Ok I'm bored at work…
So reading through all the responses in my Land management vs. hunting skill thread, I noticed a couple of comments that peaked my interest and I don't honestly know how we are a Hunting forum and don't have more threads like the one I am going to start here. When I joined this site in 2009, I came for one reason, to learn from all the older guys that had been there and done that, so to speak. Seeing BSKs thread about how many years you have left to hunt made me realize there are a lot more older folks on there then I realized. 
I know @BSK is a data guy and @Ski seems to be that way too. I realize not everyone is, and not everyone wants to be, so while data is important, I was wondering more along the lines of what you are looking for when scouting to kill bigger more mature bucks? @beefydeer and @Ski made comments that prompted me to make this post. @beefydeer said: "My son and I exclusively hunt public land in NW TN. We spend lots of hours looking for particular things. We kill 2 or 3 bucks every year that are at least 4 years old. They are out there, you just have to know what to look for." And @ Ski said, "But like the sayings go, you don't know what you don't know.....until you do, then hindsight is 20/20."
So I am not just ask questions, I will start it off and put some of the stuff I look for. Keep in mind the biggest buck I have killed was killed at LBL and was a 10 pt that was jaw bone aged at 3.5, but weighed right at 150 dressed and by math weighed between 188-200 on the hoof, so not sure if he wasn't closer to 4 years old.
When hunting a place like LBL that has terrain features, I am looking for, terrain funnels preferably along escape routes off ag fields or obvious areas hunters will go hunt, with at least moderate cover in and around the funnel. If I find a saddle or where 2-3 draws come together, but see no cover and it is wide open I move to the next spot, until I find the terrain feature with cover.
That is how I found my spot at LBL and killed that buck. The last time we went (2nd trip) my brother killed a smaller racked but 3.5 year old 10 pt, so we are 2 for 2 in that spot.
On the WMAs around MidTN, I just hunt thick cover close to private land ideally with some acorns dropping in the area. I see some good ones but I generally only bow hunt so I generally cannot get a shot, or too far for a bow, so I haven't killed one there yet.
So, What exactly are you looking for when you are scouting that tells you this is a good area to hunt for bigger bucks?

I know @BSK is a data guy and @Ski seems to be that way too. I realize not everyone is, and not everyone wants to be, so while data is important, I was wondering more along the lines of what you are looking for when scouting to kill bigger more mature bucks? @beefydeer and @Ski made comments that prompted me to make this post. @beefydeer said: "My son and I exclusively hunt public land in NW TN. We spend lots of hours looking for particular things. We kill 2 or 3 bucks every year that are at least 4 years old. They are out there, you just have to know what to look for." And @ Ski said, "But like the sayings go, you don't know what you don't know.....until you do, then hindsight is 20/20."
So I am not just ask questions, I will start it off and put some of the stuff I look for. Keep in mind the biggest buck I have killed was killed at LBL and was a 10 pt that was jaw bone aged at 3.5, but weighed right at 150 dressed and by math weighed between 188-200 on the hoof, so not sure if he wasn't closer to 4 years old.
When hunting a place like LBL that has terrain features, I am looking for, terrain funnels preferably along escape routes off ag fields or obvious areas hunters will go hunt, with at least moderate cover in and around the funnel. If I find a saddle or where 2-3 draws come together, but see no cover and it is wide open I move to the next spot, until I find the terrain feature with cover.
That is how I found my spot at LBL and killed that buck. The last time we went (2nd trip) my brother killed a smaller racked but 3.5 year old 10 pt, so we are 2 for 2 in that spot.
On the WMAs around MidTN, I just hunt thick cover close to private land ideally with some acorns dropping in the area. I see some good ones but I generally only bow hunt so I generally cannot get a shot, or too far for a bow, so I haven't killed one there yet.
So, What exactly are you looking for when you are scouting that tells you this is a good area to hunt for bigger bucks?