Wanting a new bow...

Yep different strokes for different folks.

I don't enjoy sitting in a treestand with it 90 degrees, sweat rolling off me, and then having to deal with skeeters, gnats, yellow jackets, etc. If you do shoot a deer, your work has just begun. Now you are in a race against those green flies, yellow jackets, and the deer itself spoiling due to it being 80-90 degrees. You gotta gut it, drag it, load it, then either drive it to a processors or cut it up yourself. I found myself sitting there thinking of all the other things I could be doing with my time. Same goes for when its cold. I can get a lot more enjoyment out of the outdoors if I am comfortable. And a high of 20 degrees, dressed in layers and still freezing my rear off...that ain't fun or enjoyable to me.

I can sit on my porch in the evenings and enjoy nature just as good. Or take a trip on some of these backroads in the evenings and see all the deer and turkey I could possibly want to see. I can even point the camera and shoot 'em without all the work of having to deal with 'em after the shot.

I think everybody craves a little ego boosting...if they'll admit to it. Most wont. But they do it anyway. If it didn't matter about the kill, and if the kill was no big of a deal...then why take pictures of it, and why send it to all your buddies via phone as soon as you've killed one, and why post it on the forums/social media for everybody to see?
Crow Terminator said:
Yep different strokes for different folks.

I don't enjoy sitting in a treestand with it 90 degrees, sweat rolling off me, and then having to deal with skeeters, gnats, yellow jackets, etc. If you do shoot a deer, your work has just begun. Now you are in a race against those green flies, yellow jackets, and the deer itself spoiling due to it being 80-90 degrees. You gotta gut it, drag it, load it, then either drive it to a processors or cut it up yourself. I found myself sitting there thinking of all the other things I could be doing with my time. Same goes for when its cold. I can get a lot more enjoyment out of the outdoors if I am comfortable. And a high of 20 degrees, dressed in layers and still freezing my rear off...that ain't fun or enjoyable to me.

I can sit on my porch in the evenings and enjoy nature just as good. Or take a trip on some of these backroads in the evenings and see all the deer and turkey I could possibly want to see. I can even point the camera and shoot 'em without all the work of having to deal with 'em after the shot.

I think everybody craves a little ego boosting...if they'll admit to it. Most wont. But they do it anyway. If it didn't matter about the kill, and if the kill was no big of a deal...then why take pictures of it, and why send it to all your buddies via phone as soon as you've killed one, and why post it on the forums/social media for everybody to see?
If I hunted just for an ego boost , I'd be disappointed if I didn't kill a deer every time out or the biggest . I have been bowhunting since 1980 , and don't have the desire to impress others , just to share a hunt or venison is more important to me . I probably share more cooked venison photos on Facebook and with friends than I do kill pics.
Get a little age on you , and your views may change , Crow . Competition means less and spending time in the outdoors hunting is more relaxing as you get older .
Hell , I watched a 150 class buck locked down on a doe last fall for an hour about 150 yards away , and it was an adrenaline rush I hadn't experienced in some time . I didn't kill it , but I sure tried every call in my bag of tricks to lure him closer . Best hunt I had all season , including the hunts I killed deer . Success or ego doesn't drive me to hunt . If it did , I wouldn't bow hunt during gun season . It's a challenge for me .
Crow Terminator said:
The Pro Comp Elite is a special bow. In hind sight I should have waited for one with Spiral cams. But instead, I jumped on one as soon as it was listed in the classifieds at ArcheryTalk, and it happened to have those GTX cams on it instead of Spirals.

Ah, Grasshopper gains wisdom with experience!

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