Wma respect


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2018
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East tn
So my dad and son headed up to catoosa this morning went to same spot we hunted durning muzzleloader. As there getting there things out of truck had two guys walk up from parking further down the road son and dad asked witch way they were headed and was same way as them ( dad has a bad hip so cant walk far that's why we picked this spot ) dad and son told them that's were they were hunting . Then the jacka## come off with catoosa's most famous comments we done have or stands up back there so we were here first. Heard this so many time up there wish I had a dollar for every time I quess its like that on all wma to me first one there gets the spot . But on wma I quess if you leave your stand, orange, coke can , ribbon, bright eyes or anything else along the side of the road or in the woods it means that spot is claimed. So my question is should stands be allowed to sit overnight in the woods on wma . My opinion is no first one to the spot that morning has the spot show some respect for fellow hunters they put time and money into the hunt just like you did sorry for the rant it just tick me off
My answer is an emphatic NO!

I don't think stands should be allowed to be left anytime, even during midday.

My friend and I were hunting a WMA this past weekend, and someone dropped off a hunter right where he parked and went in. It's blatantly obvious where my buddy would be hunting because of the terrain, so seeing his vehicle there should have been a clue to anyone with at least a room temperature I.Q.

So the guy comes within 75 yards and climbs up 45 minutes after daylight.

He'd left his stand overnight and felt like he'd claimed the spot, then showed up very late, but no one had a clue he had left it.

Pretty much a Jerk move.
The stand thing to me is ridiculous and should not be allowed. Guys think because they hang a stand they own the place. The worst case is you get there early go get in your stand and some guy comes in mad saying you have set up 100 yards from his stand. So you are supposed to see the stand in the dark and know the area belongs to them? That is exactly why I will not put in for a place that puts 2000 people on a hunt. Here is the deal if I pull up to a spot I have planned to hunt and truck is there I just move on or if they are still at their truck and I can ask where they are going and it's totally different directions than I go on to my spot. If your dad and son beat them there to the parking spot then the other two should have respected that and moved on in my opinion. LBL is the worst for the " I got my stand back there" scenario. I will never leave my stand on public land , if you beat me/ it's your spot. Courtesy has went out the window with most hunters now days. I hope your dad and son both kill big ones this morning!
It's a no win situation.

No, they can't claim a spot and your dad and son have the right to hunt it.

But, at the end of the day, it might be more beneficial to move on, even if it's just a bit. Right now, a buck could be anywhere, so find a spot with a good view where deer might be moving through.
Son just texted me he has a buddy that is hunting up there today also he left his stand in the woods and someone cut his seat out of it for him my opinion he should not have left it but that is still wrong to mess up a person's equipment
I don't have a problem with it really. That's why it's always good to have backup spots to go. Even if they were there first and nobody had hung stands, someone could still walk in like Elmer Fudd at prime time and mess up the hunt. Just the way it goes sometimes. Keep hunting
So my dad and son headed up to catoosa this morning went to same spot we hunted durning muzzleloader. As there getting there things out of truck had two guys walk up from parking further down the road son and dad asked witch way they were headed and was same way as them ( dad has a bad hip so cant walk far that's why we picked this spot ) dad and son told them that's were they were hunting . Then the jacka## come off with catoosa's most famous comments we done have or stands up back there so we were here first. Heard this so many time up there wish I had a dollar for every time I quess its like that on all wma to me first one there gets the spot . But on wma I quess if you leave your stand, orange, coke can , ribbon, bright eyes or anything else along the side of the road or in the woods it means that spot is claimed. So my question is should stands be allowed to sit overnight in the woods on wma . My opinion is no first one to t+he spot that morning has the spot show some respect for fellow hunters they put time and money into the hunt just like you did sorry for the rant it just tick me off
The answer to your question that was given to me by a WMA manager is, it is up to the WMA manager. The reason they usually allow it is they want to make it easier for people who are older (like your dad) who can't lug a stand in as easy.

The second part of the answer (also from same manager) is, stand up or not, first to the spot gets it. If you are there and set up and someone comes in and says I have a stand 50 yds over, too bad for them, they will be hunting off the ground somewhere else that hunt.

Now if I was on the road and had not walked in, I may or may not give the spot up depending on whether I knew I was there first, etc. In other words, I'd try to work it out with them. If I couldn't I would complain to the WMA manager, because if they get enough complaints, they may stop allowing people to leave a stand over night.
I don't hunt public anymore for the most part but have no problem with someone leaving a stand overnight. However that does not give them the right to the spot but only keeps them from hauling it in in the morning. If somebody is already there gotta go elsewhere. People are just pricks these days and have no respect for anybody else.
The answer to your question that was given to me by a WMA manager is, it is up to the WMA manager. The reason they usually allow it is they want to make it easier for people who are older (like your dad) who can't lug a stand in as easy.

The second part of the answer (also from same manager) is, stand up or not, first to the spot gets it. If you are there and set up and someone comes in and says I have a stand 50 yds over, too bad for them, they will be hunting off the ground somewhere else that hunt.

