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3 months until a duodecennial….

Deer in this unit are 4pt on a side to be legal. So this fellow is safe.

Bullwinkle Jr


Bullwinkle Jr or his cuz. Not sure but it's 14 days later. Only has 1 side.


Bullwinkles baby momma

After BB and I came up with a plan for base camp uno I decided to put some el cheapo cans out closer to camp, if you consider 2 miles close to camp.
First spot was a deep ravine with some old rubs, second spot was a solid trail in a creek bottom with year round water and the third was basically the same as the first but not quite as much of a pinch point. Basically I surrounded the entrance and exit of the North side of the creek bottom.
I chose cheap cams because 1.) afraid someone might steal them 2.) that's all I had at the time😃

I think I got pics of every large game species in the unit with the exception of pronghorn. I even got a pic of our competitors.

Pic of bobcat in spot 1
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The 2 legged competitor
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I was actually surprised to see another hunter in this spot. Probably has hunted here before if I had to guess, also surprised he didn't see my cam, even though the card n batteries are the only thing worth a dang.
Heck, you ain't far enough away from access. Little Debbie snackers don't walk too far. 😂
We're knocking on the door of "go time". I figure I'll do some equipment rundowns over the next couple days.

About everything I'll be using on this trip has been on an adventure style hunt with me in the past. A few items have been on a half dozen or more. Instead of pointing out the things I've used before and rely on, I'll point out the new items and why I chose them.

I'll start with my bino system.


1. Kuiu Pro bino harness. The binoculars will be Vortex Razor HD's. These binoculars are nice, but I shouldn't have to send them in for warranty repair after every few hunts. I keep threatening to upgrade, but damn, binos are a major investment.

2. Range finder holder. The range finder is cheap Halo. I point it at things, it tells me how far away they are. Doesn't hardly work in fog.

3. Cell phone holder. Samsung S23. The front pocket holds my extra diaphragm calls.

4. Krinkly water bottle holder. I'll actually have a 16 Oz wide mouth can of Lite in this. I want it to be handy for when we kill an elk and need to crack one open to celebrate. This is the one new item that I haven't used yet. It's easy enough to remove and stash in my pack if I don't like it.
4. Krinkly water bottle holder. I'll actually have a 16 Oz wide mouth can of Lite in this. I want it to be handy for when we kill an elk and need to crack one open to celebrate. This is the one new item that I haven't used yet. It's easy enough to remove and stash in my pack if I don't like it.
You better get 5 more of those holders, they got 6-pack pounders on sale for $5.99.
The bow.

-Diamond Deploy, 56 pounds, 29" inch draw.
-Hamskea Trinity rest.
-Bee Stinger 10" stabilizer.
-MBG 3 pin slider. All pins green, bottom pin rover.
-Tight Spot 5 arrow quiver

Arrows. (444 grains)

-FMJ 400's
-FFP 360 vanes, 4 fletch.
-Stock Easton inserts and nocks.
-Slick Trick Viper Tricks, 100 grain.


-Scott Shark, same with backup release.

Ok, so my optimism for this unit increased bigly. I put those cams out not expecting a whole lot, between the crappiness of the cameras and my lack of knowledge on elk I was basically doing something, to be doing something.

Ain't gonna lie, if one of these dudes we got on trail cam comes screaming up one of those deep ravines and pops up in front of me, I don't know if I'll be able to resist.

Velvet bull

This one is unique. Should be easy to id if we see him.

This is the biggest one. He is unique too and I really don't think it's the same as above.


My favorite pic. This is the ravine if one comes screaming up would be heart stopping.

Shew, just finished morning #2. Back at camp letting my cloths air out while eating some lunch and a mid day coffee, gonna get gear ready for an evening hunt/scout a new area.
It's nice having service back at camp. That way I can keep an eye on @fulldraw and the smack he is talking🤨

Good news, I've found the elk. Bad news, I can't get the dam things to come into range 🤨 I'm a total newbie to this calling elk within now range game. It's a blast and a learning game at the same time. Can't wait for BB and the rest of "the team" to show up.

