What would you do?

Unfortunately that really happens.....a lot. It's by far and above my biggest gripe about public. My brother actually has an old junk climber he uses to decoy those folks. Hangs at the base of a tree in the wide open so it can't be missed, and sure as the sky is blue somebody sets up within bow shot of it every time.
This ^^^ I used to take in trail markers or bright eyes and lead them on a while goose chase 😂. The last time I hunted public was bow hunting on the Hiwasee Refuge . We stayed on my friends dad's pontoon boat all night . Got down there the day before the opening and put up our stands. The place I had scouted someone had already had a stand about 100 yards from where I was going to put mine but he wasn't going to effect me none . I knew how the deer moved and he was only get to shoot at deer coming out of the river ☺. Got to our stands about an hour before daybreak . Well about 30 minutes the guy that had setup below me came through hunting his stand . I whisled told him where it was, he thanked went about his business climbed his tree still a good 15 or so minutes before daybreak . A few minutes later here came one down the trail I was watching , I whisled he stopped went back the way they came about 50 yards and climbed a tree 🙁. I had one more trail that no one had messed up coming from my left the first guy was well below it close to the river so I was alright there. About an hour after daybreak here comes this idiot right towards that trail ! I whisled , I hollered he still climbed a tree right next to that trail totally ignoring me 😡 We carried two way radioes back then so I clicked to me friend he whispered go-ahead I said I'm completely surrounded by idiots !! The only deer I'll get to shoot at will have already been shot at . We've got a lease in Giles Co and here I am completely surrounded so mark it this is the last time I'm hunting this place , and it was ! Used to be some good bow hunting in there and I've killed three nice bucks from it . Last time I've hunted public matter of a fact .
Didn't think you were allowed to leave stands on the WMA
That's what the rules on the WMA's read. But, they also read "not more than 24 hours without permission of the area manager." But, a lot of folks don't read, or care about rules I guess.

It's gotten to be a big problem, to the point that IMO, they shouldn't be left unoccupied at all, anywhere. Even if it's stashed nearby and not on the tree, the fella is gonna want to walk right by you, retrieve his stashed stand, and clank on over to the next ridge.

Carry it in, carry it out. Even at midday for lunch break. Heck, especially then.
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There was some guys at Yuhci once went out for lunch after hunting that morning left their stands came back and someone had stole their stands . I was going in down below them and they stopped me to ask if I had seen anyone with stands coming out which I didn't. You take the chance of someone stealing your stand leaving it like that but I have did as Fairchaser mentioned and hid my stand to keep from carrying it in , mostly on an evening hunt if I liked the area .
I agree with everything you said. Your hunt is probably going to get ruined. But the guy also gets rewarded for breaking the rules. It's a no win situation. I'm glad I don't have to hunt public land.

Yes, that's why it's a courtesy. I'm giving something up willingly to avoid inconveniencing somebody else. And yes it sucks sometimes but what's the alternative? Just the way I was raised I suppose.
Man yall have some bad luck! I've encountered people on public but never had any issues. I've certainly avoided plenty areas because of stuff I saw while scouting, though.

One one spot I found a ladder stand set up over a trail, which wasn't the problem. The trail was lined with peanut butter jars with bottom cut off screwed to trees. That was on public! I called warden and let him deal with it. It wasn't there next time I went, but 2yrs later someone had cut trails through a thicket and marked it with loggers tape. I'm guessing the same yahoo but maybe not.
When I hunted public I'd be in my stand at least an hour before daylight shine them off yell whatever. Most guys will move on if they know you are in there
Most will but some will not and that's when it really sucks.

As someone mentioned earlier, some places have so many stands that it is difficult if not impossible to set up away from one. I used to hunt Wolf River WMA. I walked a lot of woods scouting and locating good sign and trails. When I'd locate a good spot, I'd start looking for a tree that I could use my climber on that would cover the area I liked so I'd have it in my head during hunting season. That is when I would often see another stand; after I decided on the spot. I usually don't look up in the trees when I'm scouting. I don't think I would have found enough spots and backup spots if I eliminated those that had stands nearby. Most were hanging stands.; some ladder.

I'd probably be a little more respectful if the hunt was limited, like a 3-day quota hunt on a refuge and I saw a stand. Even then, there is no way to know if the stand will be used during that hunt; it may have been set up for archery hunts that were open when the quota hunt is not in session...

Stands can be left on WMA's without management permission unless they are left unattended for more than 24 hours. I think the National Wildlife refuges regs say that stands have to be removed daily; they did a few years ago.
Doesn't change anything get in early hunt farther hunt harder. What I learned when I was starting out and at 51 I'll go farther now than most will think about. Too rough that's me too hard to get them out that's me. Didn't see any deer? Didn't see any hunters either. Work harder.
He may have hunted there in the past and didn't scout. Me if I see someone I will go out of sight as quietly as possible and setup elsewhere. Not worth ruining a hunt. Years ago I shined a guy at Oak Ridge numerous times and he comes in and takes his climber off his back 20 yards from me. I was ready to come out of that tree and beat him silly since I had been setup for an hour. I cussed at him and told him to get the f up the ridge and setup and he did that!
So are yall having these experiences while bow hunting? Or is this orange army specific? Being primarily a bow hunter I can't imagine seeing the woods full of people like yall describe, let alone the hunting on top of one another issues.
I dont miss hunting public land at all. I remember once years ago turkey hunting at Catoosa with one of my kids. We got on a very vocal bird, (HIGHLY unusual up there) and while I was calling him in some MORON started calling behind me to the bird. I did everything I could to let him know I was there, even got to the point of whistling at him. Not happening, he was coming on regardless. I told my son that as soon as he got nearly within sight I was going to start cackling like a setting hen and run that turkey off. Thats EXACTLY what I did too and when I did it we got up and started walking straight at the gobbler to make damn sure he blew out of the country.
Pretty much had the same thing happen to me at AEDC. Sucks.
I would have hunted somewhere else had I seen a stand already there, went on a dove hunting Loudon or Meigs county 1 of the 2 on a leased field, got there at daylight and picked a spot on a hill and set up, we had 5-6 kids 5-8 year olds playing in the dirt and weeds when about 11:00 2-3 trucks came up and started driving through our set up, I went up to the lead truck and the man was pissed? asked me what we did with his buckets they put out the day before? , I told him there was nothing here but ask the land owner or the game warden. That pissed me off highly, he could have hit 1 of our kids . no idea who took the buckets but it wasn't us.
So are yall having these experiences while bow hunting? Or is this orange army specific? Being primarily a bow hunter I can't imagine seeing the woods full of people like yall describe, let alone the hunting on top of one another issues.
The biggest problem is, IMO, when someone leaves a stand in the woods on a tree and they refuse to leave when someone else is there before them. Usually, that person didn't know there was a stand placed there by someone else beforehand. The only thing they can think of is that they can't go off and hunt elsewhere without their stand.

