Weird neighbors: would you do anything?

Apparently she is running a dog "school". About a week ago she had posted in waverly and surrounding areas about a couple of dogs getting loose from her in downtown Waverly (they did finally find the missing ones). The post does mention their "acre". The following is just a small portion of the post.

"Dear Humphreys County,
We need a Christmas miracle! We've been your neighbor for a minute, though you may not know us yet. We are Mudik City Working Dogs, located at 114 N Church St, above Hal's Jewelry. We are currently developing a school dogs program and have a full-time class of 6 puppies training to be classroom dogs, plus our farm dogs and personal dogs who all "attend school" together with us most days in downtown Waverly. If we aren't there, they are running their acre at home, or off building social skills on an adventure somewhere.
Our dogs are our whole life. They are sweet, pampered little fur babies who are on course to self-actualize as happy, fulfilled working dogs.
At the moment, our pack is split, with four puppies and one human off having a white Christmas at "grandma's" house in Indiana while the other six stay at home in Waverly with the other human."
Apparently she is running a dog "school". About a week ago she had posted in waverly and surrounding areas about a couple of dogs getting loose from her in downtown Waverly (they did finally find the missing ones). The post does mention their "acre". The following is just a small portion of the post.

"Dear Humphreys County,
We need a Christmas miracle! We've been your neighbor for a minute, though you may not know us yet. We are Mudik City Working Dogs, located at 114 N Church St, above Hal's Jewelry. We are currently developing a school dogs program and have a full-time class of 6 puppies training to be classroom dogs, plus our farm dogs and personal dogs who all "attend school" together with us most days in downtown Waverly. If we aren't there, they are running their acre at home, or off building social skills on an adventure somewhere.
Our dogs are our whole life. They are sweet, pampered little fur babies who are on course to self-actualize as happy, fulfilled working dogs.
At the moment, our pack is split, with four puppies and one human off having a white Christmas at "grandma's" house in Indiana while the other six stay at home in Waverly with the other human."
And the whole thing just keeps getting crazier...

As I posted earlier. The guy lives there full time. The woman shows up most days around 8:00 AM, then leaves for mid-day, then returns in the afternoon for awhile, but then leaves before nightfall. Weird, weird, weird... Each time the women shows up she unleashes her pack of monstrous dogs that go absolutely ape-poop running around in their "acre" fighting and barking and going absolutely ballistic if someone (like me) drives by. I've heard the guy screaming at the woman to control her dogs. The usual "conversation" is, "GET THAT F$*#KING DOG OFF ME! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO KEEP THAT THING ON A LEASH!!!!" Sounds like exactly the kind of people I want training dogs.
Apparently she is running a dog "school". About a week ago she had posted in waverly and surrounding areas about a couple of dogs getting loose from her in downtown Waverly (they did finally find the missing ones). The post does mention their "acre". The following is just a small portion of the post.

"Dear Humphreys County,
We need a Christmas miracle! We've been your neighbor for a minute, though you may not know us yet. We are Mudik City Working Dogs, located at 114 N Church St, above Hal's Jewelry. We are currently developing a school dogs program and have a full-time class of 6 puppies training to be classroom dogs, plus our farm dogs and personal dogs who all "attend school" together with us most days in downtown Waverly. If we aren't there, they are running their acre at home, or off building social skills on an adventure somewhere.
Our dogs are our whole life. They are sweet, pampered little fur babies who are on course to self-actualize as happy, fulfilled working dogs.
At the moment, our pack is split, with four puppies and one human off having a white Christmas at "grandma's" house in Indiana while the other six stay at home in Waverly with the other human."
That letter reminds me of several more words that I hate from 2022.
And the whole thing just keeps getting crazier...

As I posted earlier. The guy lives there full time. The woman shows up most days around 8:00 AM, then leaves for mid-day, then returns in the afternoon for awhile, but then leaves before nightfall. Weird, weird, weird... Each time the women shows up she unleashes her pack of monstrous dogs that go absolutely ape-poop running around in their "acre" fighting and barking and going absolutely ballistic if someone (like me) drives by. I've heard the guy screaming at the woman to control her dogs. The usual "conversation" is, "GET THAT F$*#KING DOG OFF ME! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO KEEP THAT THING ON A LEASH!!!!" Sounds like exactly the kind of people I want training dogs.
Seem like decent training program
Shortly after, the same person shared this as well...

"WE HAVE OUR DOG BACK!!!!!!! Waverly, YOU are our Christmas Miracle! Thank you for the flood of sightings and calls. Thank you Leslie Maasen Langford for staying with her until CJ could get there and coax her into the van. Please, if you've shared this post when she was lost, let everyone know we've got her now. We couldn't have done it without all y'all. We are grateful and blessed beyond measure. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!"
Shortly after, the same person shared this as well...

"WE HAVE OUR DOG BACK!!!!!!! Waverly, YOU are our Christmas Miracle! Thank you for the flood of sightings and calls. Thank you Leslie Maasen Langford for staying with her until CJ could get there and coax her into the van. Please, if you've shared this post when she was lost, let everyone know we've got her now. We couldn't have done it without all y'all. We are grateful and blessed beyond measure. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!"
We've been doing some checking and neither have a criminal record.

