Wild hogs

Cell Camera sends more good news! I hate em!
was wondering if someone could provide a link to a frequently updated map of the wild hog population in TN... specifically East TN

I've seen these in the past (showing general areas of the state that contain sightings).

(Copied from a 2014 post from Muzzy76)
Check out the timeline as to when the population expanded the fastest back in the 90's. I think that if you look into commodity prices, pork was so low, around the same time, that the farmers couldn't afford to feed them. There may have been some "accidental" releases of domestic swine. I truly believe that the collapse of the pork market had more to do with the increase in the feral hog population than did moving hogs. I'm not saying that moving hogs didn't happen, I happened to know of folks buying hogs (to release)out of the deep south way back before it was illegal.
Glad to see them spreading out. Some fine free range pork there.;) For the right price, I'd be willing to help anyone within 1.5hrs of McMinn County, severely curtail their wild hog problems. February and then June thru September is my "hog season". Also offer a few guided hunts during this time. My two dogs on the ground, no guns.
Have y'all seen the videos of the Prig Brig. Most effective way to trap if you have a couple thousand dollars laying around.
Yeah that's what i use. Ive not had enough hogs around to know if it's better than the drop traps but it works.
I think one of the biggest issues is that states allow outfitters/guides to have pay to play hunts for hogs. Whether they'll admit it or not, this incentivizes them to keep some number of hogs around for reproduction and selling future hunts. With wild hogs being such a destructive species, it should not be legal to keep them around so you can sell hunts.

I'm not saying people should have the right to go onto people's property for free and kill hogs. What I'm saying is that it should be illegal to make money off of such an invasive and destructive animal because it's incentivizing these land owners to keep them around. They reproduce at incredible rates and the pressure from hunts will scatter them onto nearby properties, and throughout the state.
Goodness. They come through one evening and it looks like someone ran a tractor tiller through the area. I've seen creek bottoms here where the entire ground is turned up. Every sapling tree is killed. Not to mention how bullyish hogs can be and forcing other species out of the area. I hate them and want them all dead.

I killed a couple small ones in August on a friend's family land that he trapped. Stinky as heck and it wasn't fun quartering them in the heat with horseflies and yellowjackets bothering us, but it's dang good meat.
Goodness. They come through one evening and it looks like someone ran a tractor tiller through the area. I've seen creek bottoms here where the entire ground is turned up. Every sapling tree is killed. Not to mention how bullyish hogs can be and forcing other species out of the area. I hate them and want them all dead.

I killed a couple small ones in August on a friend's family land that he trapped. Stinky as heck and it wasn't fun quartering them in the heat with horseflies and yellowjackets bothering us, but it's dang good meat.
They are extremely destructive and my deer and Turkey sightings have diminished since they arrived. I'm afraid we will never be totally rid of them.
Glad to see them spreading out. Some fine free range pork there.;) For the right price, I'd be willing to help anyone within 1.5hrs of McMinn County, severely curtail their wild hog problems. February and then June thru September is my "hog season". Also offer a few guided hunts during this time. My two dogs on the ground, no guns.
Hopefully you'll get your wish and they'll "spread out" on your property.
Have had them all around and on me my whole life, in 2 different states. They keep my freezers full of fresh sausage and pork cuts, as well as a little spare cash in my pocket. Come from a long line of both cow and hog men;)
Ive been a avid deer hunter all my life. But I sure like pig hunting. If pigs were to make it to my farm I could care less about deer hunting the rest of my life to be honest. Sure a lot more fun IMHO. Selfish I know.
I get all the arguments for NOT wanting them though.
If pigs were to make it to my farm there would be a lot of pigs killed incidental to my deer hunts . :)

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