Upgrading for next season

AR turkey

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score
Well after much consideration I've decided to upgrade my shotgun and put a reddot scope on it for next season. My question is what scope would be a good one to go with without breaking the bank? My shotgun is a mossberg 535 turkey thug edition with a 20 inch barrel.
I tried the eotech in several models, my opinion is it would be great on an assault rifle, but sucked for what I was looking for with regards to turkey hunting.

I bought the Burris speed bead and absolutely love it, can't imagine having anything else.

I reluctantly went to a red dot because I had some serious issues with keeping my head down on my new sbe II with the pistol grip. A buddy advised on the Burris and he couldn't have been more spot on.

Btw for those who remember me talking about not missing, I missed 5 birds in 6 hunts this year here in TN because I didn't adjust to a new weapon and shooting beads very well at all. It makes me sick talking about it still, but it did extend my season :)
I missed 2 times this season because of not being very familiar with this new gun. It has the pistol grip and adjustable stock as well. I must have patterned it 15 times but when the game was on the line I kept missing. I knew what I was doing wrong but couldn't seem to help myself! On my 2nd miss, I put my head down in my hands and almost had a hissy fit! It all worked out in the end and I got my birds but not without some stress. That is the main reason I decided to put a scope of some sort on.
Poser said:
Roost 1 said:
in the long run I think you would be best served with the EOTech 512.

What advantage does the 5.12 offer the turkey hunter over the 5.11?
I know that the 5.12 is compatible with night vision gear and waterproof down to 60 feet, but neither of those options are relevant unless you're turkey hunting with the Navy Seals.

I dont know. Its the one i looked at the show and i knew it had the recticle i wanted. I love that cirle with the dot in the middle. turkeys head in circle = dead turkey
AR turkey said:
Well after much consideration I've decided to upgrade my shotgun and put a reddot scope on it for next season.
What factors, experiences, reasons drove you to desire the first upgrade (new gun)? The reason I ask is I personally have a hard time letting go of something I have had a bunch of success with. I understand this may not be the case with you. Furthermore, I am not saying you made the wrong decision by any means, just wanting to hear more about what led to this decision so maybe myself and others can learn something from it. The same question stands for Setterman. I am really taken back by his decision after reading his posts over the years. I am looking forward to hearing what led each of you to seek out this upgrade of a new gun, especially if you two had continued success with your old equipment. For example, was it a need (certain limitations with your old equipment, eye sight waning, changed hunting conditions, etc) or was it more of a want? Thanks in advance for your feedback and best of luck with your final choice.
AR turkey said:
I missed 2 times this season because of not being very familiar with this new gun. It has the pistol grip and adjustable stock as well. I must have patterned it 15 times but when the game was on the line I kept missing. I knew what I was doing wrong but couldn't seem to help myself! On my 2nd miss, I put my head down in my hands and almost had a hissy fit! It all worked out in the end and I got my birds but not without some stress. That is the main reason I decided to put a scope of some sort on.

Try missing 5 times in a row, it got the point I would literally laugh out loud in the woods.

My problem seems to be the same as yours, something about the comb of the pistol grip caused me to not get my head all the way down. There are no decent fiber optic sights for a SBE II that I could find, and was used to using Star Dots which are no longer made. I couldn't get my head right, and shot over every bird by several feet.

So far with the speed bead I haven't missed, and am really impressed so far with it in the field. This is after I tried the eotech, and thought it was worthless for me.
Andy S. said:
AR turkey said:
Well after much consideration I've decided to upgrade my shotgun and put a reddot scope on it for next season.
What factors, experiences, reasons drove you to desire the first upgrade (new gun)? The reason I ask is I personally have a hard time letting go of something I have had a bunch of success with. I understand this may not be the case with you. Furthermore, I am not saying you made the wrong decision by any means, just wanting to hear more about what led to this decision so maybe myself and others can learn something from it. The same question stands for Setterman. I am really taken back by his decision after reading his posts over the years. I am looking forward to hearing what led each of you to seek out this upgrade of a new gun, especially if you two had continued success with your old equipment. For example, was it a need (certain limitations with your old equipment, eye sight waning, changed hunting conditions, etc) or was it more of a want? Thanks in advance for your feedback and best of luck with your final choice.

Mine was selfish want. I had been shooting the same BPS for 10 years, and had never missed with it, and racked up 76 longbeards while carrying it.

