Wish granted

This is what happens when everyone becomes brain washed by a theory that is not even backed by actual data. A theory by a biologist that rose to stardom after appearing on a Meateater podcast. Another contributing factor is all the new turkey hunters who whine when it isn't easy for them to get their limit on years without lots of 2 year olds. Well, at least now they can have an easier time posting "#taggedout".

I like your thoughts, not arguing and I've thought the same thing on if he's right or not. But this guy I think is legit. I read his stuff way before he got popular on social media. I don't know about his "dominant gobbler theory." But I do think too many may be being killed before breeding is done. Because it's so easy to for people to stake out dekes and double or triple up with their buddies on opening Saturday 10 minutes after flydown.
Oh, and we can't forget about the new WMA restrictions on certain WMAs. We can thank one of our very own YouTubers for contributing to that one.
Yea. I knew it would happen and it did. I was hoping thought it would be a fad that didn't last long, but so far it's been about 9-10 seasons and getting worse since THP guys.
I like your thoughts, not arguing and I've thought the same thing on if he's right or not. But this guy I think is legit. I read his stuff way before he got popular on social media. I don't know about his "dominant gobbler theory." But I do think too many may be being killed before breeding is done. Because it's so easy to for people to stake out dekes and double or triple up with their buddies on opening Saturday 10 minutes after flydown.
He is legit, but has went "all in" so to say on this theory. He's so deep at this point, he can't back out. Especially since state agencies are now changing seasons based on his theory. I know how academia works. He will try to twist any data and results they gather to try to fit his narrative. He can't be wrong at this point.

Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED to see the latest push in turkey research. I think A LOT of the current studies are needed. Others, such as throwing up audio recording devices to see the differences in private vs public gobbling activity and chronology. Eh.... Its been done plenty of times.

Another pet peeve of mine is how Chamberlain will post outlier data, not specifically mentioning its outlier data, but your average joe blow turkey hunter runs with that outlier data and thinks its more "the norm". Example: spur length and gobbler age. Yeah, some 2 year old birds will have 1"+ spurs. Some 5 year old birds may not have 1"+. But in general, gobblers do fit into spur length age classes.

One thing is for sure, all a turkey hunter needs to be a biologist today is a social media account to follow a few people.
Yea. I knew it would happen and it did. I was hoping thought it would be a fad that didn't last long, but so far it's been about 9-10 seasons and getting worse since THP guys.
Plz explain what you guys are referring to, I haven't read the changes to any of the wma rules.
PERSONALLY, I would prefer them to close the season May 1st. All they really did was add the 2 weeks lost on the front to the back end.
If the weather gets hot by mid May moving those 2 weeks from the front to the back will eliminate them for me. Not going after them when it's 85+ degrees. If others follow suit maybe that'll save a few more. I think maybe they didn't eliminate days but are counting on guys not hunting when it gets so hot.
If the weather gets hot by mid May moving those 2 weeks from the front to the back will eliminate them for me. Not going after them when it's 85+ degrees. If others follow suit maybe that'll save a few more. I think maybe they didn't eliminate days but are counting on guys not hunting when it gets so hot.
I hate to sound like a setter, catmando, mega, whoever, but if youre not done in 2 weeks with a 2 bird limit something is bad wrong with your approach.
If the weather gets hot by mid May moving those 2 weeks from the front to the back will eliminate them for me. Not going after them when it's 85+ degrees. If others follow suit maybe that'll save a few more. I think maybe they didn't eliminate days but are counting on guys not hunting when it gets so hot.
I don't think it was as much as 'counting on guys not hunting' as it was the decision to give toms a chance to breed hens before they are killed while not taking any hunting days away from the general public.

I agree, late season turkey hunting is feast or famine. Days of not hearing a gobble, then all of a sudden you hit a small bachelor group that races one another to your call. Turkey hunting itself in late May can be just as good as early April, just way more inconsistent. But at least the bird you kill in Kate May has had every chance to breed the available adult hens, maybe even a 2nd time for those renesting. And hopefully the jakes have matured to the point where they can clean up the 3rd nesters and jennies who are just breeding late May/ early June.

As far as warmer temps, more bugs, more snakes, etc, etc, etc, whine, whine, whine at the end of May... well it's those guys losses. While turkeys may not act like turkeys every day of late season, there are some days where they want to read the script and play ball like a man. Just got to be in the woods to play the game.

