When deer season closes, it’s time to go to Africa

No time like the present. Don't waste all
The money on mounts and shipping, take a thousand pics, that what you are going to show 99% of the people, a flight is an easy $1500 round trip, tips a couple thousands if it's a donated hunt, less if full purchase price. You can easily go for $7500 which is less than an elk hunt.
Lol yes "so cheap". Hahahahaha!!!!
I agree everyone hunts different species for their own reasons. Definitely not knocking anyone's choice but shooting a giraffe wouldn't be at top of my list if I could shoot anything in Africa
Years ago my wife had a friend that I couldn't stand. One time she was at our house and told a story about how she visited another of her friends and the husband had a mounted giraffe. She said she started crying and had to leave the house because it was so upsetting. I've wanted a giraffe mount ever since.
Almost all land that is hunted in South Africa is high fenced. If an operator or booking agent tells you different they aren't telling the whole story. Also you have to remember these tracts of land are usually 5000 plus acres in size. You go in through the gate and usually never see the fence again until you leave the property. Licensed operators are required to high fence the properties. Two reasons for this, they would be legally liable if someone got killed walking or driving somewhere by an animal and also to manage poaching.

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