Honestly, I may actually give her a call, if I'm sure she's not at the "one acre." I want to talk to her when she's free to talk.
so Im going to go with Meth Problem for 500 here Alex.

I wonder at what point the meth dealer will talk them into cooking on that lone acre?
This is always a thought in my mind. 2 doors down from me their shed literally blew up yesterday 2 big explosions it, wife said it shook the house, leveled the building. I can't see what else would've exploded like thatespecially from people that are similar to your neighbors.

I've had neighbors that had a few times trapped one on a back road once and had a conversation with him, he didn't bother us anymore after that.
so Im going to go with Meth Problem for 500 here Alex.

I wonder at what point the meth dealer will talk them into cooking on that lone acre?
My brother, an ER Doc, has heard the guy. He said he sees patients like that in the ER every day. Drug induced psychosis.
I've had encounters involving the sherrif dept with the crazies across from my house. I'm just waiting on them to self destruct….they know not to come over here.
BSK, Any updates on the crazies?
I haven't had the chance to, but I'm planning on making contact with the wife. May stop by her place of business (husband never leaves the property).

But one update, they now have a Loew's delivery truck they are converting to a "house." When I drove by Tuesday, I noticed the new truck and how they had removed one door at the back and covered it with a panel with a house-hold door in it. Plus they have fenced the 7 demon dogs into a small section of their 1 acre instead of giving them the run of the "whole" place. :rolleyes:
I've mentioned my weird "off-grid" neighbors before, but never explained just how weird they are. In fact, they are worrisomely spooky weird. They are a couple - I think in their late 30s to early 40s - that own one acre adjoining my property. At first, they lived in a big tent. Then they started accumulating junk vehicles (at least they never move) and I suspect they live in one of the vehicles (one is a van, another a tiny travel-trailer [and I mean tiny - no more than 6' long]). I have no idea what they do about water or sanitation. I see no outhouse or pit toilet. They have no electricity. After just a couple years, their one acre now looks like a junkyard. They live in squaller. It appears the woman no longer lives on the property full time but comes out most days around 8:00 AM. She's driving an Amazon delivery van and it's full of 7 dogs, which she releases onto their fenced property every morning when she arrives. The dogs then go ballistic, barking, yipping and fighting with each other. She then usually leaves mid-day but often comes back (bringing her dogs with her) most evenings, only to again leave just before dark.

It isn't their odd, dirty lifestyle that bothers me (to each their own). It is the behavior of the guy. I don't know if he has a drug problem or mental issues, or both, but on many days when his girlfriend arrives, he goes into a screaming rage. This isn't an "I'm pissed" screaming fit, it's pure insanity of rage. I can literally be a half-mile as the crow flies away from their property and still hear every word he's screaming. And most of that screaming is directed at his girlfriend. To say his behavior is verbally abusive would be an understatement. Much of it - and it goes on for an hour or more every day - is in the vein of: "I HATE YOU!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!! LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! I BROUGHT YOU OUT HERE TO HEAVEN AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!!! YOU FAT F**KING B*TCH!!! Then things will go quiet for a few minutes, followed by, out of nowhere, "WHY ARE YOU SO FAT?!!!" (she is a big girl)

Screaming obscenities at his girlfriend is bad, but what really creeps me out is when he starts wailing like a child. And I'm mean full-on crying fits at the top of his lungs, "I JUST WANT TO GO HOME! PLEASE TAKE ME HOME! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE..." and this even tails off into "MOMMY... MOMMY... MOMMY..." It's freaking unnerving. I've gotten to the point I don't drive by their place without being armed. I have no idea what to do about this situation. My wife says the guy sounds insane and possibly dangerous. She wants me to leave the whole situation alone.

What are your thoughts?
After reading this, I think I'll have another drink..
Probably the last thing those people want is attention from outsiders. Call the authorities about the ground water issues as that might be the ticket to run them off.
I talked to the state authorities about septic. They said there are no laws concerning that on private property in rural TN. You can poop in an open hole and that's fine. The problem (for them) would be if it is running onto a neighbor's property. THAT the state could hammer them for. Looks like an inspection of the property line is in order.
I talked to the state authorities about septic. They said there are no laws concerning that on private property in rural TN. You can poop in an open hole and that's fine. The problem (for them) would be if it is running onto a neighbor's property. THAT the state could hammer them for. Looks like an inspection of the property line is in order.
That's odd. Best I can remember the county environmental engineer told me that sewage could not be drained out on open ground, at least I thought that's what he said. Anyway, the ones who were draining it were dumping it across the property line onto my property, so maybe it was a property line deal after all?
That's odd. Best I can remember the county environmental engineer told me that sewage could not be drained out on open ground, at least I thought that's what he said. Anyway, the ones who were draining it were dumping it across the property line onto my property, so maybe it was a property line deal after all?
Correct. If it stays within a landowner's own property, anything goes. Trouble starts when it crosses property lines.