You'll see them stop and stand there after you've shined them off, and you can almost see the wheels turning. They don't know what to do without a stand, so they just climb on up.

Had it happen to a bud of mine on a draw muzzleloader hunt last year on a local WMA, and the guy just came on in an hour after daylight and climbed on up, 50 yards from my friend.

Last year on another WMA, a group from Louisiana came in on our hunt and followed us in before daylight, basically surrounding us. Their excuse? " We already hung our stands a couple of days ago!" It was about five of them. They told us that they knew it was bad etiquette to follow us in, but they couldn't hunt without their stands, plus they'd driven from Louisiana.

Who in the heck would've known that they'd done that?

Most serious hunters are gonna do what they can to get well away from other folks in the woods.

Inevitably, the same sign or terrain looks good to others too though.

Just part of it, but you lose valuable hunting time dealing with it.
Even on private land, I have a backup plan in case someone else is in one of my spots or the wind has changed. It's happened more than once. Also, I've hunted near one of my buddies on purpose. We rarely see the same deer! As long as someone is out of sight, I don't get too concerned about them spooking my deer. They could just as easily bump the deer to me. What I don't like is them stinking my area up when I've done my best to avoid that. I do my best to be respectful of others stands but I ignore cameras or I would be hunting the parking lot. I've talked to hunters with 30-50 cameras out.
The courtesy from me comes from not hunting near a stand. I don't know you. I don't know if you'll be hunting. But I know if I hunt there and you show up, it's going to be an inconvenience. So the courtesy is me avoiding that situation altogether, saving you the hassle of showing up to see me. It equally saves me from already being there and having you show up to ruin my sit.
Exactly how I think about it myself. Common courtesy is better for everyone. No need to start the confrontation. And to me sitting next to a stand on a quota hunt is asking for it.
Public land is just that. Although it's disappointing to have put in the work and time to have another there first it's what happens time to time. Upset cause another got up earlier, was quicker to a spot, etc is a waste of time. Ruining another's hunt intentionally by using the bathroom or other things shows one true character as a person and hunter. Also shoes why a lot of public is no longer public.
From Tennessee Hunter Protection Act:

§ 70-4-302. Crimes and offenses

(a) Any person who performs any of the following commits a Class C misdemeanor:

(1) Interferes with the lawful taking of a wild animal by another with intent to prevent the taking;

(2) Disturbs or engages in an activity that will tend to disturb wild animals, with intent to prevent their lawful taking;

(3) Disturbs another person who is engaged in the lawful taking of a wild animal or who is engaged in the process of taking, with intent to dissuade or otherwise prevent the taking;

(4) Enters or remains upon public lands, or upon private lands without permission of the owner or the owner's agent, with intent to violate this section;

(5) Fails to obey the order of a peace officer to desist from conduct in violation of this section if the officer observes such conduct, or has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has engaged in such conduct that day or that the person plans or intends to engage in such conduct that day on a specific premises; or

(6) Uses a drone with the intent to conduct video surveillance of private citizens who are lawfully hunting or fishing without obtaining the written consent of the persons being surveilled prior to conducting the surveillance.
So are yall having these experiences while bow hunting? Or is this orange army specific? Being primarily a bow hunter I can't imagine seeing the woods full of people like yall describe, let alone the hunting on top of one another issues.
This was an archery hunt in the restricted area known as Tower Shielding. We scouted the weekend before and hung our stands (as we were allowed to do). I have hunted the same spot for the past 5 years worth of hunts and have NEVER seen another person on that ridge. The guy that was right next to one stand said he seen it but didnt care. I completely understand the first come first serve element BUT most people dont have the common courtesy to move down a bit. This is the only public land I deer hunt and I am SO glad. Duck hunters are even worse to deal with on public land!!
This was an archery hunt in the restricted area known as Tower Shielding. We scouted the weekend before and hung our stands (as we were allowed to do). I have hunted the same spot for the past 5 years worth of hunts and have NEVER seen another person on that ridge. The guy that was right next to one stand said he seen it but didnt care. I completely understand the first come first serve element BUT most people dont have the common courtesy to move down a bit. This is the only public land I deer hunt and I am SO glad. Duck hunters are even worse to deal with on public land!!

Wow. That's enough to turn someone off from hunting altogether. I don't like confrontation in general so if I had to deal with stuff like that I'd just quit hunting. What a killjoy. Sorry you had that experience. I promise if you ever encounter me in the woods we'll figure out a way to stay out of one anothers way!