The biggest boon for delayed season opener will be those areas with a marginal populations.. 1 tom, 2 jakes, 4 or 5 hens... not another flock for 3 or 4 miles around. Now that single tom will have a chance to breed many of the hens before he is killed. Sure 90% of his ladies nests will be destroyed by predators after he is killed, but at least the hens were given the chance to initiate a nest of fertile eggs.
A serious question... those of you hunters who hunted in southern middle TN or far western TN this past season where season opening was delayed 2 weeks... did you feel the 2 week delay hampered your ability to kill a turkey? Was opening day for you mid April silent ('birds all gobbled out') by your opener?
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They failed miserably by not making units for turkey just like they have deer! There was no need in yet taking away another bird from those who have plenty enough to spare! The twra incompetence shines yet again! I mean come on they cant even do simple brood surveys😂 and God forbid they actually catch a few poachers a season!!
Yeah, when you have turkeys declining from one end of the state to he other, it makes a lot of sense to try turkey units.

LMAO. Just another blurb from the TWRA haters.
It should have been done way before the decline started not last year! You wanna talk about twra haters 😂 they shoot their own feet daily!
I hate to sound like a setter, catmando, mega, whoever, but if youre not done in 2 weeks with a 2 bird limit something is bad wrong with your approach.
I have to disagree with you on that, sometimes it takes me a season to kill two birds. I have a job and family that demands a lot of my time. Some weeks I get to go 1 day, Also have to count the crappy weather we get sometimes in the spring. Not everyone has the same opportunity a self employed logger has to hunt. I should know I really enjoyed it when I did. I miss it!
The turkeys are doing good on the properties we hunt but I hope these changes will help those who are in areas that are struggling....also hope the warm dry spring weather helped with poult survival....bottom line...I'm for anything that might help the wild turkey.
Yeah, when you have turkeys declining from one end of the state to he other, it makes a lot of sense to try turkey units.

LMAO. Just another blurb from the TWRA haters.
How did you come to that conclusion? Very curious on where you got that information that it's a statewide decline? I can't even plant a food plot there are so many turkeys in my area now, I used to not even hunt around here for lack of turkey. My son and I killed 3 in places last year that you couldn't have forced me to hunt just 5 years ago. I believe some think that because turkeys have declined in their area or farm that means a statewide decline had to be and anyone who disagrees simply doesn't care about turkeys or turkey hunting. That is not the case at all it just simply means we disagree. That is fine, it's okay not to agree on every aspect of the new regulations or other things about turkey hunting. The limit of two doesn't bother me however the mid April start date I would have to question. We based that off what? Was it a glance of the great work it's done for Arkansas and LBL? I believe someone posted a UT study that showed around 80 percent of hens were initiating nest currently( figure could be wrong or off slightly just going off memory), that would seem pretty good to me or normal but maybe it's not. I have seen poults all over this year and been sent pictures from buddies in neighboring counties of numerous poults . I think poult survival runs in cycles according to predators , weather and other factors. I do not believe it has anything to do with our opening dates or hens not being bred as to loss of poults, just an opinion . Again I am just a hunter and no means a biologist or expert. Do I think the Mid April start date will hurt anything? Nope, Just my sanity waiting on the season to open! One other thing I will question is why no bonus bird on the quota WMA hunts? These are controlled hunts with limited people , these WMA are not open statewide? There is absolutely 0 reason especially with a two bird limit for those hunts not to be a bonus bird like they were for years. This doesn't make me against turkeys or turkey hunting I am simply expressing my thoughts and I do not buy everything Chamberlain has put out. In the end I hope he is right because states have fallen in line to change everything they have done for years based on his theory. I hope two , three years from now we all have turkeys running all over the place and they are thriving from one end of the state to the other! If the Lord allows I will be up and after them come mid April as there is absolutely nothing like turkey hunting!
Pressure/less gobblers to be heard is what shuts them up later in the season. Last week in April-first week in May are they best to hunt around here because most hens are starting to set.

Dr. Mike Chamberlain has tons of research on that with hunted vs non hunted populations. Basically after people start driving around calling from roads being "googans" the turkeys shut up. Pretty simple.

I don't like the reduced limit but oh well. Probably needs to be done. I think the moving the dates back will accomplish more than anything.

Also nest predators need more eradication and people need to do more to help beating and brooding habitat.

Outlawing decoys will -also help a lot
Seen that term used for fly fishermen.