Andy S. said:
AR turkey said:
Well after much consideration I've decided to upgrade my shotgun and put a reddot scope on it for next season.
What factors, experiences, reasons drove you to desire the first upgrade (
new gun)? The reason I ask is I personally have a hard time letting go of something I have had a bunch of success with. I understand this may not be the case with you. Furthermore, I am not saying you made the wrong decision by any means, just wanting to hear more about what led to this decision so maybe myself and others can learn something from it. The same question stands for Setterman. I am really taken back by his decision after reading his posts over the years. I am looking forward to hearing what led each of you to seek out this upgrade of a new gun, especially if you two had continued success with your old equipment. For example, was it a need (certain limitations with your old equipment, eye sight waning, changed hunting conditions, etc) or was it more of a want? Thanks in advance for your feedback and best of luck with your final choice.
Mine was selfish want. I had been shooting the same BPS for 10 years, and had never missed with it, and racked up 76 longbeards while carrying it.
I got it in my head last year that wanted to shoot an Auto loader, and bought a SBE II, but never shot it or patterned it. I sold it last Summer and bought a SBE II with a steady grip this past winter. I fought with fiber optic sights, that I hated and in the past had used Star dots, but the quit making them. All the ones I tried for the SBE were terrible, and I couldn't get my new gun to pattern right, it always shot high.
I took all the fiber optics off, and it shot great using both beads. I patterned it 50 times and it was deadly. However, what happened to me, was that when it was time to pull the trigger, the slightest tweak of my head caused me to shoot high because both beads were lined up. In other words my head was raising ever so slightly and it caused me to pull high.
I was torn with whether to sell the SBE II, and by a new BPS. I talked to a buddy who was going through the same thing, and he had already switched to the Speedbead, and loved it. I did the same, and hate having an electronic sight, but my shooting is perfect, and that is as recently as this morning being tested.
Missing 5 birds, is unacceptable in 10 years time, let alone 6 hunts in a row during the same season. It has taken me all season to recover and I still have 1 TN tag to fill which is fine because I am still able to hunt for myself later than normal.
My advice is be careful, when you choose a new gun, and if I had it all to do over again I would have shot my old BPS until it fell apart in my hands. I still have it, and may go back to it next year.