higher-ups won't stop me from purchasing that quality product. I know that's not the popular opinion, I just don't see the value in it for me to cut my nose to spite my face or whatever the saying is. Again, I know it's not the opinion of most here, as some will swear never doing business with a company for whatever reason...but one bad apple doesn't ruin the batch necessarily.

Wish they still were! Guess they fell off some time ago.
Yep, I agree 100%.
It is no different than any other (insert any social dilemma here) if we didn't buy this product or that product or shop in this store or that store we would all starve to death and would be naked.

Yeah the guy "we" dealt with was single handedly responsible for their financial support. He also was responsible for getting my book published.
In fact tndeer was the ONLY website Reeltree paid ANYTHING to in terms of advertisement.
He changed jobs and was able to get it done one more year but then they pulled.
Can't say I really blame them, I mean what did they really gain from it? Absolutely nothing, other than the thanks and respect from the site and the members.

I'm just glad some people don't live in glass houses.
That's all I have to say about that.
Yep, I agree 100%.
It is no different than any other (insert any social dilemma here) if we didn't buy this product or that product or shop in this store or that store we would all starve to death and would be naked.
Over the years on tndeer there's a laundry list of places we're not supposed to support. Walmart, target, dicks (sporting goods), I think academy, gander mountain, and the list goes on. I think there's some brand of vehicles we aren't supposed to drive. Heck I can't keep up with it because it changes all the time 🤣
Over the years on tndeer there's a laundry list of places we're not supposed to support. Walmart, target, dicks (sporting goods), I think academy, gander mountain, and the list goes on. I think there's some brand of vehicles we aren't supposed to drive. Heck I can't keep up with it because it changes all the time 🤣
Not to mention drinking or eating anything Pepsi like Taco Bell, KFC. But I really like the Lay's Sweet Heat BBQ chips......
So this Thread is what stopped the Seek One Thread.
61 pages
Sad A Christmas Story GIF by filmeditor
Intended for bgoodman.

I was referring to the typical lynch mob mentality that we see everywhere in todays world especially on SM. "Lets beat his ass" "Ban him from hunting" string him up! All before they even know an inkling of facts and also who probably would have done the same thing if they were in that situation.. That stuff gets on my nerves.. That is all carry on..
I was referring to the typical lynch mob mentality that we see everywhere in todays world especially on SM. "Lets beat his ass" "Ban him from hunting" string him up! All before they even know an inkling of facts and also who probably would have done the same thing if they were in that situation.. That stuff gets on my nerves.. That is all carry on..
Amen! So much self righteousness in the world anymore, i cant say i wouldnt done the same thing, if i injured a deer im doing everything in my power to recover it and not let it suffer because i blotched it on my end at crunch time
Video seems unethical in terms of behavior. I'm a fan of putting down any wounded animal. Hope someone would do the same for me if in a situation where I was going to die rather than letting me suffer. I'd just hope they weren't jubilant about the task.

Realtree, eh don't care much.

Tyler, still don't like him because he looks like that guy I know who I don't like. That joker was a real jerk. Hit on my buddy's girl, dinged up another buddy's car. Not fair to Tyler, might like the guy if I knew him or he might come with his own set of issues I disliked. Either way, I'm choosing to dislike him for irrational reasons. Been spending too much time with my wife apparently...
Just think if it wasn't for real tree we would still be wearing flannel shirts and jeans. No way a deer could be killed wearing stuff like that. Bill Jordan's did a lot for the hunting community as a whole. And bill Jordan is realtree. So let's not be mad a him. And honestly had they no videoed anything we wouldn't know any of this had happened. How the video got leaked is beyond me. And why record that to begin with. Like we all have said if they don't make a hunting crime punishable or zero consequences. Then why not just let poachers do what they do and so on.

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