2024-2025 Hunting and Trapping Proposals

What was your handle your first time through Tndeer? Same bullshyt rants as now. You are an obvious retread.
What was your handle your first time through Tndeer? Same bullshyt rants as now. You are an obvious retread.
retread???? sorry you made yourself look stupid. did they not teach grammer in game warden school!!! " bullshyt!!!". "retread"
Here's an example for those too STUPID to know what a green stipe is! 🙄
You didn't answer the question. What was your handle the first time around with the same stupid rants?
im sorry i apologize. my handle does not matter!!! why cant you talk turkey seriously instead of name calling!!! i still think game wR
You didn't answer the question. What was your handle the first time around with the same stupid rants?
I'm pretty sure he was the guy that was hung up on the chicken house theory. I thought that for awhile till I saw the decline in the mountains of east TN. No chickens in those mountains. Green stripe him brother and move on.
Did you not read the article written by the experts, who ran an 8-year study? There's your answer
Did you not read the article written by the experts, who ran an 8-year study? There's your answer.
no i have not read it. let me guess. we have a predator problem. but maury and greene county does not !!! its the habitat change!! yep. subdivisions going up everywhere in maury co. Wayne county got a few more pine trees to look at along with the old growth thats been here for generations!!!! maybe its the weather bad hatches and stuff!!! id say not since its less than 60 miles away!!! let me know what im missing
Did you not read the article written by the experts, who ran an 8-year study? There's your answer.
I went through dealing with your stupid rants under another handle several years ago. There is no reason to waste my time with your current stupid rants.

Have fun with the ones you can suck into your foolishness.
im sorry you #Twra has no response for the question!!! at least you admit it!!
interesting!!! so killing one more bird per x of amount of hunters will not effect the population??
kill a human being!! just one. will the human population increase or decrease???? i didnt think math was that hard!! must be common core math!!!
The word you are looking for is affect, not effect BTW. Of course killing a bird decreases the population. The point is that predators kill a lot more birds or eggs than all of the hunters put together. Are you proposing a bag limit of zero? You are incredibly, stuck on a semantic argument. Please try to get your mind around the fact that there are multiple reasons for decreasing turkey populations. You can't see the forest for the trees. Wake up from your tunnel vision. It's all about the math, as you said, but you only see one part of the equation. That's why you cannot see that the human impact is not the only variant. You have the wrong answer. And because of you obstinacy you will never arrive at the correct one.
trkhunter said: "no i have not read it. let me guess."

So you haven't read the study, but you want to just guess what it is in?

Troll. Green Stripe.
Mr Abraham Lincoln himself was once quoted saying we must always believe what our government tells us and especially if its on the google/internet !!! its gotta be true!!!! you sir have the green stripe or uniform i think it is.
Mr Abraham Lincoln himself was once quoted saying we must always believe what our government tells us and especially if it's on the google/internet !!! its gotta be true!!!!
I haven't been a part of this conversation before, only strolling through with popcorn to watch the fireworks, but this one made me laugh… a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln that includes "google/internet" 🤣. Methinks someone has a drinking problem to go with their opinionated rage.

That is all, carry on

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