What caliber and bullet do u prefer on coyotes.


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Hi i always used a 22 250 and a 22 250AI. And loaded with berger 52 gr hp. But i bought a 204 ruger few yrs back. That has become my favorite coyote gun. I have other rifles too use. But i been shooting even hogs here lately with the 204. Killed my last one running. It dropped and went end over end. I been shooting berger 35 gr hp. I picked few boxes berger 40gr hp . I worked up several different loads with different powders with the 40 gr. To me a coyote coming to a call. Doesn't get much better than that.
I like the .204 just don't use 45 gr soft points...big hole, lot a blood


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I've never killed one with either one of my .223's but, my nephew has with my Savage 110E. He used my hand loads with Sierra 55 gr. Spritzers and Win. 748. The only ones I've killed were with .308 and .50 cal. MZ. I got a friend that calls them in and shoots them with a 7mm Mag. and 150 gr.
Mine is a tack driver with the 45s. 40 Federal ballistics are good too but the lighter stuff won't group. I bought it off a guy at a range in SC that couldn't get it to shoot hoping it was because he was slinging that light stuff.
I too shoot yotes with whatever I'm carrying at the time. That being said my preferred is 22-250 with a 50gr Barnes. Can be real hard on pelts with close-ish dogs though. Flat vaporized a whistle pig the other day eatin in my beans…I mean instant fertilizer.

The crows and buzzards was even peckin around lookin at each other like, "There just ain't much here y'all."
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I use a Remington 700 VTR in .204 Ruger when hunting them. Otherwise it's whatever I have in hand at that time. I have thought about getting a Keltec PMR 30 to carry around when I'm not hunting so I have something with me at all times. I might not hit one at long distances but 30 rounds of .22 mag should at least make it think twice about coming around the farm.
Hi i always used a 22 250 and a 22 250AI. And loaded with berger 52 gr hp. But i bought a 204 ruger few yrs back. That has become my favorite coyote gun. I have other rifles too use. But i been shooting even hogs here lately with the 204. Killed my last one running. It dropped and went end over end. I been shooting berger 35 gr hp. I picked few boxes berger 40gr hp . I worked up several different loads with different powders with the 40 gr. To me a coyote coming to a call. Doesn't get much better than that.
Whatever is in my hand when they show up. Took over a dozen with a bow when I use to hunt Kansas.