You Guys are a Baaaad Influence

Garmin Force with 24v possibly will go 36v if needed but surely 80# is enough for a 16' boat.
You will have some serious power with the 24v 80#. I fish current in my 1648 Seark with a simple 45 lb 12v. There are times where I wish I had more when the current is strong but if only lake fishing I have more than enough for any situation.
You will have some serious power with the 24v 80#. I fish current in my 1648 Seark with a simple 45 lb 12v. There are times where I wish I had more when the current is strong but if only lake fishing I have more than enough for any situation.
I found my motor at last weekend boat show. My favorite boat there was a 20' beast. It was a SeaArk, had a 200 Suzuki on it, a windshield and 18 wheeler springs under both front seats. It was only $64,
I hate to bother, Spurhunter but could you post the item number of that part?
This is a very popular mount . I have it and its really well made. Better than the seelite.
Amazon product ASIN B08C1B4VQC

It's available, If we are allowed to shop here…

And from GARMIN. You must have shopped at wrong time lol

What you posted is for a lvs32. I'm not sure what the difference is in the lvs32 and lvs34 mount. I honestly can't remember how my lvs34 was mounted and I really don't know if he has a lvs32 or 34
See I should have stuck to what I know. And electronics and such are not my strengths lol
I honestly don't know if there is a difference. I don't think I used any washers on mine and it had a knob/bolt fastener. The transducers are designed differently which may or may not cause the use of a different mount
My transducer is the 34. On another note, my boat has 45° track and I ordered the Seelite 45° mounting bracket. Have any of you done this, it's not to late to change the order.
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I bought the Garmin Force 50" with BPS offer of 12 months zero interest. I got the transducer holder Seelite and a 20v Dewalt battery connection for the black box. I was counting on a connection to the cranking battery for the Garmin unit.
Is your cranking battery lithium? My scope setup drinks electricity. I had to take all electronics off the cranking battery because it just didn't have the capacity. I now have 2 dedicated electronics batteries. I haven't ever had a setup exactly like yours tho.
Is your cranking battery lithium? My scope setup drinks electricity. I had to take all electronics off the cranking battery because it just didn't have the capacity. I now have 2 dedicated electronics batteries. I haven't ever had a setup exactly like yours tho.
I am learning literally by the minute. I appreciate any area that needs attention. I thought I had read not to use lithium to use as a cranking battery. If this was poor info I can get another battery. I have the 2 in transit, and can get another if needed.
I was told not to use lithium as a cranking battery also. I'm not sure exactly what you will have attached to the cranking battery. If you start having voltage issues on your electronics, or weak/no crank, it'd be the first thing I looked at. When my troubles started I pulled direct wires (oversized) from each unit to a master power cutoff and then to a dedicated battery. I carry jumper cables because I get flagged down several times a year for drained cranking batteries.
I bought the Garmin Force 50" with BPS offer of 12 months zero interest. I got the transducer holder Seelite and a 20v Dewalt battery connection for the black box. I was counting on a connection to the cranking battery for the Garmin unit.
On my other boat I had the dewalt battery running my screen and box. Buy the big 60v flex batteries. I got the 9ah ones. One batter would run me most of the day. Be careful sliding batteries in and out. You will break prongs. Buy extra adapters and have it on a quick connect system. So if you snap one, your day isn't done
The 45* mount should be fine and yes the "black box" of Livescope continuously runs/pulls power even if your screen is off. If the small dewalt batteries are not up to what you like than a small lithium will run that thing ALL DAY. I tried to read up on lithium cranking and got some many different answers. From what I gather if your lithium cranking gets fully charged which doesn't take much then the motor will continuously try to send power to the lithium battery. The battery management system "bms" inside the battery disconnects the battery out of the equation for safety protection again overcharging and that non resistance power going back into your motor can burn something up. That's probably not the "technical" explanation but as good as this grease monkey can tell ya.
The Suzuki is a good motor, Tim. When Evinrude first started in the 4-Stroke business Suzuki was manufacturing them for was Yamaha for Mercury.
The 45* mount should be fine and yes the "black box" of Livescope continuously runs/pulls power even if your screen is off. If the small dewalt batteries are not up to what you like than a small lithium will run that thing ALL DAY. I tried to read up on lithium cranking and got some many different answers. From what I gather if your lithium cranking gets fully charged which doesn't take much then the motor will continuously try to send power to the lithium battery. The battery management system "bms" inside the battery disconnects the battery out of the equation for safety protection again overcharging and that non resistance power going back into your motor can burn something up. That's probably not the "technical" explanation but as good as this grease monkey can tell ya.
the damage comes from the charging system on the motor, particularly a stator/rectifier/regulator setup. the same reason they dont recommend using an AGM on some of the lower hp motors. if you dont know for sure, call the manufacturer.