Why No Private Land Antlerless Hunt for 2024-25

For me it's just a mental thing. As long as I "can" kill a buck, I don't want to kill a doe and possibly miss the chance at a buck that (in my mind) is just out of sight when I shoot that doe....lol...If it is antlerless only, I know i can't legally shoot a buck.
I get it, but at some point the season comes to a close. There's enough days and time to accomplish our needs.
I hope it was reason #2 because everyone should play by the same rules. Why should private land hunters get extra hunting privilege?

Same goes for the velvet hunt. Personally I don't have any interest in it, but if private land gets that opportunity, public land hunters should as well.

TN has such liberal doe limits anyway, why the heck does private land need an extra week to kill them?
Many public lands, especially WMA's, already have different rules from private lands. Some WMA's allow the velvet hunt.

I think getting deer hunters out of the woods quicker on public lands helps the small game hunters. There is no harm with allowing extra hunt on private lands.

There have already been several responses on why some folks like the extra week to kill does.
I watched the videos of the meetings where the changes were discussed. TWRA conducted focus groups and at least 2 rounds of surveys. They said that the majority of comments they received indicated hunters wanted the same seasons statewide (stop start), they didn't want the private lands antlerless hunt, they wanted muzzleloader season brought back in CWD counties, and they wanted CWD counties to end with the rest of the state (not end of January).

So to "simplify" they eliminated Zone CWD and made the same seasons across the state, but with different management limits by zones.
In other words, many not in cwd unit cried that it was unfair for cwd unit to be able to hunt with rifles early, even saw a few here that did I won't call them out though. Ironically at least one who whined about it being unfair took part in an early rifle hunt on a wma near them and posted pics of their rifle kill. Kind of hypocritical.🤔 Kind of sad that the two thirds of the state not in the unit(majority) were the states deciding factor for the regs in that unit
I get it, but at some point the season comes to a close. There's enough days and time to accomplish our needs.
Oh I agree. Its a "me" thing. I loved being able to knock a few down to give away at the end of the season. My lease has an overabundance of does. I could not hunt it this year even if it were available so this weekend...hope the does are out....
Just a guess but the goal may have to do with the number of traffic accidents in unit L also. If the population has declined then vehicle damage should be declining also. It hasn't. I work LE in the unit L area and have to respond to deer vs vehicle calls almost daily.
As usual it involves money, insurance companies and twra license sales
In other words, many not in cwd unit cried that it was unfair for cwd unit to be able to hunt with rifles early, even saw a few here that did I won't call them out though. Ironically at least one who whined about it being unfair took part in an early rifle hunt on a wma near them and posted pics of their rifle kill. Kind of hypocritical.🤔 Kind of sad that the two thirds of the state not in the unit(majority) were the states deciding factor for the regs in that unit
It was foolish and uncalled for to change to those moronic kill em all regulations to start with!

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