Wounded deer

I have killed a lot of deer with powerbelts and never lost 1, that said I don't shoot shoulders , I go for the lungs/heart and skip trying to shoot through heavy bone with any rifle, still hoping he can find it
I have killed a lot of deer with powerbelts and never lost 1, that said I don't shoot shoulders , I go for the lungs/heart and skip trying to shoot through heavy bone with any rifle, still hoping he can find it
Powerbelt for me have resulted in nothing other than a quick "power down" for every deer I've shot with them.
deer will be gone if its not dead by now, i would have took off after it and try to make it bleed out or get another bullet into it, im not 1 for hoping something will dye so i can maybe find it, good luck
Mike, you are a rare breed. Suspect part of how you think is based on where and how you shoot. (This is complimentary by the way and I am the same way.)

The last time I saw a deer made to bleed out was today... would have took him days to die if left alone except round here coyotes would have had him before dark.. Hit low with crossbow- one lung very low, bottom of heart sliced, and far leg broke by bolt exit.

3rd jump he pumped enough he could not rise. Not my deer but one of many I have been there to watch the eyes fade.

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