
Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
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NE Tennessee
Curious what you think about them. They shouldve have had some field time now to start getting some feedback. Any help would be appreciated.
I have 2. I really like the pics they take and they don't spook deer at all. The trigger speed is good too. Check chasingame.com for a more complete review. I will say I had them quick working but have been happy with customer service.
Motion blur makes some night pics pretty useless for rack details other than "that's a buck" but if you set it to take 3 pics on each trigger then you'll probably get at least one good one. Day pics are really nice. Deer show no reaction at all in the black flash pics. Mine has worked fine from the start...no problems.
I have three, one of the original version (solid olive exterior) and two of the newer version (camo exterior). The two newer versions work quite well. The one original version occassionally displays glitches. The only problem I've had with the newer version units is, on occassion, the units do not write the burst-mode pictures to the card. They will write the first picture of a series, but not the burst mode pictures (the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. pictures--however many rapid succession pictures you have it set to take after the first picture). But this problem only occurs about once every 20 or 30 triggers.

As with ALL black-flash cameras the NT50B suffers from shorter night-time illumination distances (although they are as good as most of the red-glow IR cams) and night-time motion-blur. But if you want to be sure the flash is not causing deer to avoid the camera, black-flash is the only way to go.

As I do more and more monitoring of real and mock scrapes, black-flash is about the only thing I will use. However, I still have some white-flash cameras for monitoring food plots (longer flash range) and some super-power red-glow IR cams for covering wide areas.
Thanks Guys
I have been holding off to give the Uway a chance to get some reviews. I have checked many online source for info and really not much bad to speak of out there.

I knew there were several on this site using them already and was hoping to hear from you guys. Thanks again!

BSK, it was hard to wait this long, and the Reconyx almost made it way to my house, but for the cost, I thought I would try 2 UWays :) Thanks for ya'lls input!

backstraps said:
I have been holding off to give the Uway a chance to get some reviews.
Yea, I was thinking the same thing, kept checking the reviews on Chasingame.com, and trying to find info from other users. Held off until late October, got two of the NT50B's, and got them from different sources

Guess I was just unlucky. Very disappointed in them.
Will write a more detailed and critical review later.

But in the meantime, one is eating batteries, neither of the remotes (one came with each cam) will hold a charge. The one that's eating batteries is laying on the table now, as I'm waiting on instructions from Uway regarding returning it. This particular unit will eat rechargables in 24 to 48 hours, and a new set of Duracells in about 3 days. But kind of hard to check on them in the field when neither of the remotes work unless they're hooked up to your computer.

Regarding those remotes, I initially thought that was going to be a great feature. But even if they worked properly, it's a real pain to connect them to the bottom of the cam for field servicing. I had thought they were truly "remotes", i.e. wireless. They're just a device you have to connect to the cam to set it or make any changes in the settings, including evaluating any remaining battery life. Without a working remote, you cannot use these cams.

But guess they're OK if you don't get a lemon, or in my case, two.
I used the remote to set it up initially, but after that I just change out the SD cards about once a week and bring the card back to view on my computer. Haven't used the remote in the field because I've kept the same settings. I'm still on the same set of Duracell's that I put in around Nov 15th.
Hogbear said:
Haven't used the remote in the field because I've kept the same settings. I'm still on the same set of Duracell's that I put in around Nov 15th.
What happens when you try to use that remote in the field and it doesn't work?

My remote seemed to work fine with the initial set-up.

Besides from being a pain to connect in the field, I see these remotes becoming the Achilles heel of these Uway cams. You can't do anything to the cam without a working remote. Such as, how do you even know if your cam is still working in the field (or needs some fresh batteries) without using the remote?

Even if your remote works properly, going to be easy to loose or misplace, or simply forget to recharge it.
i just found out on christmas eve one of 2 of my uway blackflash cam's isnt working. mine must be eating batteries too. low self discharge recharg bat's going down in 2 weeks. no pics nothing. i will find out today about returning. the other cam i couldnt check. it had been working good every time but this one has been intermitant. i hate saying but at one property the where this bad cam was the 1r4 outperformed. i hope they can fix we will see. looks like moisture could be the culprit, ive got rust on every piece of metal and especially around the on/off button.
Wes, Mr Hicks: If you dont mind me asking, are your cameras the first edition ones that were olive green?

Thanks for the feedback on the Uway.
I have to admit, using the remote is a pain, but it does allow things other cameras don't (ability to "look through the lens" to make sure the camera is lined up correctly, review the pictures with a fairly high-quality imager, set parameters clearly, etc.).
Yeh, the bad one is sn # 5, the other is sn 21 i think. I got em early in the game. there both solid one is the olive green and the other is dark grey, im dealing with Joe at bee busy, so far so good. called him yesterday, got the rma # and return form from him same day. i will keep you all informed of how long it takes.
I do like the remote, the only thing with it which has happened twice is that its easy for the switch to accidentaly get turned on then when you go check your cam, dead battery. one cool feature i do like is if the cam cant read the sd card it beeps at you. all be it faint but still nice feature.
mr.hicks said:
I do like the remote, the only thing with it which has happened twice is that its easy for the switch to accidentaly get turned on then when you go check your cam, dead battery.

I've had this happen several times. Now I always make sure I'm carrying two remotes.
Found a HCO dealer that is offering a free bear box, and free shipping... 329.99 for the Camo version NT50B Anyone found them any cheaper from a dealer?
backstraps said:
Wes, Mr Hicks: If you dont mind me asking, are your cameras the first edition ones that were olive green?
Not sure which "editions" mine are,
but both were purchased in late October 2010.
One is an NT50B in camo, the other is a solid color.

The camo one is the one that was eating batteries.
It's been laying worthless on the counter now for weeks, just waiting for me to send it in for "repair or replacement" under the conditional warranty, i.e. you pay the shipping to the service center along with $12 for them to "handle" and ship something back. Maybe that's not unreasonable, but disappointing when the product doesn't work "right out of the box". Hope they don't want another $24 for the two remotes that Day One wouldn't hold a charge.

My "solid color" NT50B seems to be working OK, albeit with some previously noted inconveniences. The batteries sometimes lose contact when setting/testing/checking, but are OK once the door is shut back. Just a pain to "check on it" using the remote, especially when the remote's charge dies while you're trying to check the cam.

For those using the true "Black Flash" extender slave flash, is there any practical or easy way to check your battery level in the field? How many weeks are you usually getting from a set of 4 D batteries with these extenders?
My NT50Bs are extremely easy on batteries, and I'm using alkeline instead of rechargables. I strongly suspect mine would easily last 3 months on one set of batteries.
backstraps said:
Found a HCO dealer that is offering a free bear box, and free shipping... 329.99 for the Camo version NT50B Anyone found them any cheaper from a dealer?
Don't know about the "cheaper" part, but the only place I'd consider now is


Their price/package deal will be competitive, and I prefer doing business with a TN dealer I trust.
Joe at BeeBusyOutdoors has waived the 12 fee for them to mail 'em back. so far he's been great to work with. at the time bee busy beat there price and i found a ton of people giving kudos out to bee busy outdoors. i hardly could ever make 'contact' with the huntin shack. its a partime business for him so that im sure is the reason.
Got mine from the same dealer Wes linked above. The first one had a slow and narrow trigger and poor image quality. I contacted HCO after a month and they replaced it no charge, no hassle. (Customer Service has been very good -- they also replaced a Scoutguard that quit working right at the 1 year warranty).

The replacement Uway NT50B worked great for 3 months but quit working on 12/18. I've got to contact them again to get another replacement.