Found something REALLY interesting a couple weeks ago!

It's a failed first try at making a boomerang! lol.
Indian areas were well chosen areas so were used by more than just Indians...could be a Revolutionary War item or someone running from the law dropped it and didn't survive long enough to go back and get it. Maybe an escaping slave took something from the plantation?
Take a close look at the trees you're cutting and moving...might have treasure inside one where the tree has grown a ton since the treasure was stashed.
Fun stuff to consider. I wouldn't get too much more descriptive of where this was found or you'll have crazy people showing up.

Doubtful there's a maker's mark on it, but here's a guide to early marks:
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It's a failed first try at making a boomerang! lol.
Indian areas were well chosen areas so were used by more than just Indians...could be a Revolutionary War item or someone running from the law dropped it and didn't survive long enough to go back and get it. Maybe an escaping slave took something from the plantation?
Take a close look at the trees you're cutting and moving...might have treasure inside one where the tree has grown a ton since the treasure was stashed.
Fun stuff to consider. I wouldn't get too much more descriptive of where this was found or you'll have crazy people showing up.
Have you ever heard of Mary Green and GCBFRO? Ive already had crazy people showing up on my property! Way back yonder about 20 years or so, folks were convinced I had a viable bigfoot population on some of my property!
Have you ever heard of Mary Green and GCBFRO? Ive already had crazy people showing up on my property! Way back yonder about 20 years or so, folks were convinced I had a viable bigfoot population on some of my property!
No, but I can certainly believe it. When we were looking at a property up on a mountain in NE TN 18 months ago, the owner took us 20 minutes back via his 4 wheel drive truck. There was no for sale sign out by the road and there was only one entrance...a narrow gated lane down at the road. After looking at the cabin we got back in his truck and he drove us from pasture to pasture and we stopped at his amazing barn where they used to raise high end Arabian horses. At this point I thought I heard voices, but decided it wasn't possible so I didn't say anything. We got back in the truck to drive back to the cabin via a couple more fields and there, as we were about to drive back onto the lane, was a couple in their mid to late 20's just walking around like the owned the place. I would have been livid, but the old dude, in his mid 80's, just turned off the truck and started talking to them. They asked if we were leaving, if so they would hike back down and move their car that was blocking the entrance. He said he had never seen them before, but for some strange reason people were always exploring that area. This was NOT a selling point. The place was not on a main road, it was in the middle of nowhere. Who does that? Who just hikes up a lane onto over 400 acres of private property? And it wasn't an easy hike either.
No, but I can certainly believe it. When we were looking at a property up on a mountain in NE TN 18 months ago, the owner took us 20 minutes back via his 4 wheel drive truck. There was no for sale sign out by the road and there was only one entrance...a narrow gated lane down at the road. After looking at the cabin we got back in his truck and he drove us from pasture to pasture and we stopped at his amazing barn where they used to raise high end Arabian horses. At this point I thought I heard voices, but decided it wasn't possible so I didn't say anything. We got back in the truck to drive back to the cabin via a couple more fields and there, as we were about to drive back onto the lane, was a couple in their mid to late 20's just walking around like the owned the place. I would have been livid, but the old dude, in his mid 80's, just turned off the truck and started talking to them. They asked if we were leaving, if so they would hike back down and move their car that was blocking the entrance. He said he had never seen them before, but for some strange reason people were always exploring that area. This was NOT a selling point. The place was not on a main road, it was in the middle of nowhere. Who does that? Who just hikes up a lane onto over 400 acres of private property? And it wasn't an easy hike either.
LOL way back yonder in the days of dial up, I was curious and looking at the GCBFRO website to see where they said bigfoot lived. Lo and behold, I saw a story about Clay co TN and being dial up, it took FOREVER for the pics to load so I was reading the field research stories and kept thinking " that sounds JUST like our property! After the pics finally loaded, sure enough, IT WAS OUR PROPERTY! :D Rather than trash them openly on their website, I sent an email to the adminstrator, Mary Green, and told her it was a good thing my Daddy didnt catch her and her cronies down there hanging cantelopes in the trees! He thought it was somebody that hung them up to shoot at, but NO, Mary had huing them up to bait up bigfoot! I gave her my phone number and it wasnt 10 minutes later she called. LOL She was extremely appologetic, saying they didnt know who owned it, offering to pay for any damages, etc..... I told her she was batshit crazy and to just be glad my Dad didnt catch her down there doing that crap. He cut their cantelopes down out of the trees but didnt see anybody there. That day is when I lost any and all hopes of sasquatch existing. I told her I had been over every inch of that property and bigfoot DOES NOT LIVE THERE. She told me they travel through the trees! Im a frigging LOGGER! Ive yet to cut a tree with a yeti in it! She then said they only come out at night and predawn. I said, ok, I guess it wasnt a good idea for me to park my truck on the bridge where the abominable snowman picked up their car at 3 am and walk 1.5 miles up the hollow in the dark to my stand!? A skunkape is a figment of a very childish imagination, anybody that wants to prove me wrong is welcome to try.
LOL way back yonder in the days of dial up, I was curious and looking at the GCBFRO website to see where they said bigfoot lived. Lo and behold, I saw a story about Clay co TN and being dial up, it took FOREVER for the pics to load so I was reading the field research stories and kept thinking " that sounds JUST like our property! After the pics finally loaded, sure enough, IT WAS OUR PROPERTY! :D Rather than trash them openly on their website, I sent an email to the adminstrator, Mary Green, and told her it was a good thing my Daddy didnt catch her and her cronies down there hanging cantelopes in the trees! He thought it was somebody that hung them up to shoot at, but NO, Mary had huing them up to bait up bigfoot! I gave her my phone number and it wasnt 10 minutes later she called. LOL She was extremely appologetic, saying they didnt know who owned it, offering to pay for any damages, etc..... I told her she was batshit crazy and to just be glad my Dad didnt catch her down there doing that crap. He cut their cantelopes down out of the trees but didnt see anybody there. That day is when I lost any and all hopes of sasquatch existing. I told her I had been over every inch of that property and bigfoot DOES NOT LIVE THERE. She told me they travel through the trees! Im a frigging LOGGER! Ive yet to cut a tree with a yeti in it! She then said they only come out at night and predawn. I said, ok, I guess it wasnt a good idea for me to park my truck on the bridge where the abominable snowman picked up their car at 3 am and walk 1.5 miles up the hollow in the dark to my stand!? A skunkape is a figment of a very childish imagination, anybody that wants to prove me wrong is welcome to try.
That's very funny. People are def crazy. One of my wife's friends is a huge bigfoot believer. We're always sending her memes and stories just to mess with her.

