Worst fans in the SEC

I suppose every school has its share of the worst fans.

I'd include Bama fans in this category. Like Swamphunter said, there's fans that couldn't find Tuscaloosa with a map and a guide. And not to mention they wear all the swag, like they have something to do with the team winning. And the "Roll Tide" tag at the beginning/end of any sentence. My SIL went to visit her son in Tuscaloosa...and at a restaurant, she said the waiter sounded something like this:
Waiter: "Hey, Roll Tide! Can I get your drink order?
SIL: "I'd like a Dr. Pepper, please"
Waiter: Sure, one Dr. Pepper coming up. Roll Tide!

(Doesn't apply to ALL Bama fans. There are some that are transplants from the state, have liked the team for years before Saban became coach, etc. A few even have all their teeth. :D )

Mississippi State: Mainly because of that annoying cowbell. Whatever the situation, the answer is MORE COWBELL!

Honorable Mention: Vols fans. They will always remind you about the time they won the National Championship. And they wear that bright orange. :D And they are so outspoken about their team. But then...which fans aren't? Besides Vanderbilt and Kentucky (in football, at least).
The many and the proud:

Spurhunter":298igyuw said:
I grew up with one guy that was born, raised and lived his whole life in Tennessee. He has script A's on his truck, his house, and anywhere he can put them. He signs off of every post on Facebook with RMFT. How classy is that? He swears the state of Tennessee ends at the Tennessee River and has no clue that it loops around and passes right by Neyland. Yes, Inbred Nation is chock full of brain surgeons.

REALLY?? :o Well, a lot of people in West TN think East TN ends at Gatlinburg, and don't know anything about the far NE corner of the state.
This is a funny thread. Raw arsed vols whining about Bama and Spurhunter talking about someone else being classless. Freakin' priceless! Win some games that matter and those boils will heal. Might want to pass that along to Butch because no vol fan here has any more to do with the vols winning or losing than anyone else's fans. Get over yourselves, grow up and wait on next season. Hopefully, the vols can win one more game than last year and you guys can wet yourselves for the success.
This thread is great and it's getting rolling.

Spur hunter, what is the genesis of "fighting Updykes". I love it but have no idea what it means.
OHVATN":27v7ufpj said:
This thread is great and it's getting rolling.

Spur hunter, what is the genesis of "fighting Updykes". I love it but have no idea what it means.

The nutcase that poisoned the trees at Toomer's Corner at Auburn is named Updyke and, obviously, an Alabama fan. Spur likes to grind that dull axe. Bama fans could say Spur is associated with the last coach at UT to win a title AND talk a mentally handicapped girl out of pressing rape charges against one of his players. But, alas, that would be lowering oneself into the septic tank that is Spur's world.
I'm sure this will equate me to the Taliban, but I'm not a football fan at all. I've lived in the Memphis area my whole life and have plenty of friends from most schools in the SEC. Based solely on my relatives, friends and acquaintances, I have to say Tennessee fans are the most obnoxious. Most have been humbled over the past couple years.
spur, you sure have some classy post about ALABAMA. We can't help it because your team can't beat our team.
OHVATN":1zy7mx6x said:
This thread is great and it's getting rolling.

Spur hunter, what is the genesis of "fighting Updykes". I love it but have no idea what it means.
Harvey Updyke was the piece of garbage alabammer fan that poisoned Auburn's trees. Alabammer fans see him as a hero. Someone with the guts to do what they wanted to do but couldn't. He is secretly celebrated as a hero and the bammers love having their picture taken with this "celebrity". See below:

Toenail":26iy8hi0 said:
This is a funny thread. Raw arsed vols whining about Bama and Spurhunter talking about someone else being classless. Freakin' priceless! Win some games that matter and those boils will heal. Might want to pass that along to Butch because no vol fan here has any more to do with the vols winning or losing than anyone else's fans. Get over yourselves, grow up and wait on next season. Hopefully, the vols can win one more game than last year and you guys can wet yourselves for the success.
The truth always upsets the Updyke Faithful.

Bigmonts":m3iha4i3 said:
spur, you sure have some classy post about ALABAMA. We can't help it because your team can't beat our team.
That's the thing. It's not "your" team. It's alabammer's team. You are a Tennessean riding the bandwagon because they win a lot. Sad.
According to Spur's train of thought, if the vols and Vandy swapped historical records, he'd still be orange. If anyone really thinks that, I've got some Enron stock for ya.
BamaProud":2qedy5j5 said:
Spur's life revolves around hating Alabama Football. He isn't a Tennessee fan, he's an Alabama hater.
Incorrect sir. I am both! I enjoy watching the Updykes lose ALMOST as much as Tennessee win. But not quite.