Setterman said:
megalomaniac said:
Seems the weather is STILL being used for declining turkey harvest numbers (although I still don't see TWRA willingly admitting that the population is also in decline).
I hope zones with declining harvest numbers open the season 2 weeks later and outlaw the harvest of jakes. It would be nice to allow all hens old enough to breed to actually set a clutch of fertilized eggs for a change.
The counties I own land in are actually down 30-40% harvest this year compared to last year. This year will be the tipping point. I've never seen so few hens since 1992. We may very well have gone past the point of no return as far as sustainable hunting populations. I actually still have a few birds, but only due to personal aggressive management. Unfortunately, since the neighboring properties have long since had all their birds shot out, I've never seen and caught so many poachers in my life
Just a couple more years with the current regs and turkeys will be as rare as they were back in the 80's.
I'm still not convinced that is exactly what TWRA is wanting due to pressure from farmers and the auto insurance industry
This is so laughably hypocritical I can't believe you posted it.
To whine about hens getting killed when you and a partner laid waste to a bunch of hens during the spring season a few years ago. I'm against hen killing, but I can at least say I've never killed one and am competent enough to not slaughter them while trying to kill a Longbeard. You talking about hen killing is laughable.
Just wow...
I had no idea that the last time we had an internet disagreement that you still harbored ill feelings. I would like to apologize truly and sincerely for my behavior in that thread. I realize now that most of my comments were hurtful and belittling to you. I suspected that I was out of line in the way I treated you back then, but I now feel convicted to honestly and humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness. ... =0&fpart=1
As far as my response to Steven's original post...
I was also out of line in insinuating that TWRA refuses to admit that turkey populations are declining. They admitted as much last fall; but because of my passion for turkeys (no excuse, I know) I seem to get overly frustrated by watching the population slowly decline year after year.
Most of my comments on tndeer are made to stimulate discussion. Admittingly, sometimes I play Devil's Advocate in those discussions. Because of that, many will disagree with me, even though they may not realize that we, in reality, have the same beliefs.
What I was hoping this particular topic would evolve into was an honest account of nest initiation dates throughout the state, and whether a staggered start to the season would allow more hens to actually set a clutch of fertilized eggs, which in turn would improve our poult recruitment.
As far as hen killing, although I am opposed to it, it probably is not the cause of our population decline (except in local populations which have extremely few hens... in those areas it can be absolutely devastating). I could also care less what the limit on spring gobblers are (as long as there are enough remaining gobblers to fertilize all mature hens... some hens don't initiate nests till the start of the 3rd week of April on my farms). Heck, I think a system could actually work where the spring gobbler limit is removed altogether (kill 100 if you like) as long as none are removed prior to every hen being bred, and the killing of jakes are outlawed (so those jakes survive to fertilize the hens the following year). Sure, we'll end up only killing 2 year old birds in the future (much like we did with only killing 1.5 yr old bucks back in the 80's), but the overall population could rebound.
And to make matters worse... we're coming up on the 10th consecutive year of miserable hatches (based on August brood surveys)... is that because predators are killing the nesting hens/ poults? or bad weather? or is it because hens are laying nests of infertile eggs? Whatever the cause of the poor recruitment, THAT is the main reason why are populations are falling.
It IS hard for me... remembering the glory days back in the mid to late 90's... working 29 different longbeards in a single day... you guys remember... back when turkeys were only in half the state and our kill was 36,000.... remember, back then.... TWRA felt after the state was completely stocked we would plateau out at a harvest of 60,000 toms each spring. What I would give to go back to those days.
On the 1000 acre farm just 20 years ago I worked 29 different gobblers in one day, this year only had one gobbler and 2 hens. After seeing how few birds were alive this year, I just had no desire to shoot the fellow... heck... I only even carried a gun on less than 25% of the hunts I went on this year. I still had a blast working and outsmarting birds, but just didn't feel I could justify killing one. I suppose that's because I have three young children who all enjoy hunting and I hope they get to have the experience with turkeys I had back in the 90's some day.
Woodsman87... you, sir, are a gentleman... someday I would like to meet you and buy you a cup of coffee