After a 2.5 hour trip to the farm, and unloading a truck bed full of hay into the barn, I managed to make it to one of my stands just as it was getting light. The three hours of sleep the night before had me in a comatose state, but then I looked down the ridge and saw a gray blob moving back and forth. A peek through my scope confirmed that it was a nine point that I'd seen during archery season, and he worked a sapling over pretty good for fifteen minutes or so.
As he moved up the ridge toward me I noticed a severe limp, and also that he was as skinny as Snoop Dog. This deer was pretty big bodied during October, so I was shocked to see he'd lost so much weight.
He circled up and around me and into a thick cutover before going back down hill, and at fifty yards I thumbed the hammer on my old .444, and a hard downhill quartering shot sent Snoop into the turf nose first. Later examination showed a healed over scar on the left side brisket. It looked like someone had attempted a frontal shot that went bad.
I am extremely happy to get this buck, as he was really the only one I wanted this season.