USPS 2 for 2

It gets federal tax dollars but I was led to believe it has operated in the red for years.

I know it is being ran at a deficit but didn't think fed tax $ was used to run it. Part the reason for deficits is building the new processing places.

It would be interesting see current delivery rates accuracy between the 3 competitors.

By the way I have no affiliation with USPS other than being a customer sending and receiving mail.
I know it is being ran at a deficit but didn't think fed tax $ was used to run it. Part the reason for deficits is building the new processing places.

It would be interesting see current delivery rates accuracy between the 3 competitors.

By the way I have no affiliation with USPS other than being a customer sending and receiving mail.
Its a PDF:

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) generates nearly all of itsfunding—about $78.5 billion annually according to theUSPS's most recent financial report—by charging users ofthe mail for the costs of the services it provides. Congress,however, does provide an annual appropriation—about $50million in FY2023—to compensate the USPS for revenue itforgoes in providing free mailing privileges to the blind andoverseas voters. In addition, the annual appropriationcompensates the USPS for debt it accumulated in the 1990swhile providing postal services at below-cost rates tononprofit organizations. Historically, the appropriation hasnot always compensated the USPS for all of the revenueforgone.

For FY2024, the President's budget includes a requestof $75.5 million for the Postal Service Fund tocompensate for revenue forgone in providing free andreduced mail. This is $25.28 million more than theFY2023 request and FY2023 enacted appropriations.
I don't think anyone on here is bashing individual employees. I have more that one friend that worked/works for the Post Office, and I am well aware of the work ethic and professionalism they brought/bring to their job. My dealings locally with postal employees has been largely positive.

But, it is hard to get around how much the organization as a WHOLE has declined in recent years even as the cost of doing business with them has gone up. It is past time for some major improvements or to see them privatized. That might actually work out better for their good employees.
I would be in favor (as a rule) with privatization of the PO. Principally it SHOULD be cheaper and more efficient. Your assessment of the past few years I think is correct, but I will add context. First, I can't begin to make people understand the increase in the number of packages we deliver now. At my office we now deliver more packages per day than we did in a week pre COVID. Pay has barely increased in that time. Postal management is an unholy tyrant oftentimes, and the new workforce is incredibly inept. The Post Office used to be a desired place to work with competitive pay and benefits, but no more. Management has always been heavy handed, but I lay way more blame on the unions in the post office. The post office is, in many ways, very inefficient. That inefficiency is largely due to its mandates, both constitutionally and by Congress in the last 20 years. The model is broken and needs revamped or replaced. Something I hope DOGE can accomplish.
With all that being said up front, I still would much rather have my packages be shipped through the post office than any one else. I track "lost" packages on a daily basis, and I have a good feel for what is happening with most of them. It's still cheaper than UPS for most packages to most places. Letter mail is WAY cheaper than other countries. In all my 56 years, I have never had a letter not get to its destination, or even take over a week, and I don't have a friend or family member that hasn't either. Also, it stands to reason that if the rate of delayed or missent packages is the same now as it has been, that the number of missent packages is 5-10 times more since that is how many more packages are being sent.
I still get packages in the mail from Amazon but I live in a rural area. I guess Amazon doesn't want to put hubs out in the country with lower population densities. The only time I have had issues with packages was ordering through midway and they shipped via ups and passed it on to usps. Apparently the hand off had issues. Congress screwed the post office in 2006 when they required the post office prefund retiree health benefits. That combined with competition from ups and FedEx has caused their deficit. When people talk about their packages bouncing around from place to place, it makes me wonder why it's cheaper to fly from nashville to Memphis going through Atlanta than it is for a direct flight. That's private, right?
I have mailed, thru USPS, probably well over a few hundred packages n the last couple years all over TN, and to probably around 25 or so other states. Out of all of packages, have only had 2 issues. 1 was going to Baxter tn (it arrived about 2 weeks late) and other was to Rutledge Tn and was about 3 or 4 days longer then normal.
Hope my luck keeps going!
Let me and Brandon? 😂

I remember one going to Ybor City (Havana North) FL. 😂
I'm still trying to figure out why a USPS rant is in the deer hunting sub forum...and not the general... 😂 😂
People can't help but contaminate other forums. I was thinking about starting a thread on feminine hygiene on the trapping forum even though it would be more appropriate in the rifle forum seeing as they like to talk about 6.5 creed over there.
[SNIP] When people talk about their packages bouncing around from place to place, it makes me wonder why it's cheaper to fly from nashville to Memphis going through Atlanta than it is for a direct flight. That's private, right?

