Monster KY buck down with the Ulmer Edge. Getting good reviews!
Radar said:They are great heads , and that is a Nice buck . I'm sure many bucks will fall with the Ulmer Edge with well placed shots , yet like any other broadhead , there will probably be a few hunters who make poor shots and blame it on the heads . That's why I don't spend too much time on AT .
UTGrad said:I picked up a pack and I really like the features and design of this head. I was lucky to get one of the packs with dull blades but I simply touched them up with a diamond stone and now they are sharp. Each head weighs exactly 98.8 grains on my scale. That's excellent consistency. I did talk to Zach at Trophy Taker cause there is a trick when reassembling the blades to get the blades to function properly and lock. This trick was not in the instructions. The set screw weighs 3 grains. So far they are dead on at 20 yards and blasting through my broadhead target. These will be in my quiver.