I got it in my head last year that wanted to shoot an Auto loader, and bought a SBE II, but never shot it or patterned it. I sold it last Summer and bought a SBE II with a steady grip this past winter. I fought with fiber optic sights, that I hated and in the past had used Star dots, but the quit making them. All the ones I tried for the SBE were terrible, and I couldn't get my new gun to pattern right, it always shot high.

I took all the fiber optics off, and it shot great using both beads. I patterned it 50 times and it was deadly. However, what happened to me, was that when it was time to pull the trigger, the slightest tweak of my head caused me to shoot high because both beads were lined up. In other words my head was raising ever so slightly and it caused me to pull high.

I was torn with whether to sell the SBE II, and by a new BPS. I talked to a buddy who was going through the same thing, and he had already switched to the Speedbead, and loved it. I did the same, and hate having an electronic sight, but my shooting is perfect, and that is as recently as this morning being tested.

Missing 5 birds, is unacceptable in 10 years time, let alone 6 hunts in a row during the same season. It has taken me all season to recover and I still have 1 TN tag to fill which is fine because I am still able to hunt for myself later than normal.

My advice is be careful, when you choose a new gun, and if I had it all to do over again I would have shot my old BPS until it fell apart in my hands. I still have it, and may go back to it next year.
This was the first year with this new gun and I patterned it several times and was very pleased with where I would hit and the amount of pellets in the kill zone. Then I went to Kansas and missed 2 back to back at no further than 25 yards. I know it was due to just getting excited and not keeping my head down. None the less it was very frustrating! I ended up calming myself down and having a successful season. All I had on my gun was a front bead. One of my buddies has a gobble stopper scope on his and he was telling me that as long as he had the dot on the bird it didn't matter where or how his head was situated. So that's the reason I thought about putting a scope On the new gun. The reason for getting the new gun was simply that I was using my waterfowl gun Winchester superx2 for turkey hunting and I wanted a specialized turkey gun.
I have the Mossberg 835 Turkey Thug series and it came with a TruGlo 30mm red dot. It has shot great with no issues. I limited out this year with it. I checked on the Speed bead because a buddy of mine got one and loved it, but I don't think Burris makes one for a mossberg. I couldn't find one anyway. But you said not break the bank, the speed bead is over 200 and the truglo is a little over 50 bucks... both will kill turkey and get you on target.
Setterman said:
Try missing 5 times in a row, it got the point I would literally laugh out loud in the woods.

My problem seems to be the same as yours, something about the comb of the pistol grip caused me to not get my head all the way down. There are no decent fiber optic sights for a SBE II that I could find, and was used to using Star Dots which are no longer made. I couldn't get my head right, and shot over every bird by several feet.

So far with the speed bead I haven't missed, and am really impressed so far with it in the field. This is after I tried the eotech, and thought it was worthless for me.
whoooah... I didn't know you ever missed..... :D
I have a Burris FFII on my gun and have killed 3 turkeys over the last two seasons with it. I am very happy with it. The new Burris FastFire III is out now and has a couple nice features over the II, but I bet you could get a deal on the II now.
Setterman, I say this with all the sensitivity I can in written word, but you must be a stuborn stuborn human. If I miss twice in a row (only done it bow hunting) everything gets torn down and reput together and shot until my confidence is back.

I didn't put a red dot on but I did add a stock extention to my 870, camoed it, added a sling, an aftermarket choke, moved to hevi-13, and a set of fibers this year. Its a killing son of a gun now.

Course the year before I killed both I shot at too...
BowGuy84 said:
Setterman, I say this with all the sensitivity I can in written word, but you must be a stuborn stuborn human. If I miss twice in a row (only done it bow hunting) everything gets torn down and reput together and shot until my confidence is back.

I didn't put a red dot on but I did add a stock extention to my 870, camoed it, added a sling, an aftermarket choke, moved to hevi-13, and a set of fibers this year. Its a killing son of a gun now.

Course the year before I killed both I shot at too...

I am as stubborn as anything imaginable, and refused to admit that I had a personal issue with my head rising at the momment of truth. For years I have preached to my buddies to focus at the climax of the hunt, so they don't fail. Well, I couldn't overcome and focus hard enough to make up for the change with the new stock.

I don't whether to call it stupidity or stubborness. I should have thrown the new stock away, and gone back to what had been working.