Some quick recaps before I head back out.
Yesterday morning; 37 degrees and smoky. Parked and about a mile into the hike I let out a locator bugle. Earlier I'd seen UTV tracks on the trail and they turned off toward the creek bottom. I thought "surely some idiots didn't drive down into the bottoms where it's obvious elk should be".
Well, immediately a bugle fires back then a few cow calls. Yep, the idiots are down there. Not only did they drive down into the bottom but they hiked up it. I knew immediately it was hunters so I kicked it into high gear and wanted to get as deep into the drainage as I could.

Once I get another 1/2 Mille I can hear bugles. I know it's not hunter's because the blow down is too thick down in the bottom for anyone to make that kind of timing, plus I can hear at least two bulls screaming back n forth.

Aspens are turning at this elevation. Fall is arriving.

The elk are moving fast. I can see up ahead some rocky outcroppings. To my left is the bottom, to my right are the peaks. On the far left of the bottoms are steep and rocky ridges, the elk are definitely moving up into the thicker timber. I'm thinking I need to get to the outcroppings and listen. I get there and listen, nothing. I let out a locator bugle and one fires back at me before I can finish. Then another one screams! Man that was awesome. If you think hearing turkeys fire off on the limb is amazing, then you'll love hearing a bull cut through the mountain air. I've heard them before but not like this, that raspy high pitch scream just cuts through the air.

I go a little further and climb up a finger ridge. As soon as I get up there I hear him again. So, I move in to where I can see a bowl. I let out a bugle and he fires back. I call to him
a little more and even rake a little. He bugled back n forth and sounded like he was coming in. My heart is pounding. I hear limbs break and look across the bowl in the blow down and see movement. Cow, then another and a couple more. I never did see him but they came out of the bottom and pulled him on up the drainage. I back out down to the trail and try to get in front of them, no luck. By the time I got to where I thought they were going they must have been a 1/4 mile deeper, I heard him scream one more time. I sit and listen for 10 more mins and study my map. At this point I am 3.5 miles from the truck and the wind is starting to whip. So, I make the trek back and come up with a game plan for the am.

That evening I go down to the desert. I glass up a big bull following some cows with calves. I can see a two-track in the distance and mark where they crossed. It's 1.5 miles away.
I hop in the truck and go to where the two-track comes up the ridge. I cut the distance by 1/2 mile. I get there and for the life of me I cannot turn them up. How can 500+ lb animals disappear like that, amazing! I kept glassing only turning up pronghorn. They must of found a sage draw and bedded or travled in it.

Not sure what I was thinking 🤔 but I was gonna give it a shot. Rattle snake infested desert be dammed…probably a good thing I could find them. Especially with the wind, it was gusting 40+ mph so I'd have to get stupid close.


Got back to camp after 8pm, dodging jack rabbits, grouse and pronghorn on the lonely road back.
It was a great first day. Exceeding my expectations.
Morning 2, 27 degrees.

I wanted to be at the ridge where I had them yesterday, well before they got there. Well, that wasn't gonna happen because someone was parked at the trailhead. I have to park .9 miles back because it's too rough for my pickup. Someone in a jeep was there. So, I had to take it slow and listen.

I get to a meadow and hear a bugle up high, then another. I'm thinking it's the hunter working a bull. So I stop and listen, wasn't a minute later a younger 5pt bull runs down through the meadow and towards the bottoms. I tried to see if he was hit but didn't notice. Then I hear two different bulls in the bottom and they are parallel with me. Wind is in my face so I dive down there. I let out a bugle and one screams close. I go another 100 yards and have a good view of the edge of the timber in a hidden meadow. So I set up and knock an arrow. I do some soft cow calls and he fires back. He is close, then the same thing happens…I hear sticks breaking. Then I see elk! Cow, then another cow…wind is perfect and they are 46 yards out. Little far but still under my max. I keep quite thinking the bull is gonna follow. Nope, he screams again but this time further up the drainage. The cows just side hill it up and out.

