What will he score?

Andy S.

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 1999
Reaction score
Atoka, TN
I realize these are just a few photos, but that is usually all we have. Give it your best shot if you will, gross score and age for the 2014 pics. This is the same buck on the same scrape, one year apart. Camera was placed higher on tree in 2013, thus the difference in perspective.

2013 photo

2014 photos

landman":1too7na3 said:
I'd say he was 5.5 in 2014
That was my guess as well.
landman":1too7na3 said:
The 2013 pix doesn't show enough
Shows plenty for a guesstimate, just make some assumptions. Estimating gross scores in not always black and white, plus it's fun to operate in the gray area. :tu:
landman":1too7na3 said:
And 2014 not much better, is that a split G-2?
Yes, about a 3" split that you cannot see. I have more trail cam pics from different angles, but they are on my field computer at home, so not much help for me today at work.
Andy S.":2glk6uug said:
Come on guys, 20 views and no guesstimates...... :poke: :D
Feel like it's a "trick" question! :tu:

Part of my reservation is due to not being able to "see" much of an extra tine on his left beam. That one tine could change his gross score by 8 to 10 inches.

But I'll give you a "guess" ---- he's in the ball park of 130 ---- wild guess based on two pics not showing everything well.

Also, those particular pics tell me nothing about the buck's body size ---- not having a clue about his weight can cause significant error in antler score guessing.
TheLBLman":1yzodf43 said:
Feel like it's a "trick" question! :tu:
Not really a trick question, but an example of how judging from a few trail cam pics does not tell the whole story, which you already know. I just want to here some members "best guess", there is no right or wrong answer.
TheLBLman":1yzodf43 said:
Part of my reservation is due to not being able to "see" much of an extra tine on his left beam.
Understand, but I mentioned it was about 3-3.5", there's your tip. :tu:
TheLBLman":1yzodf43 said:
But I'll give you a "guess" ---- he's in the ball park of 130 ---- wild guess based on two pics not showing everything well.
Got it, and I realize it is just a guess with limited data to go on. I was in the same boat as you in November 2014, with A LOT more to lose if I made a mistake. :)
TheLBLman":1yzodf43 said:
...those particular pics tell me nothing about the buck's body size ---- not having a clue about his weight can cause significant error in antler score guessing.
This is somewhat surprising to me. The side view pic of that buck's body (long body, deep brisket, short legs, belly sag, etc) and neck screams 5.5+ to me, dressing 160 lbs all day long.
Andy S.":z898zqww said:
The side view pic of that buck's body (long body, deep brisket, short legs, belly sag, etc) and neck screams 5.5+ to me, dressing 160 lbs all day long.
Only thing that pic "screams" to me is "mature" deer.
That body profile tells me little about whether that deer is large or small bodied.
Again, I've seen mature bucks barely field dress 100 lbs in areas where "average" would field dress over 150 lbs.
This becomes much of the reason we can be badly off with such limited pic data.

YOU may have seen other pics, particularly other pics giving you a better frame of reference as to this buck's body size (not just its mature "configuration"). But you've only presented two pics here, and neither of them tell me much about his weight. It has often been instructive for me to see a bachelor group of bucks, and then seeing how each buck relates in body size to the others.
TheLBLman":115630y1 said:
YOU may have seen other pics, particularly other pics giving you a better frame of reference as to this buck's body size (not just its mature "configuration"). But you've only presented two pics here, and neither of them tell me much about his weight. It has often been instructive for me to see a bachelor group of bucks, and then seeing how each buck relates in body size to the others.
He was never with another buck, always by himself in my pics from Sep-Dec. Sometimes that is all you have to go on (no other pics with bucks), and it was for sure the case with this recluse of a buck. From my experience, this is another clue that he is most likely 5.5+.
There sure are a lot of guesses on other buck's scores, surely we can drum up a few more for this one too. :tu:
SelphLogging":3aclgufh said:
2014 6.5

G1: 5.5"
G2: 15.5"
G3: 10.5"
Abnormal: 2.5"
Mbs: 41.5"
Spread: 19"
C1: 8.5"
C2: 7.75"
C3: 8.25"
C4: 5"

Gross: 123"
