Wild hogs

I have some cheap, Chinese, night vision goggles. I have never tried a quality set, but I can see the field and pick out the hogs. Last Saturday night I decided to slip outside and "glass" the field. As I quietly slipped out the door opposite the field, I learned that a bird had decided to roost in a Christmas wreath that is hanging on the door….a door that opens inward. Needless to say, after the resulting noise that ensued as we chased a bird through vaulted ceilings and ceiling fans, loft area, etc., I'm sure no self respecting hog was within a mile of our place!
I have some cheap, Chinese, night vision goggles. I have never tried a quality set, but I can see the field and pick out the hogs. Last Saturday night I decided to slip outside and "glass" the field. As I quietly slipped out the door opposite the field, I learned that a bird had decided to roost in a Christmas wreath that is hanging on the door….a door that opens inward. Needless to say, after the resulting noise that ensued as we chased a bird through vaulted ceilings and ceiling fans, loft area, etc., I'm sure no self respecting hog was within a mile of our place!
Gotta do what you gotta do to get rid of them. Odd tactic but I commend you in your dedication!😂😂
I have some cheap, Chinese, night vision goggles. I have never tried a quality set, but I can see the field and pick out the hogs. Last Saturday night I decided to slip outside and "glass" the field. As I quietly slipped out the door opposite the field, I learned that a bird had decided to roost in a Christmas wreath that is hanging on the door….a door that opens inward. Needless to say, after the resulting noise that ensued as we chased a bird through vaulted ceilings and ceiling fans, loft area, etc., I'm sure no self respecting hog was within a mile of our place!
I can identify! With the bird in the wreath not the night vision. My front door has a window so I see birds in the Christmas wreath occasionally. Never got one in the house though.
I guess when/ if I ever get them I won't care what the laws are for getting rid of them.
Honestly if a game warden bust you for killing a pig or fines you for pig hunting... he is a worthless as far as I am concerned. While I have full on respect for game wardens for the most part I think that would be totally ridicoulous considering the goal is to eradicate them.

Probably could understand if someone was out with night vision or using thermal claiming they were deer hunting with it and going to use it incidental to a deer hunt. Two entirley different things.
I know Alabama is covered up in feral hogs (now present in every county). Are farmers starting to see them in TN as well? If so, I would love to connect with any affected farmers and work to hunt their land… does anybody have any connections to share statewide?

They obviously enjoy my food plot. They usually don't root, but eat it to the dirt.
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They obviously enjoy my food plot. They usually don't root, but eat it to the dirt.
A fully jacketed .22 right in the earhole ought to solve that, no? We have them real bad in SC and I'm in the hilly part. Swirling winds never allowed me to get close enough to one without them taking off but I tried hard last Winter to sneak up on one on WMA and put a CCI Mini Mag .22 in some. I'll be trying again this year.
A fully jacketed .22 right in the earhole ought to solve that, no? We have them real bad in SC and I'm in the hilly part. Swirling winds never allowed me to get close enough to one without them taking off but I tried hard last Winter to sneak up on one on WMA and put a CCI Mini Mag .22 in some. I'll be trying again this year.
The key is getting that shot. I've killed 4 or 5 (I don't track those that are not DRT because it's dark and that doesn't seem very smart), and they still return. In larger numbers. Usually they are nocturnal.
The key is getting that shot. I've killed 4 or 5 (I don't track those that are not DRT because it's dark and that doesn't seem very smart), and they still return. In larger numbers. Usually they are nocturnal.
Yea I've read that by nature they're more nocturnal than deer are. So that's another issue with trying to thin them out on WMA. All the hunting pressure from deer and duck season, especially the latter in swampy areas where hogs love to hangout, has gotten them completely nocturnal.

So I can stalk fresh sign for quite some time and never see one. They're bedded in stuff way too thick to sneak in without making too much noise or getting sniffed out as the winds swirl.

A few years ago I had a sow false charge me, she had piglets. This was during turkey season so I could have blasted her with a face full of turkey load but wasn't sure if that'd do the trick. I carry a 9mm which would do it, but relying on a pistol shot with a charging pig can be risky. She stopped about 10 yds from me and walked away. Had she taken another step, we were both about to find out if turkey load would do it!
Glad to see them spreading out. Some fine free range pork there.;) For the right price, I'd be willing to help anyone within 1.5hrs of McMinn County, severely curtail their wild hog problems. February and then June thru September is my "hog season". Also offer a few guided hunts during this time. My two dogs on the ground, no guns.
Good luck, I've got traps but most people would rather have the governments help. Granted its alot of work. Last year I helped a buddy trap out his place. We 40 trapped something hogs. I cleaned most of them and give a ton of sausage away. He's been seeing a couple lone boars but so far so good.
Fixin to get busy in these next two months. It's a 3 pronged, constant attack to keep their numbers at "bay"😀. Landowners and neighbors have to be serious, and all on the same page. I let them worry about the trapping and shooting. I'm the dog man. My style is way different then almost all the "houndsmen" around these parts. They are out there to "run" hogs, run them everywhere. I am out there to "catch" them. Big difference;)

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