Airline ticket prices are based on the size of the airports, number of daily flights and number of different carriers that fly into and out of.

I just booked round trip to SJU from BNA, nonstop Business Plus $323 per ticket.
Return from SJU to BNA, no non stop flights, cheapest Business Plus $778 with 2.5 hour layover in MCO
Airline ticket prices are based on the size of the airports, number of daily flights and number of different carriers that fly into and out of.

I just booked round trip to SJU from BNA, nonstop Business Plus $323 per ticket.
Return from SJU to BNA, no non stop flights, cheapest Business Plus $778 with 2.5 hour layover in MCO
But if I were to fly from Atlanta to Memphis, those same airlines would fly me through Nashville cheaper than a direct fight????
So how many company's with that many employes and services have a perfect record? how many folks that are here work for large company's without some type of issues? We always hear about the problems rarely the positives, I wonder what the rate is for packages handled properly vs fudged up?
But if I were to fly from Atlanta to Memphis, those same airlines would fly me through Nashville cheaper than a direct fight????
It all depends on airline and flight time

Memphis is one of the most expensive airports to fly into or out of.
I lived there 30 years and many times would drive to Little Rock to fly and save over 50%.

One trip, my daughter needed a one way ticket to Orlando. From Memphis it was non stop and over $700.

Same flight from Little Rock was one stop and cost around $250.

The one stop was in Memphis, but the airline wouldn't let me buy the ticket from LIT-MCO and her board in Memphis. So off to LIT we went...

I'm flying out to California in July for an Alan Parsons Project Concert. Taking a friend from Jackson,TN with me. Flights from Memphis to Sacramento are $300 more than the flights from Nashville on the same day and airline.
As for going places other than a direct line to destination... I have to assume it's much like when I drove otr. When I wanted to go home, I had to give my dispatcher a couple weeks notice (unless an emergency). It had to be worked backwards. Regardless of where I was, if I wanted to be in Knoxville on the 22nd (2 wks from today), he would find a load coming into Knoxville on the 22nd(or close). If that load picked up on the 20th in Ohio, then he would find a load delivering nearby on the 19th or early the 20th. If that load picked up on the 15th in California, then he would find a load delivering in Cali on the 14th, etc. Work it all the way back to today. I could be 4 hrs away in Atlanta, but be ran all over the country in order to get paid all the way home. Obviously, if an emergency...I would just head home from Atlanta...on my own dime (I owned my truck).
If you ship something from Memphis to Knoxville and there isn't a load going there, but is one going to Atlanta...and Atlanta has one scheduled to go to Knoxville, it just makes more sense to send to Atlanta (to get on that truck) rather than making a special trip. If it's an "emergency", you can pay more for overnight.
So how many company's with that many employes and services have a perfect record? how many folks that are here work for large company's without some type of issues? We always hear about the problems rarely the positives, I wonder what the rate is for packages handled properly vs fudged up?
All companies have issues. I have worked for several that always ran in the red. I have no idea how they kept their doors open as long as they did. I have been working in software development for the last 30 plus years. There are always bugs and complaints. You would think these companies couldn't do anything right based on the complaints. People who are happy stay quiet which is why you only hear the whiners.
Since the Postal Reorganization Act came into effect in 1971, the USPS has been mandated to be self-financing and rely solely on revenue from stamps and package deliveries to support itself.[158][10] In 1982, postal stamps were changed to be categorized as products rather than a form of taxation, and since then, the Postal Service has no longer received taxpayer funding.[158]
The problem I see mainly is USPS still answers to friggen congress they control rates and how much the organization can increase stamps and package rates so these people complaining don't have to pay too much. Plus they take money from the USPS just like they did when the USPS was under the budget and tax dollars. Nothing has changed.
They are osha cash cow.

The postal service delivers more packages and first class mail than any other outfit out there.

Here is the bottom line you don't have to use the USPS at all. Just like I don't use UPS or Fedx.