Wounded deer

Mike, you are a rare breed. Suspect part of how you think is based on where and how you shoot. (This is complimentary by the way and I am the same way.)

The last time I saw a deer made to bleed out was today... would have took him days to die if left alone except round here coyotes would have had him before dark.. Hit low with crossbow- one lung very low, bottom of heart sliced, and far leg broke by bolt exit.

3rd jump he pumped enough he could not rise. Not my deer but one of many I have been there to watch the eyes fade.
This was Bowriter (John Sloan) philosophy as well
Powerbelt for me have resulted in nothing other than a quick "power down" for every deer I've shot with them.
This was my experience when I shot Powerbelts. It killed them dead right there, but I never got a pass through so I knew eventually I would lose one due to no blood trail. I switched to Barnes Expanders before that happened.
This was Bowriter (John Sloan) philosophy as well
Everyone has an opinion. The jump them and chase them is the dumbest strategy I've ever heard. When I was a teenager I hunted a farm with some other guys I didn't really know. Basically the landowners wouldn't tell anyone no. These guys would shoot a deer then chase it shooting every chance they got. I don't recall them ever recovering a deer. Hit him good he will lay down and die if you don't jump him up.
Opinions are based on experience and/or hearsay.

Those who don't even field dress a deer before taking to a processor unfortunately miss an opportunity to learn and to become better hunter. Field dress and note wound channel, skin & observe/autopsy.

I personally acknowledge that I am still learning not that I know the answers.
Did you hit stomach?
Couldn't have, he said 2 or 3 times it wasn't gut.... Not really being ugly but I have heard it many times while tracking with a dog. The deer are typically quartered more than the hunter realizes. He did the right thing backing out and glad he found it.
Mike, you are a rare breed. Suspect part of how you think is based on where and how you shoot. (This is complimentary by the way and I am the same way.)

The last time I saw a deer made to bleed out was today... would have took him days to die if left alone except round here coyotes would have had him before dark.. Hit low with crossbow- one lung very low, bottom of heart sliced, and far leg broke by bolt exit.

3rd jump he pumped enough he could not rise. Not my deer but one of many I have been there to watch the eyes fade.
I go after every deer immediately unless I see its gutshot..