A few more finds from the same place today. Another Indian rock and more mystery metal. This metal looks JUST like it was shot with a round ball.
Very cool. I'd be putting a metal detector to that area. Those detectors can give you an indication of what type of metal it is also. Maybe you can get some sort of electronic device that can help you identify it?
I'd love to know the history on those pieces. Very cool find.
We would too! But with no written records and no artifacts other than these odd pieces of metal, arrowheads and lots of knapping chips, it's hard to say for sure. The way the land lays there is kinda neat. It's on a ridge top. But theres a considerably higher knob on the way in, then a slight dip before this little plateau. Then it drops off again to a long, flat portion of the ridge top before the end of the point drops off to the creek. There's good, fresh water on both sides, the smaller spring fed stream is on the less steep side. And on the little plateau, there's definitely a tactical advantage.

From all the flint chips, native Americans definitely spent quite a bit of time there.
Even the dirt there is different than anywhere Ive worked and Ive done a LOT of work around here. Once you get below the black top layer, its orange and sandy and holds water like crazy. Highly unusual for Jackson county!
Even the dirt there is different than anywhere Ive worked and Ive done a LOT of work around here. Once you get below the black top layer, its orange and sandy and holds water like crazy. Highly unusual for Jackson county!
Just wondering if you had found anything else out about this.
Have you ever heard of Mary Green and GCBFRO? Ive already had crazy people showing up on my property! Way back yonder about 20 years or so, folks were convinced I had a viable bigfoot population on some of my property!
I know her. Setup a computer for her a hundred years ago when I was working at a Mom and Pop shop while in college. Had to copy over the stuff from her old computer to the new one and hear jawin at me about the bigfeets the whole time and dodging the 87 cats in that lil place she lived. Lawd... Funny to hear someone else talk about her. The thing that stuck out to me most was she was living on gov assistance and playin make believe. Irked me as a 21 yr old kid and it irks me now...
Even the dirt there is different than anywhere Ive worked and Ive done a LOT of work around here. Once you get below the black top layer, its orange and sandy and holds water like crazy. Highly unusual for Jackson county!

Could be a lightning strike hit the weird dirt combo and made a freak one-of-a-kind metal?
Lightning hits sand and makes glass!
Well, I could not go with the Bigfoot angle, you already told the story.;)