Whats your maximum range for hunting?

I don't think I'd go past 40. I practiced at 50 the other day and done pretty well, but not well enough I'd risk making a bad shot and injuring one.
If you practice regularly and conditions are right a 50 yard shot should be attainable for an experienced archer. I practice out to 70 yards and have a pin set at 70 yards. Conditions would have to be perfect for me to take a shot of that length however. My setup for bow season will hopefully have bucks in the 20-25 yard range which is probably where most people should be looking to kill a deer in my opinion.
30yds.. IMO if you have to take a long shot at a deer you haven't done your homework nor hung your stand in the right spot.

Another IMO 60 yard shot at a deer is rediculous. Sorry ream me if you want, but it aint foam it can move.
bobthebowhunter said:
30yds.. IMO if you have to take a long shot at a deer you haven't done your homework nor hung your stand in the right spot.

Another IMO 60 yard shot at a deer is rediculous. Sorry ream me if you want, but it aint foam it can move.


right now id say 35 yards. maybe 40.
With the proper conditions and in specific stands, 65 yards. I killed one last season at 56 yards in the woods, the doe ran 25 yards and died.I consistently stack arrows at 75 yards and practice alot at 50-75 yards.In my opinion,just because one guy can only kill at 3o yards doesn't mean that others can only kill at 30 yards.Some people are just much better shots than others and know their equipment better.Not everyone is at the same skill level.Skill level and equipment knowledge dictate each persons maximum shooting ability.That being said, 10-25 yards is my average shot distance.