What would you do?

Just because you leave a stand doesn't make it your spot. You should've got there before him this morning
Pretty much this. There are so many stands on public land, if you never hunted by one you would never hunt. I wish they would enforce the regulation in place that is supposed to prevent people from leaving private property on the wma's
It sort of works both ways. I'd probably climb the tree my stand was on and tell the MF that he better be fast on the draw.

I had a friend that did it years ago on an Archery hunt at Hiwassee Refuge. He had hung a hangon in a tree the evening before the hunt. He got there the opening morning and found someone hung in the same tree. There were some words, and David climbed into the tree and killed the first buck that came by. Needless to say, the other guy didn't have a very productive morning.
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Well to answer your question if I'd seen the stand no I wouldn't have even considered hunting there. Why well I'm not an asshole like so many. Plus I know how to hunt so I will find my own spot. There's plenty of places I tell myself. It's called common courtesy.just because it's public land doesn't mean a man's ass won't get whooped for outright disrespect
Well to answer your question if I'd seen the stand no I wouldn't have even considered hunting there. Why well I'm not an asshole like so many. Plus I know how to hunt so I will find my own spot. There's plenty of places I tell myself. It's called common courtesy.just because it's public land doesn't mean a man's ass won't get whooped for outright disrespect

With all due respect, this is not the answer. We don't know enough of the story to start talking about courtesy and disrespect. If the guy saw the stands there and set up because he thought, "Hey there are stands here, this is where I'll hunt." Then yeah, that's pretty crappy. But at the end of the day, technically he did nothing wrong, and it should never result in violence.
So what would you do if you got to a spot first and no trucks around and you walk in a mile and find a stand you going to walk back out and go some where else . Dont think so first one there is there spot. I would probley been upset if some one walked in on me when I was there first and missed up my hunt just because they hung a stand when they scouted didn't think you were supposed to leave stands on wma's over night or days ahead
Well to answer your question if I'd seen the stand no I wouldn't have even considered hunting there. Why well I'm not an asshole like so many. Plus I know how to hunt so I will find my own spot. There's plenty of places I tell myself. It's called common courtesy.just because it's public land doesn't mean a man's ass won't get whooped for outright disrespect
You're exactly right, someone's ass may get whipped for outright disrespect. It's outright disrespectful to take a dump by someone's stand because they beat you to a spot. It's outright disrespectful to climb a tree right next to someone that beat you to a spot. It's outright disrespectful to raise hell and ruin another man's hunt because they beat you to a spot..... I'd be real careful these days causing that kind of trouble. I mainly hunt private, but I'm smart enough to know that I need to head to plan B if someone is in my top spot on public.
Most of this problem could be easily solved by not allowing stands of any type to be unoccupied at any time.

Carry it in, carry it out. That way, the overwhelming urge to hunt the spot because you left a stand there, when no one else knew it, wouldn't exist. It'd be easy to just move on from the occupied area because your stand is already on your back, and not claiming the area like a property marker.

That'd put an end to that chess match.

But, there's no way in heck I'm gonna knowingly hunt a place that already has a stand in it. It's just asking for trouble and two messed up hunts.
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When I hunt public , I walk to the spot I want to hunt. If someone is there already I go somewhere else. If nobody is there I hunt it. I don't give a second thought about whether there are unoccupied stands around. And I expect everything else to do the same. First come first served. No claiming of spots by leaving stuff lying around. That should be illegal anyway.
I get what your saying but how was the guy to know how long that stand had been on the tree or if anyone was going to show up to hunt? Bottom line on public land don't put a stand up and expect someone else not to hunt it or close to it and ALWAYS have a backup plan or two.

I dont disagree. That's why I'm not a fan of allowing ladder or semi permanent hang on stands on public. If they weren't allowed to begin with, there would be no issue.
Most of this problem could be easily solved by not allowing stands of any type to be unoccupied at any time.

Carry it in, carry it out. That way, the overwhelming urge to hunt the spot because you left a stand there, when no one else knew it, wouldn't exist. It'd be easy to just move on from the occupied area because your stand is already on your back, and not claiming the area like a property marker.

That'd put an end to that chess match.

But, there's no way in heck I'm gonna knowingly hunt a place that already has a stand in it. It's just asking for trouble and two messed up hunts.

This is exactly how I feel. Carry it in, carry it out, same day. Seems logical enough to me.
He beat you there , I would get my stand and leave. Putting your stand around a tree means 0. He could have scouted before you left your stand and had no clue it was there . Oak ridge has no business allowing people to leave stands as those hunts could be cancelled at any time . I was on the first hunt, just think two hunts worth of people scouting and " leaving stands" how would you even know which hunt the person was on that left the stand? I would never leave a stand because if you beat me , the area is yours. I would get there early , be first and go hunt. If all WMA banned people from leaving stands overnight there would be no issues at all with this kind of stuff, seems like a simple rule that would benefit all and keep down the drama.
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Pick your tree while scouting and set a waypoint in your GPS. Lean a couple sticks against the tree. Most people won't pay any attention as it looks natural but you can see it once you get close with your gps. Stash your climber in a spot that you can access nearby and secure it with a cable lock. Hide it under some brush if you are worried someone will take it. Pick it up on the way in and you will leave minimal scent at the stand site.
Pick your tree while scouting and set a waypoint in your GPS. Lean a couple sticks against the tree. Most people won't pay any attention as it looks natural but you can see it once you get close with your gps. Stash your climber in a spot that you can access nearby and secure it with a cable lock. Hide it under some brush if you are worried someone will take it. Pick it up on the way in and you will leave minimal scent at the stand site.

That's solid advice.
I'm a little surprised at some of the responses. It doesn't have anything to do with courtesy or respect. Public land is first come first served. Period. How am I supposed to know if the guy that left his climber on a tree is hunting that day? There is no saving spots on public land. You want the spot bad enough you'll get out of bed and be the first one there. Issues like these are the reasons I don't hunt public land.
I'm a little surprised at some of the responses. It doesn't have anything to do with courtesy or respect. Public land is first come first served. Period. How am I supposed to know if the guy that left his climber on a tree is hunting that day? There is no saving spots on public land. You want the spot bad enough you'll get out of bed and be the first one there. Issues like these are the reasons I don't hunt public land.

The courtesy from me comes from not hunting near a stand. I don't know you. I don't know if you'll be hunting. But I know if I hunt there and you show up, it's going to be an inconvenience. So the courtesy is me avoiding that situation altogether, saving you the hassle of showing up to see me. It equally saves me from already being there and having you show up to ruin my sit.
The courtesy from me comes from not hunting near a stand. I don't know you. I don't know if you'll be hunting. But I know if I hunt there and you show up, it's going to be an inconvenience. So the courtesy is me avoiding that situation altogether, saving you the hassle of showing up to see me. It equally saves me from already being there and having you show up to ruin my sit.
I agree with everything you said. Your hunt is probably going to get ruined. But the guy also gets rewarded for breaking the rules. It's a no win situation. I'm glad I don't have to hunt public land.