UFC 121 Lesnar vs. Velasquez official thread

Ha...if Carwin couldn't finish him...how could the little man???
Pretty obvious if you saw both fights.
Cain has a gas tank and Carwin doesnt. Carwin went for broke and wore himself out in the first round punching lesnar in the arms.
The only fight I care to see in the ufc heavyweight division is between Dos Santos and Velasquez. The Ufc seems content to recycle and rematch it's high profile fighters, because they are selling pay-per-views. Dana White doesn't seem willing to do what it takes to bring in world class talent.

If he had swallowed his pride and brought in Emelianenko sevaral years ago, he truly would have had the best fighter in the world. Instead he chose to belittle him and his team. It is a shame that the world's best heavyweight could not have performed on the world's biggest stage when he was in his prime.
Even now, I feel the two top heavyweights, Emelianenko and Overeem are outside of the ufc.
I was kidding about the "he threw the fight" thing. I watched it several time more and Cain is a big powerful guy also. Cain was always hitting Brock with something to the head. Several elbows here and there, a good knee to the head/jaw and lots of punches to the head just did the damage. I now think Lesner was just beat and showed his inexperience in MMA (real fighting).
medwc said:
I was kidding about the "he threw the fight" thing. I watched it several time more and Cain is a big powerful guy also. Cain was always hitting Brock with something to the head. Several elbows here and there, a good knee to the head/jaw and lots of punches to the head just did the damage. I now think Lesner was just beat and showed his inexperience in MMA (real fighting).

I I wasn't blasting you, just saying when a big fighter loses everyone that are fans goes into the DENIAL cave and won't come out then there like well he had a Vasectomy 3 days prior to the fight or he has kidney stones or he broke his finger in training, its not the ole....He just plain ole got his ASS whipped but this post of yours explained it well I'm not saying brock don't belong here as he was the best...but Entertainment is where he is best, he just don't impress me with his lay on em 60lbs heavier and punch...If I was the best in a 150lb class and someone 200lbs fought me and laid on me I wouldnt win either, I think there wieghts should be the same on fight day no weight gain....look at his fights....while most by TKO and KO indeed but its just 5....one loss to a SUB the other a TKO....O ya Brock beat Carwin by Sub which I said time and time again I was impress to see him use soemthing different my 2 cents only....

I told my cousin today....If Jim Carrey fought Brock I would pull for Jim Carrey thats just me....I can't stand Brock he is WWE Material IMO