Whats your maximum range for hunting?

30 is as far as I will attempt. I use one pin set at 25 for hunting. 23 to 27 would be perfect if I can get the deer to step to the perfect spot. maybe if I put little x's on the ground with tape so they will know where to stop and turn like the girls in pageants do.......
I shoot most every day throughout the year.....I still wouldnt shoot at a deer over 30-yds......I just cant bring myself to do it....

I guess everyone has a comfort zone..
I'd like 2 see a study on this topic. How much KE does your arrow have at 50,60,70 yards.. especially with today's big broadheads and such.
BOWdacious said:
maybe if I put little x's on the ground with tape so they will know where to stop and turn like the girls in pageants do.......

Let me know how the works out for ya this season! If it works for you then I'll try next year :D

In all seriousness 40 yards for me. All of my shots have been within 15-20 yards.
Won't go past 30. Wind, target movement, etc. Not taking any chances. If I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna kill and kill quickly. None of that 12 hours to die and leave the animal overnight stuff for me.

Not faulting anyone else. That's just me.
ShaneHallum said:
I'd like 2 see a study on this topic. How much KE does your arrow have at 50,60,70 yards.. especially with today's big broadheads and such.

Your question got my curiosity up so I checked the software. My setup is as follows....

yds / KE
20 61.13
30 60.14
40 59.18
50 58.23
60 57.29
70 56.37
80 55.47
90 54.58
100 53.70

I've never shot at a deer past 28yds though.
Can You Really Shoot Effectively that far?????

I shoot at 75 yards as well. I have a 50 yard pin, but to shoot at a deer non-chalantly at 50 yards is not ethical.

Everyone else has said it and I must say it too. Everyone is different in ability and equipment. Both must be extremely good.

I am shooting a 3 inch group at 5 shot group at 50 yards in my back yard, standing, with a polo shirt on. Can we do it in a tree twisted, with buck fever?

Realistic, I am going to say 40 yards, only because I have done so.
I rarely shoot at deer over 40 yards, with that said, I have killed a few at over 50 yards and missed a few at 50 yards, but have never lost a deer that I hit at over 50 yards. I have lost several deer that were shot at distances of less than 10 yards, some even at a few feet. I think no matter how quiet your bow is, and mine is plenty quiet, the closer the deer to you the more it may jump the string but I will still take a 5 or 6 ft shot if I can get it, they are intense. My bow generates just over 83 ft lbs of kinetic energy so I think it still have plenty of energy at 50 yards and if the circumstances are right I will not hesitate to shoot. I also practice at 70, 80 or more yards, because it will make the short shots seem so much easier.
once again, just because a shot may be considered "unethical" for one guy with a certain skill level doesn't mean that it is "unethical" for another guy.60 yard shots are just as easy as 20 yard shots for me personally.
W.Seay said:
I am very proud of my accomplishments :)

I would be too!! because I wear glasse when I shoot my pin turns into a glowing blob so it covers much of any target past about 45yds. If I take glasses off my pin if better but then can't see crap past 20yds.
Personally, I can stack arrows into an 8-inch circle all day long at a precisely measured 60 yards. But my maximum range for hunting really isn't an issue of shooting skills --- more an issue of hunting skills and my opinion of what constitutes an ethical shot.

I usually set myself up where it's highly unlikely I could even consider a shot beyond 35 yards, and I'm anticipating a shot at about 15 to 20 yards with most of my bow set-ups. In the most ideal of circumstances, I will usually limit my bow shots to about 40 yards, although most of my set-ups limit them to less than 30 yards.

bobthebowhunter said:
Another IMO 60 yard shot at a deer is rediculous. Sorry ream me if you want, but it aint foam it can move.
I guess there CAN be a rare exception to almost anything,
but generally speaking, I totally agree with Bob.

Unlike shooting at targets at precisely measured distances, real hunting seldom allows us to measure with such precision AND the live target often MOVES between the time the arrow is released and before it hits. Ever had a deer "jump" your string noise (or limb movement) upon release? Once we get somewhere beyond 40 yards, a deer can move not a matter of inches, but a matter of feet between the time of release and the arrow hitting something. Add a little wind and we have a great recipe for a wounded deer --- not because of a lack of shooting skills, but rather because shooting live targets is very different than shooting paper targets on a measured range.

No question, at a precisely measured 60 to 75 yards, any skilled archer could often hit a feeding deer's vitals. But most skilled hunters understand that taking this shot often results in an unrecovered wounded deer.
I've only shot at a deer at 60 yards once...but, to say it's ridiculous is well...ridiculous. A deer browsing that is totally at ease standing broadside in a field while you are in a tree camo'd out 60 yards away is a shot that I would take if I wanted to...In my opinion that deer would not hear my DXT and again in my opinion would be no harder to shoot than a closer shot for an experienced archer. An experienced archer is one that practices year round. Like many on this site, I spent 48 days in the woods last year with my bow like the year before that...I practice shooting while hanging from my safety harness, kneeling, sitting, standing, sideways....so, while it may appear ridiculous to some it feels comfortable to others. Having said that if you are new to my bow camp my rules are you shoot at deer inside the 30 yard limit and you must use a rangefinder or pre-measure certain key points near your treestand...
Thanks for the KE link. That was interesting, I would think an arrow would lose much more KE than it shows.

I'd like 2 know what the setup was for this test.

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