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WMA hunting advice

I think they have outlawed deer urine type scents due to CWD. I don't use them so not something I focus on, but you may want to confirm the regs.

The good news is you have found deer, now to just stay on them. You may not see them every time but determine if the sign is still fresh.
I think they have outlawed deer urine type scents due to CWD. I don't use them so not something I focus on, but you may want to confirm the regs.

The good news is you have found deer, now to just stay on them. You may not see them every time but determine if the sign is still fresh.
I don't know if they recently changed anything, but this is the reg: https://www.eregulations.com/tennessee/hunting/manner-means

  1. The use or possession of natural cervid urine while hunting is prohibited unless the product is clearly labeled bearing certification from the manufacturer that the urine was produced in a facility that:
    • Complies with a federal or a federally approved chronic wasting disease herd certification program and any federal CWD protocols and record requirements;
    • Does not allow importation of live cervids;
    • Requires that all cervids exported from the facility be tested for CWD upon death and the results are reported to the facility;
    • Is inspected annually by an accredited veterinarian, including inspection of the herd and applicable records; and
    • Maintains a fence at least 8 feet high around the facility and, if the facility is located within 30 miles of a confirmed positive occurrence of CWD, is double fenced to prevent direct contact between captive and wild cervids.

Code Blue states they are certified, not sure about any other brands.
Movement has been slow in your area since the weather warmed up. The rut is winding down too. Wait for a cool spell to try again. They'll start moving then. I've got cameras all over a farm near you and deer movement has really slowed for now. It'll pick back up.
Sounds like no scents are the way to go, at least until you are really comfortable with an area and learn how things react?

I do have a little grunt caller I got from Academy, but I need to practice. I am as afraid of it as a duck call.
Hit or miss with the grunts, but I usually grunt 1 or 2 up a year. Usually younger curious bucks. Have called some in just blind calling, and had others I could see just walk on by and completely ignore the call. Have never had one spook as a result of the call (that I could see.) Have never had luck with can calls or doe bleats.
You are asking the right questions and you are on the right path. Responses vary because there is no single best answer. Staying put makes sense because the area you describe with the tall grass and many trails sounds like bedding. The acorns are still a primary food source. Your blind and any scent you leave behind may be affecting deer movement. Your scent control efforts are worth the effort. However, your boots are likely leaving a scent trail everywhere you walk. All that said, you are in a good area to hunt. Consider moving away from the bedding far enough so that deer willingly move out in the open to feed. If you make a move, look for heavy cover bedding and hunt facing the wind.
It's been about 50/50 on "Stay put" and "Move around" it seems! but I know there are so many unknowns that it's impossible to know what will work for sure.

I am trying now to research how to track/spot food sources and such without getting right up on them. I can recognize Corn stalks, persimmons, most oaks and fruits pretty well, but how do you know, this time of year, if there are still acorns on the ground without getting close enough to them to spook anything near?
There are apps you can down load to your phone that will ID trees and plants via the bark or leaf. They're pretty accurate and will help you in ID'ing those mast trees.
Swap areas if you're repeatedly hunting a spot you're burning it out. I hunt public as well and the past 2 years have saved my best spot for the rut and a certain wind direction and both years have killed the first time I was in there. Just try to hunt new less hunted/pressured areas you'll get a deer. Leave the doe urine at the house, hunt where the deer are don't try to bring them to you. Scentless is the best route.

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