Well-Known Member
rich is one of the good guys who has done a lot for the sport of archery and bowhunting.
That is good advice. The thing I hate to hear people say is "I might as well take a chance I don't have nothing to lose but an arrow. I may not get another chance and I might get lucky and hit him". I have to walk away when I hear people say stuff like that and it is surprising how many think that way. The woods is full of poor ethics.Radar said:Maximum effective hunting range is when you can place a single arrow in the vitals every time and have the confidence to take the shot.
If there is any doubt about taking a shot , let down . Too many times bowhunters will think they have to release an arrow once the bow is drawn back before the deer moves away .
Take the first clear shot opportunity within your effective range , only if you feel good about the shot . When in doubt , let down and let it walk .
Headhunter said:Radar, I differ with your opinion in one respect. I have shot targets with a few guys who were so much better than me at shooting targets (most anyone is better than me at just shooting targets) but put them in a the real world hunting situation and they just cannot get it right.
I agree with whoever posted about the first arrow of your practice needing to be in the kill zone and I have always been good at putting the first arrow where it belongs. I always start shooting worse the more I practice in a practice session. I try to limit my practice to no more than 20 shots if that many. I could not even begin to "compete" with many target shooters, probably most on here when it comes to target shooting, but I am one the most persistent hunters you will ever meet and the majority of my practice is during the season.
There is so much to be sad for experience in the woods.
I still screw up (moving at the wrong time, not being ready when a deer appears, not seeing an obstruction of some kind and completely missing, etc.) and will continue to, but if you are not making mistakes then you are not trying.
It is amazing to how many who target shoot but do not know as much about "hunting". I like the hunting, I like being in the woods. There is only so much you can learn by reading, listening, "watching hunting shows", etc. the best time anyone can spend is in the woods. There have been many times while bowhunting from the ground, I have seen a deer and I thought to myself, that deer is going to die by my arrow and I killed it.
There have been way more that something went wrong, but the times everything works out there is almost nothing better than a bowkill from the ground, even when it is a doe.
But a deer that does jump the string at a distance will move more than at close range , because it takes longer for the arrow to travel farther .Headhunter said:I still say in some situations, a deer that is really close to you, unalerted, will jump the string as a deer that is a long ways away will not.
Headhunter , if you would read into what I have posted on this thread , you would see that we agree on most accounts . Look what I posted previously about close shots . I get a better angle on longer shots , and prefer a 30 yard shot over a 15 yard shot .Radar said:There is an old saying in bowhunting circles . Archery is seeing how far you can hit the bullseye , bowhunting is seeing how close you can get . Sometimes I get too close .I have made high shoulder hits on shots under 15 yards .I prefer a 30 yard shot from a treestand when I'm 20 feet up because I can get a better shot angle .