Now if I was on the road and had not walked in, I may or may not give the spot up depending on whether I knew I was there first, etc. In other words, I'd try to work it out with them. If I couldn't I would complain to the WMA manager, because if they get enough complaints, they may stop allowing people to leave a stand over night.
I know you are just passing along the information but I do not understand the area managers assessment that it makes it easier for people not to lug a stand in. Wouldn't lugging it in the day before be just the same as the day of? Either way they have to carry it in. The second part of his answer is probably not accurate either, people that hang stands don't just move on and hunt off the ground they usually do like the guys above and climb their stand and get mad at you for hanging up near their stand that you are supposed to know is there when you climb your tree in the dark before they ever step foot on the place that morning. Even if I beat stand hangers to a spot I am that guy that will just move on because it's just not worth it. It's all part of hunting public but where in the world has respect went on these things? You think deer is bad, try turkey hunting sometime. Lol
There is not doubt being to able to set up a stand the day before is nice for older or physically impaired people or anyone assisting them. And for anyone who wants to hunt from a ladder stand. As far as who hunts the area, first person to an area has the rights. Someone beats me to my spot, I go somewhere else.
I know you are just passing along the information but I do not understand the area managers assessment that it makes it easier for people not to lug a stand in. Wouldn't lugging it in the day before be just the same as the day of? Either way they have to carry it in. The second part of his answer is probably not accurate either, people that hang stands don't just move on and hunt off the ground they usually do like the guys above and climb their stand and get mad at you for hanging up near their stand that you are supposed to know is there when you climb your tree in the dark before they ever step foot on the place that morning. Even if I beat stand hangers to a spot I am that guy that will just move on because it's just not worth it. It's all part of hunting public but where in the world has respect went on these things? You think deer is bad, try turkey hunting sometime. Lol
totally understand and my run in which is what prompted my call to the manager was due to me getting to an area first, climbing a tree, only to have a guy come in with a headlamp right by my stand. I flashed a light at him, he saw me and continued to his stand which cut me off from where I thought the deer were gonna come from. After hunt he decided to get down when I did and walk over and apologize. There was no way for me to know his stand (ladder stand) was there. It wasn't there a week before. I got there and was set up and he still hunted 50 yds from me and put himself in position to cut me off if the deer did what obviously we both thought they would do. Just didn't happen that morning. Issue is he knew I was there and still hunted his stand just like you assumed he would.

I called the area manager and he told me that he allowed people to set ladders, lock-ons, etc. due to the fact it could be a physical hindrance to carry a stand in. They could get help setting the stand and taking it down, but not carrying it in every time. He did say that the guy should have left and not hunted there.

That being said, if I get drawn for LBL I always go on Thursday and carry my stand in and lock it to a tree. In the morning I am going to that tree, but I have not had issues there as it is a big area and only so many get drawn, then only so many show up.
I guess I'm in the minority here. I always hang my stand the day before and most everyone I know does. Also, I don't bring it out just because I come out for lunch, nor do I know anyone that does. If I'm on a three day hunt that means I'd have to lug that thing in and out 12 times. Do y'all really do that. Not being disrespectful but I'm not going to just give up my spot that I've scouted for because someone else parks in the same area as myself. In saying all that, I'd never walk in, stand on back, and hunt somewhere I seen others. I've hunted a lot of public ground and many times I have guys walk in with me and say there stand is back there. I say mine to. Good luck. It's all part of hunting public.
I guess I'm in the minority here. I always hang my stand the day before and most everyone I know does. Also, I don't bring it out just because I come out for lunch, nor do I know anyone that does. If I'm on a three day hunt that means I'd have to lug that thing in and out 12 times. Do y'all really do that. Not being disrespectful but I'm not going to just give up my spot that I've scouted for because someone else parks in the same area as myself. In saying all that, I'd never walk in, stand on back, and hunt somewhere I seen others. I've hunted a lot of public ground and many times I have guys walk in with me and say there stand is back there. I say mine to. Good luck. It's all part of hunting public.
Give up your spot? I thought it was public? What do you do if I beat you to your spot and I climb up in the dark 40 yards from your stand you have taken in the day before?Do You hunt your stand because you scouted it the day before? Or do you move on since it's public land and I beat you in there?
Give up your spot? I thought it was public? What do you do if I beat you to your spot and I climb up in the dark 40 yards from your stand you have taken in the day before?Do You hunt your stand because you scouted it the day before? Or do you move on since it's public land and I beat you in there?
Lol nitpicking are we. I'm sorry( the spot), and if your 40 yards and beat me in, I'm man enough to take it and I go to one of my backups. If we walk in together and you give me an idea of where you are and I don't feel like I'm cutting you off nor do I feel your cutting me off, then I'll hunt and good luck to you. By the way I hunted catoosa a couple weeks ago and this exact thing happened.
Lol nitpicking are we. I'm sorry( the spot), and if your 40 yards and beat me in, I'm man enough to take it and I go to one of my backups. If we walk in together and you give me an idea of where you are and I don't feel like I'm cutting you off nor do I feel your cutting me off, then I'll hunt and good luck to you. By the way I hunted catoosa a couple weeks ago and this exact thing happened.
Yep, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all . I do my best to stay away from others at all cost and out of their way. If I do see a stand hung as I am scouting an area I just mark that spot off my list and go on my way. I would never set up on someone intentionally. I am like you if I talk to someone at my truck and we are going in different areas but walking the same road in then I will stay and even help them drag a deer if they need me, not a problem. You guys hunting Catoosa are a special group, man that's a lot of people. I know it's a lot of acres but people seem to congregate to certain areas. If a man could ever find that special spot up there , he could kill some dandies I would imagine.