Weird neighbors: would you do anything?

Fight fire with fire.
Host a tndeer rendezvous and they will move out the next morning.
I wonder what the guy would be screaming the morning after a 'Vous? I bet the "Mommy," and "I just want to go home" screams would increase dramatically! ;)
not an expert here on Groundwater but the lithology of Tennessee primarily is rock but all that means is that there are perch zones of groundwater that are easily accessible from the surface. Personally if i was to investigate this i would rent a hand auger from some environmental supply house like "Pine Environmental" put a hole in the ground till you hit bedrock, run a hose down and pull some water samples to have analyzed for coliform. I would also run analysis for BTEX and pesticides just to see what else there may be in that water. Additionally PM me and i can give you more information on sampling analysis and groundwater flow if needed. you may find some more info from this site that will show you where water is and the local lithology.
