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Honor among thieves situation huh?

Would I call the GW because someone isn't wearing their hunter orange, or because they accidentally shot an extra duck? Well, no.

Would I call the GW because my neighbor is running a corn feeder where I have to break the law in order to hunt my own place? or poaching at night? You damn right.
I'm more an intent kinda person than report every tiny fraction kinda person.
100%. The goal isn't to get someone in trouble. It's to stop a behavior.

If it was a mistake, no way would I show and tell. If it's a deliberate action that shows disregard for other hunters, I'm going to gather the evidence myself.
Years ago I had a place to hunt. Every deer we killed was full of corn. Crossed 3 hollers and climbed a mountain and came to a fence. Every 10 yards was this purple paint and every 100 yards or so were these yellow looking signs. Went about 100 yards over the fence across 2 deep hollers and found this nice looking stand, over looking this bait field. Wheat and oats growing everywhere. Couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Called the game warden and explained what I had found. Not sure if they ever caught him or not, wasn't nosy enough to ask him.
There's a guy that hits me up right before turkey season saying "where the turkeys at" and right before deer season saying "where the deer at". I am always having to hear that the person hunting this property or that property kills 5 or 6 bucks a year or that person kills 5 or 6 turkeys a year. I always get told deer are getting just hammered at night but it's funny I never hear any of these shots he is always talking about. Then it finally hit me, the guy saying it is the one doing it and is paranoid others are doing what he's doing but in fact he's the only one doing it around here.

One great thing about KY is you can see who checks deer or turkeys in. Funny enough this guy killed a deer in rifle season and blasted it all over FB. But this person's name never showed up on KY telecheck. SoMeOnE used the anonymous tip line with screen shots from FB and warden was at his house within a week. Seized the deer head and gave him a fine.

I don't get in people's business. I stay to myself and if you are baiting on your property and I can't see it then I'm not going and looking for it or assuming you are.

When you bug the piss out of me about others poaching and killing over their limit and come to find out you do the same and are paranoid others are doing it too, then I'm gonna do what I can to piss you so you'll never talk to me again.
I heard several shots the first week of turkey season one year that sounded really close to my property. So I went to investigate and right over the line was a corn feeder with a blind 30 yards away. I didn't trespass to see it. It was clearly visible from my property. Yes, I called the GW and would do it again. I'm busting my ass to kill turkeys the right way while some slob sits in a blind over a feeder and mows them down? Nah. Not on my watch.
I heard several shots the first week of turkey season one year that sounded really close to my property. So I went to investigate and right over the line was a corn feeder with a blind 30 yards away. I didn't trespass to see it. It was clearly visible from my property. Yes, I called the GW and would do it again. I'm busting my ass to kill turkeys the right way while some slob sits in a blind over a feeder and mows them down? Nah. Not on my watch.
Dont blame you one bit...I'd do the same thing...still can not believe that 38.4% of TnDeer members believe baiting should be legal on private land (HB1618/SB1942) and that 14.9% polled dont care either way...while its a small sample size...that whole thread was very eye opening and disappointing.
Dont blame you one bit...I'd do the same thing...still can not believe that 38.4% of TnDeer members believe baiting should be legal on private land (HB1618/SB1942) and that 14.9% polled dont care either way...while its a small sample size...that whole thread was very eye opening and disappointing.
Couldn't agree more. I thought the POINT of deer hunting is that it's challenging. It's not easy to be regularly successful. And then by limiting oneself to only taking older/smarter bucks, you're making it even more challenging.
Honor among thieves situation huh?

Would I call the GW because someone isn't wearing their hunter orange, or because they accidentally shot an extra duck? Well, no.

Would I call the GW because my neighbor is running a corn feeder where I have to break the law in order to hunt my own place? or poaching at night? You damn right.

Aint that what they do in Ky with the system they have set up? not sure how it works but evidently there is a method.
This is all she trying to do

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