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I'm more an intent kinda person than report every tiny fraction kinda person.

I turn in folks who set corn feeders up on my line (because I could get a ticket as well), but ignore them when I hear a spinner go off well off my line.

Won't turn in someone who keeps a fish a quarter in under the size limit, but will report someone who keeps more than 1 fish over the total limit (mostly because I've done that myself... didn't get caught, but I honestly miscounted my limit of crappie and kept 31 instead of 30)

Won't turn in someone whom I think is unaware they are trespassing while hunting (If they are polite and apologetic), but will turn in anyone who is intentionally trespassing to hunt.

Anybody spotlighting or road hunting gets turned in. Anybody killing more than their limit of big game gets turned in.
Whole lotta duce bags around this place.

Because I'm one of those who will report poachers to the GW.

Call me a snitch, of whatever you wanna say- I'm dropping the dime on 'em, so don't come telling me about your buddy who killed 5 gobblers over corn.
Same here. I've called on several and will continue. They won't call you a snitch to your face. They are all cowards from my experience with them. They will bad mouth you, vandalize, or steal while you sleep but they will never get face to face with you unfortunatley. Typical poacher.
Does anyone else get the feeling that @RSisaducebag isnt going to post his story?
With very little to go on I would guess the OP is a poacher that got turned in and instead of taking his medicine like a man he came here to passive aggressively attack RS. The ducebag part is curious though. Surely no adult spells that badly.
I'm with Mega. I know my neighbors bait. But honestly, I don't care as long as I can't see it. However, once they started pouring big piles of corn (as well as giant open jars of peanut butter) RIGHT on the line, I turned them in. Not because they were baiting but because they were affecting my ability to hunt my own property. I knew the bait was there so legally I wouldn't be able to hunt within X number of yards from the bait.

They still hate me for it too. They've taken a couple of blind shots at me from time to time. One time they got lucky and hit the tree I was in about two feet above my head. I was not happy about that and so returned the favor, in spades. That was the last time they tried that.
I'm with Mega. I know my neighbors bait. But honestly, I don't care as long as I can't see it. However, once they started pouring big piles of corn (as well as giant open jars of peanut butter) RIGHT on the line, I turned them in. Not because they were baiting but because they were affecting my ability to hunt my own property. I knew the bait was there so legally I wouldn't be able to hunt within X number of yards from the bait.

They still hate me for it too. They've taken a couple of blind shots at me from time to time. One time they got lucky and hit the tree I was in about two feet above my head. I was not happy about that and so returned the favor, in spades. That was the last time they tried that.
Dang, I wouldn't want to be put in that position, somebody might get hurt.
Won't bore y'all with all the stories but I've reported violations twice and most recently, even just a suspected baiting situation after talking to a hunter who was complaining about not being able to hunt an area. He said the last time he and his buddy were in that area there was tons of corn so I asked him why he didn't call our GW. So I made the call myself since in the very same area a few years ago I'd reported a feeder on public ground under a ladder stand.

I sincerely appreciate and respect our local game warden and his predecessors for taking the law and their job seriously.
Road hunters at our place get immediately turned in. Wardens give me a heads up on vehicles when they get calls from others in our area. Have a couple of stands that I can see road thru thinned pines & I intentionally hunt those after notifications. When I see a "ducebag" slowly driving up & down the road, I'll text GW and it's worked out a few times too. One neighbor has a feeder in middle of his food plot in sight of our line (200 yds) but it's in a area that we hardly ever hunt so have never mentioned it. On other hand, we have a neighboring club to our east that haul truck loads of corn and will blatantly park on a shared road and dump close to the line. I'll drop a dime on them Everytime.

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