What did you do today in the reloading room?

Ordered a couple box's of 190 sub X's to try in a Savage Axis2 300blk. Trying to figure out which powders to try. I've had good luck with Accurate #9 with 220 Berrys ,so probably start there. Different forums also show people having luck with w231/hp38 and Unique as well.
AA1680, W296, H110 have all worked for me in sub loads. You won't have the issues of trying to make a gas gun run, so these should be easy loads to get worked up.
AA1680, W296, H110 have all worked for me in sub loads. You won't have the issues of trying to make a gas gun run, so these should be easy loads to get worked up.
I'm currently loading 1680 for my sbr'd ar15. It and cfe blk are great for function but so much louder than some of the pistol powders. H110 works well in my 110 vmax load, I need to try it in some subs.
I'm currently loading 1680 for my sbr'd ar15. It and cfe blk are great for function but so much louder than some of the pistol powders. H110 works well in my 110 vmax load, I need to try it in some subs.
The H110 was a little finicky for me, but did eventually work. The 1680 never seemed loud to me. All I could hear with the bolt running. This is in an SBR too. It has an AAC built upper that I bought thinking I might as well go straight to the source. That said, it is an 8 inch barrel, so that probably helps keep it quiet.
I've not loaded any in awhile but, shot some loads over the chronograph Monday. Shot some .357 loaded with Rem. 158 gr. JHP and 17.0 gr. H110 and CCI 550 primers. Worked up to this 10' from muzzle, 1265 fps average. Seems a tad low. But, maybe not. 15.5 gr. averaged 1170fps. Shot from Taurus 66 with 6" barrel. Also shot some .45 from my 1911 5". 200 gr. SWC cast and 6.0 gr. Unique. Averaged 870 fps. And 240 gr. TC cast. with 6.0 gr. Unique . Averaged 820 fps
Yesterday, I loaded some 32-20 WCF with 100 grain hollow base full wadcutters over 3.5 grains of Winchester 452 AA. Six were loaded normally and six were loaded backwards with the hollow base acting as a deep cavity hollow point. Test revolver was a Smith & Wesson M&P with 4 inch barrel. Accuracy with both was very good and the hollow points penetrated two one gallon jugs of water and cracked the third but did not enter it. The bullet was lying on the table nicely expanded. Full wadcutters are proving to be a magnificently versatile bullet. They are extremely accurate, penetrate deeply when loaded normally, expand uniformally when reversed (if it's a hollow based wadcutter), perform well with mild to moderate powder charges, have low recoil, and are economical as well.
Trying to help a friend----
Will be using only Nosler ballistic tips and Accubonds
Not trying to go subsonic although friend has a can on the rifle.
Will be using Federal 205M primers and new Starline brass

Need 300 Blackout load data that is accurate in 125 gr bullets.

Particularly interested in Shooters World BLACKOUT product...

Many thanks

This is Shooters World data. You can find a link on their powder manual free at grafs.com, unfortunately nosler doesn't give 300bo data on their site. That leads me to believe they don't have a bullet that actually performs at bo velocities. I could be wrong, but I did notice that shooters world only list 110 gr for it, and it is a varmegeddon which will perform at most any velocity.
Yep, got that page printed which is why I asked if anyone had a favorite load, particularly the SW line.

Does kind of concern me Nosler does not list any load numbers for the 110 or 125 bullets for the 300 BLK.
What data are you looking for from Nosler? They have 110 and 125 data listed

Yep, got that page printed which is why I asked if anyone had a favorite load, particularly the SW line.

Does kind of concern me Nosler does not list any load numbers for the 110 or 125 bullets for the 300 BLK.
I would think the 30/30 BT bullets would work, but then maybe not...
Burn rate for shooters blackout is same as Reloader 7 or Winchester 680 and Accurate 1680. If that helps. I have noticed they do have the heavier noslers with other powders. So it must be a velocity issue.
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You might be surprised how many can't read a tape measure

Nephew of Wife was helping me measure a room. He looked at the tape and said Three sixty five

I said in inches please. He said I don't know the conversion. I said ITS on the tape. He said I cannot see that.

Another time we were measuring a piece of wood. He struck a line on the wrong point. I stopped him and said, you are cutting it 1/4 inch too short. He replied--not kidding--"is not much it wont matter it will be out of sight anyway".

We had a brief discussion about accuracy and honesty. Don't know if it stuck.