If the weather gets hot by mid May moving those 2 weeks from the front to the back will eliminate them for me. Not going after them when it's 85+ degrees. If others follow suit maybe that'll save a few more. I think maybe they didn't eliminate days but are counting on guys not hunting when it gets so hot.
I don't think it was as much as 'counting on guys not hunting' as it was the decision to give toms a chance to breed hens before they are killed while not taking any hunting days away from the general public.
I agree, late season turkey hunting is feast or famine. Days of not hearing a gobble, then all of a sudden you hit a small bachelor group that races one another to your call. Turkey hunting itself in late May can be just as good as early April, just way more inconsistent. But at least the bird you kill in Kate May has had every chance to breed the available adult hens, maybe even a 2nd time for those renesting. And hopefully the jakes have matured to the point where they can clean up the 3rd nesters and jennies who are just breeding late May/ early June.
As far as warmer temps, more bugs, more snakes, etc, etc, etc, whine, whine, whine at the end of May... well it's those guys losses. While turkeys may not act like turkeys every day of late season, there are some days where they want to read the script and play ball like a man. Just got to be in the woods to play the game.
The biggest boon for delayed season opener will be those areas with a marginal populations.. 1 tom, 2 jakes, 4 or 5 hens... not another flock for 3 or 4 miles around. Now that single tom will have a chance to breed many of the hens before he is killed. Sure 90% of his ladies nests will be destroyed by predators after he is killed, but at least the hens were given the chance to initiate a nest of fertile eggs.