Why No Private Land Antlerless Hunt for 2024-25

Should be certain number of antlerless allowed per hunter per year. For example 4 per hunter per year or something like that
I don't think they ever intended on people trying to actually kill 3 a day, every day, for the whole season. But what they did try to do is promote killing does, and allowing someone to take several in one sit. You wanting to put a cap on it would probably do more harm, as more people would feel there is limits and they'd try to achieve those limits.
3 antlerless a day from archery thru gun season is ridiculous. Whomever decided to implement that isn't right in the head in my opinion unless your goal is to obliterate the deer herd
As said a ton on this thread any many others. Has been this way for many many years. How many people do you know that kill 3 a day every day? The answer is zero. It's for management plain and simple. Or for those guys that can only hunt a few days a year to fill their freezers. Some of yal are being ridiculous, and have zero clue on what you're talking about. This is a great thing twra has done and they need to leave it alone.
Should be certain number of antlerless allowed per hunter per year. For example 4 per hunter per year or something like that
We need to take 15 to 17 off of one property this year. How do we do that? With that philosophy? We can't then farmers get depredation tags and they it is screwed up. We have the control use control when needed it's not hard.
Why is there no 5-day antlerless hunt on private land this season? I'm wondering what the motivation was for not offering the hunt this season. I have not read any discussions on the change during proposals presented prior to the rulemaking. I've come up with some of my own ideas as possibilities.

1) It may be an attempt to get hunters to shoot does rather than pass them during the season with the goal of more does and less bucks killed.

2) The hunt was for private land in Unit-L only in the past (also CWD Unit when it came into being). Maybe it was removed for simplification of regulations.

3) Maybe it was a concern over fairness between public land hunters and private land hunters.

I'm curious if anyone has run across an explanation on this.
I watched the videos of the meetings where the changes were discussed. TWRA conducted focus groups and at least 2 rounds of surveys. They said that the majority of comments they received indicated hunters wanted the same seasons statewide (stop start), they didn't want the private lands antlerless hunt, they wanted muzzleloader season brought back in CWD counties, and they wanted CWD counties to end with the rest of the state (not end of January).

So to "simplify" they eliminated Zone CWD and made the same seasons across the state, but with different management limits by zones.
We need to take 15 to 17 off of one property this year. How do we do that? With that philosophy? We can't then farmers get depredation tags and they it is screwed up. We have the control use control when needed it's not hard.
Deprecation permits shouldn't be allowed, I know of some who've used them to completely annihilate deer populations in parts of our county and a few others. Im sorry but I grew up hunting in the 80s and seen more deer then than now, just my opinion
As said a ton on this thread any many others. Has been this way for many many years. How many people do you know that kill 3 a day every day? The answer is zero. It's for management plain and simple. Or for those guys that can only hunt a few days a year to fill their freezers. Some of yal are being ridiculous, and have zero clue on what you're talking about. This is a great thing twra has done and they need to leave it alone.
I disagree but understand your thinking. Im sorry but ever since the extensive doe killing began the county I live in and hunt in has seen a drastic population decline, disease included but there are no way as many deer as in the past. People can get disgruntled, upset or whatever. I grew up hunting from '79 until now and the population where I hunt is overall less
I disagree but understand your thinking. Im sorry but ever since the extensive doe killing began the county I live in and hunt in has seen a drastic population decline, disease included but there are no way as many deer as in the past. People can get disgruntled, upset or whatever. I grew up hunting from '79 until now and the population where I hunt is overall less
Also I do still see numerous out of county vehicles leaving out with antlerless deer stacked up but to each his own
I disagree but understand your thinking. Im sorry but ever since the extensive doe killing began the county I live in and hunt in has seen a drastic population decline, disease included but there are no way as many deer as in the past. People can get disgruntled, upset or whatever. I grew up hunting from '79 until now and the population where I hunt is overall less
We generally only kill 3 to 5 a year. But the cold snap last year we have entirely to many deer. We have had several hunts where we are seeing 50 to 60 does a sit between 2 people. Our farms can't support it long term.
We generally only kill 3 to 5 a year. But the cold snap last year we have entirely to many deer. We have had several hunts where we are seeing 50 to 60 does a sit between 2 people. Our farms can't support it long term.
I understand, it's just between liberal doe limits and disease the herds around here have been hit hard for a long time
Until your row cropping neighbor gets permits for destruction and leaves a hundred to rot, than you have none to hunt
I literally know of one farmer who obtains the permit and shoots well over a hundred every year. One farm i hunt had never recovered from the guy who use to farm it and got one of those permits. He and his workers shot everything
Why is there no 5-day antlerless hunt on private land this season? I'm wondering what the motivation was for not offering the hunt this season. I have not read any discussions on the change during proposals presented prior to the rulemaking. I've come up with some of my own ideas as possibilities.

1) It may be an attempt to get hunters to shoot does rather than pass them during the season with the goal of more does and less bucks killed.

2) The hunt was for private land in Unit-L only in the past (also CWD Unit when it came into being). Maybe it was removed for simplification of regulations.

3) Maybe it was a concern over fairness between public land hunters and private land hunters.

I'm curious if anyone has run across an explanation on this.
I hope it was reason #2 because everyone should play by the same rules. Why should private land hunters get extra hunting privilege?

Same goes for the velvet hunt. Personally I don't have any interest in it, but if private land gets that opportunity, public land hunters should as well.

TN has such liberal doe limits anyway, why the heck does private land need an extra week to kill them?
3 antlerless a day from archery thru gun season is ridiculous. Whomever decided to implement that isn't right in the head in my opinion unless your goal is to obliterate the deer herd
Just a guess but the goal may have to do with the number of traffic accidents in unit L also. If the population has declined then vehicle damage should be declining also. It hasn't. I work LE in the unit L area and have to respond to deer vs vehicle calls almost daily.
Why would you need an extra 5 days to kill antlerless deer when you could kill 3 a day starting way back in September.
For me it's just a mental thing. As long as I "can" kill a buck, I don't want to kill a doe and possibly miss the chance at a buck that (in my mind) is just out of sight when I shoot that doe....lol...If it is antlerless only, I know i can't legally shoot a buck.

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