I check my map. No way I can get to my spot before he does so I decide to fall down into the bottom. The wind is at my face, perfect for following the bugles. However, the blow down is brutal and the elk gain on me. I'm hearing them scream but they keep getting further away. I decide to climb back out. On my way I find a fresh trail with steaming turds. Great spot but if they don't want to play you can't cut them off as they are traveling with the wind in their face.

I get up and decide to high tail it to the ridge. I get there and I can hear bugles again. One far off and one rather close. Study my map, looks like a solid pinch point on the end of the ridge. This had to be where they crossed yesterday. Perfect set up and wind. I let out a bugle and he cuts me off, he is close!

I do a little sequence and he responds some but isn't moving. I sit quietly and wait.

Sitting on the ridge, looking back down the drainage where they spend the night.

Turned around looking up the drainage where they are headed.

I wait a while and hear nothing. Seems like 9am they go silent. It's 3.5 miles back to the truck and the wind will pick up anytime. I let out one more locator bugle and he fires back! I'm thinking he will go to that saddle and the only wind I got is for me to come down a draw and try to intersect him. I get close to the bottom and let out a cow call, he fires back! So I set up and get quiet, then I hear a branch break. 100 yards out I see him in the timber! At this point he is walking away so I cow call again, he turns to look. Walks off again so I repeat, he does the same. So I let out a bugle and rake a tree, he simply turns and looks my way. I watch him for a few minutes. Nice bull, dark antlers, long fronts and looks to be a 6pt. He simply wants nothing to do with me. If it were rifle season he would be dead, I had two clear shots at one point. I'm thinking he is going to that saddle as he is slowly moving away. The wind is perfect still so I move in once he disappears. I don't move 50 yards and two cows jump out of a deadfall right next to me. They run the opposite direction of him. I stop and listen, I can't hear anything else running but I decide to back out.
I'm really surprised he didn't come in, I was right next to the cows. The wind was perfect so they couldn't smell me. My guess is he was rounding up his other cows for nap time and just wasn't ready to fight. He will be back. That's two mornings in a row in practically the same spot.

This stuff is awesome! I'm doing my best to be conservative because I've got time on my side. At the same time there are other hunters so I want to push it a little.

This evening I'm headed to another spot. I'm trying not to burn myself out. Each day has been 7+ miles with over 1,000' elevation gain. We have a lot of season to go and everyone is starting to trickle in next week. Full moon coming up and temps are dropping, I'm saying it will be on fire here shortly.

The evening spot should be good glassing and maybe I'll hear/see some to go after in the morning. I promised my daughter I'd go to her soccer games. So I'll head out tomorrow mid morning. Sunday I'm going with my neighbor to try and find a deer in full blown grizz country. Assuming I don't get eaten, I'm meeting one of "the team" members at my house Sunday evening then setting up the rest of camp Monday, then hunting the afternoon. Hoping to do at least one full day hunt next week deep into the drainage. Since someone will be with me I'll go deeper. Maybe find some bulls nobody has heard yet😎

Next week it's gonna get serious and the week after is gonna be full throttle with BB here!
Congrats on having a few great hunts! You've mentioned the wind being good a few times. Just a reminder to keep the thermals in mind as well, which you may be.
Congrats on having a few great hunts! You've mentioned the wind being good a few times. Just a reminder to keep the thermals in mind as well, which you may be.
Like clock work, they start changing around 9am as soon as the elk get quiet. Sun comes over the mountain and starts heating it up.
The bad part about the thermals here is that creek bottom is about 10 degrees cooler. So up out of the creek the thermal start going up but down in the creek they haven't shifted yet. Which is not a big deal if you keep it in mind but I think the elk know this, so calling them up out of a solid west wind creek bottom with falling thermals to swirling ridge thermals is tough. Same as going down into the bottoms with a rising thermal then hitting the wall of the creek west wind with still falling thermals.

That exact scenario is why I backed away from the last bull. The closer I got the bottom the more they swirled and I knew I could get in front of him because of the wind down low.

Once they get fired up really good I'm hoping they will come up and play.

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