Tyler Jordan Buck............

Not a fan of his. At allā€¦.. But the dude gut or stomach shot the deer. Clear in the video and even more clear with a hard recovery. Deer likely would have died of sepsis eventually after the adrenaline wore off

He finished the deer. I would have done same. Any way possible. Dogs, boats, four wheelers, knives, bows, glocks, or grenades.

The way he carried him self before it all and just in general on social media is a different matter altogether.
Just me assuming and that's all it is is an assumption. I'd say it's either someone that was recently terminated that is mad now. Or if still employed at the time I'd say are unemployed now lol.

I was guessing whoever recorded it sent it to a buddy or two. Each buddy prob sent to another or two and before you know it, it either rubbed someone the wrong way or someone obtained it that didn't like him to begin with.

Pure speculation
I don't usually share an opinion on stuff like this here and don't mean to start now. But I didn't know much about Tyler Jordan other than he's Bill's son and I was curious how old he is. Thus, I "Googled" him. I found this and just thought it was funny/ironic given the discussion. I added the bolding to point out the irony. :)

He graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2015 with a degree in public relations and image management.
Over the years on tndeer there's a laundry list of places we're not supposed to support. Walmart, target, dicks (sporting goods), I think academy, gander mountain, and the list goes on. I think there's some brand of vehicles we aren't supposed to drive. Heck I can't keep up with it because it changes all the time šŸ¤£
Over the years on tndeer there's a laundry list of places we're not supposed to support. Walmart, target, dicks (sporting goods), I think academy, gander mountain, and the list goes on. I think there's some brand of vehicles we aren't supposed to drive. Heck I can't keep up with it because it changes all the time šŸ¤£
Don't forget Nike or the NFL! I cringe every time I see my kids wearing Nike stuff.

One of the first places we should never support again was Smith and Wesson. I can even remember why, but they were sold to Thompkins or some company in England and banned something. Then the NRA was worthlessā€¦etc.

I guess it never ends.
Don't forget Nike or the NFL! I cringe every time I see my kids wearing Nike stuff.

One of the first places we should never support again was Smith and Wesson. I can even remember why, but they were sold to Thompkins or some company in England and banned something. Then the NRA was worthlessā€¦etc.

I guess it never ends.
Yep. Agree. Also dont forget all the college sports programs that push their liberal agendas either. I will never purchase nike attire and was instrumental in getting our school to go with a vendor that did not sell nike products
Careful, there are several on TNDeer that think you are supposed to run after them and jump them up so they bleed out faster.

What idiot would think something like that? Our GSW protocols now involve immediate treadmill exertion. Survival rates have gone through the roof! šŸ˜‚

Pretty sure Bowriter believed you took up tracking immediately. He wasn't even close to an idiot.
Just a different philosophy
Pretty sure Bowriter believed you took up tracking immediately. He wasn't even close to an idiot.
Just a different philosophy
Bowriter was the very first person I thought of when I seen this lol. He was a firm believer to go after it asap and push it and bleed it out. Although I try not to do that he was way smarter than I am.
Bowriter was the very first person I thought of when I seen this lol. He was a firm believer to go after it asap and push it and bleed it out. Although I try not to do that he was way smarter than I am.
Iirc, Bowriter pushing them was for single lung and liver hits...not pure gut hits. But maybe i dont remember correctly. But most of us don't have the luxury of recording our hunts in 4k to review the footage before taking up a track to see exactly where we hit.
I'm 110% on board with finishing the job if you made a bad hit and the deer is in a bad way. But this deer was swimming quite well. Sure didn't seem mortally wounded.
That was my thought. if he can swim like that he probably rubs some dirt on it and lives... I wouldn't let an animal suffer though, laws be damned. I also wouldn't take a video of me doing something illegal, thus alleviating the chance that it leaks. Young people don't get that documenting every aspect of your life isn't always a good thing. I am glad we didn't have cell phones when I was younger. šŸ˜‚
just because tyler did something stupid, its not going to stop me from buying realtree camo. the company didnt do this, TYLER did.

Bingo. I don't see this as a reflection on the quality or ethics of the company. This kid screwed up, and IMO should be subject to the same legal penalties you or I would be. But I'm not boycotting Realtree because of it. Heaven forbid my dad's income was affected every time I did something stupid. I'd have caused my family to starve!