What yardage do you set your sight pins at.

Drop 4/5

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Morgan Co.
I am new to the bow game and was practicing today and was really not sure what to set my 5 pin sight at. Was thinking 10,20,25,30.35. At this point anything farther gets a pass until I get better. What do you guys think?

Depends on how fast your set up is. There might not be enough gap for the 20-25 and the 30-35 to work. Your pins might be too close.

I have mine set at 20,30,40,50 and 60.

I had a good session today primarily shooting at 60 yards with many arrows hitting the 4" circle on my bag target.

I would recommend 20,30,40,50 and 60 since practicing at long distance will make those close up shots easy.
10 would likely be a lower pin setting than 20. Most hunting setups have a peak arrow height at 12-14yds so at 10 you're still rising.

I set mine on the 10s from 20-60. I practice longer yardages, but have never shot at a deer over 30yds.

Start with 20 and 30 and drop the remaining pins down low in the scope housing. Then you can bring one up for 40 when you're more comfortable.
Thats interesting thatarrow peak is 12-14 yards I was not aware of that Stat. My set up shoots around 304 fps from what I know. I guess I better start taking some longer shots today I was at 30 yards and didnt do so well but feel comfortable at 25 and below. This was the 3rd time I had shot my bow and the 1st 2 were at BPS which maxs out at 23 yards. I set up a target today and ranged out 10,20,25,30. Tore up the neighbors fence and busted up a couple arrows. Had a good time guess I will have ti increase the distance a little, better wait til all the kids are in school. LOL

Thanks Ron
With the speed of todays bows i set my pins up this way. Instead of 20, 30, 40 and so on.

I get a yardage lets say 20yrd. I have my arrow hitting right at the top of the bull. Then i step back shooting until my arrow hits the bottom of the bull. Lets say that number ends up being 35yrd. So now i know my first pin is good from 20 to 35

Then i do the same thing with my second pin. Starting again from where im hitting top of bull then walking back till i hit bottom of bull.. This keeps me from having my pins stacked up on one another.
BigCountry71 said:
With the speed of todays bows i set my pins up this way. Instead of 20, 30, 40 and so on.

I get a yardage lets say 20yrd. I have my arrow hitting right at the top of the bull. Then i step back shooting until my arrow hits the bottom of the bull. Lets say that number ends up being 35yrd.

Then i do the same thing with my second pin. This keeps me from having my pins stacked up on one another.

Cool...not bad idea.
3 pins...20,30, and 40..Im getting ready to upgrand to a 5 pin sight,im gonna do 20,30,40,45,and 50 I think,depending on how much my arrow drops at 45 and 50.But will definatly have one at 50..Just because you shoot at longer ranges,doesn't mean you should..I'd never attempt a shot at a deer with archery at 50 yds..
BigCountry71 said:
With the speed of todays bows i set my pins up this way. Instead of 20, 30, 40 and so on.

I get a yardage lets say 20yrd. I have my arrow hitting right at the top of the bull. Then i step back shooting until my arrow hits the bottom of the bull. Lets say that number ends up being 35yrd. So now i know my first pin is good from 20 to 35

Then i do the same thing with my second pin. Starting again from where im hitting top of bull then walking back till i hit bottom of bull.. This keeps me from having my pins stacked up on one another.

That is a good way of sighting in .
I think I will stay at 10,20,30,40 and see whay happens. The 50 yards seems like a long way to me. Maybe I just need more time to get comfortable.

my sight used to have 4 pins but i didnt like that many being in my way..took 2 of them out and i have them set at 20 and 30. for 40 yarder i aim the 30 pin about 8" high
I only use 3 pins and they are set 20~30~40. I dnt shoot at deer farther than that with a bow. just my personal limits.
1 on at 25
1 on at 40

I got one all the way at the bottom thats good for around 70 so i can go shoot the bottom pin and feel like a bad a.. every once and a while
BigWes50 said:
30yards, single pin!

I like how you think.

I use a single pin set at 25.

I believe that if I miss-judge distance by more than 5 yards and use the wrong pin, the shot is farther off than if I held a little too low or a little too high with a single pin.

After you have your multi-pin sight figured out, try shooting at 10-15-20-25-30-35 yards with just your 25 yard pin and see where it hits. Then see what happens if you hold your 25 yard pin in the bottom third of the deer's chest for shots less than 25 yards, the middle third of the deer's chest at 20-30 yards, and the top third of the deer's chest at 30-40 yards. If this works for you, all you have to be able to judge is three distances: 20, 30, and whatever distance your 25 yard pin can't hit while still holding on hair.

Another advantage of the single pin is that for really close shots froma tree stand, say 10 yards of less, with a single pin you automatically get the extra-high hold you need to compensate for the severe angle.

I also happen to prefer the sight picture of a single vertical pin coming up from the bottom of the sight ring, than 3 or 4 horizontal pins coming from the side of the ring. It leaves more of the target in view.

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