ZachMarkus":e4fj2sng said:
A lot of people tag out now days since fanning has became so popular.
I personally know 5 people that have tagged out this year from behind a fan
and two of those people has killed over their limit.
My take is many of these same people would be "lucky" to kill "a" turkey without the "fanning".
While it can be an effective tactic, the looming question is do we really want it to remain legal?
The official turkey harvest numbers miss a couple big items:
1) Some (or many) of the most avid turkey hunters don't check in all the birds they kill --- it's dishonest, but they rationalize as ok, just as some rationalize their trespassing and poaching as being ok.
2) Wounded birds.
How many birds gets shot at, presumed missed, but later die from a single pellet in their gut?
I believe this is a much higher loss rate than many would like to think.
The longer our season, the higher our limit, the more this happens as well.
Along with the presumed "misses" of targeted birds, I believe the collateral damage hits may also be quite high,
from birds in the background being hit by a single pellet.
Many of these are hens.
A single pellet hit, even one that doesn't appear mortal, can become infected, and lead to a bird's death,
whether via that infection directly, or by making that bird more vulnerable to predation.
Even a trace scent of blood will draw a coyote.