835 garbage?

I used one for years , killed I don't know how many turkeys with the gun. The 835 will pattern with anything out there that I have seen. The only reason I went 20 gauge was the weight, I still get great patterns and I liked keeping all my teeth , shoulder and jaw in check! 😂, the kick is unbelievable with the 835 but that was on me , no need to shoot a 3.5 inch shell just because it will. Lol
The 835 is far from garbage. I used one for quite a few years and it patterned everything from good to great. The old 3" 1 7/8oz Winchester loads that Walmart sold in #5's and #6's were probably the best for pattern vs price. They'd both smash a bird farther than 40yds. I mainly used hevi13 #7's in 3.5" with sone Winchester 3.5" HV.

I finally realized that 3.5's were just kind of stupid for shooting turkeys and I decided I wanted a lighter turkey gun. I traded off the 835 and I went to a 20 gauge 870 youth with Federal HW #7's. I bought 20 boxes for $10 a box and haven't missed the 835 a single second packing around the 20 gauge in the mountains. Sometimes I even carry my .410 with #9 tss.
Ive told countless people through the last 40 years that if you want to buy a gun, take it out of the box, and go kill turkeys, get the 835. I REFUSE to own one though lol. Its like carrying a 2x4 edgewise, rattles like an old ford truck, and kicks like a mule drunk on used corn mash.
I had to always play around with chokes and loads to get a Remington to outshoot a mossturd, but I always managed to do it.
Let me be clear. The 835 is a turkey killer and can pattern amazing. That's not what my comment was about. As far as a shotgun goes IMO it's a giant pile of metal and that's about as bad as it gets. Only one worse to me is the king of the rattle trap the Nova (and that's coming from a benelli guy)

There is nothing pretty, light, or quality on it again imo. But yes it does work on turkeys
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Let me be clear. The 835 is a turkey killer and can pattern amazing. That's not what my comment was about. As far as a shotgun goes IMO it's a giant pile of metal and that's about as bad as it gets. Only one worse to me is the king of the rattle trap the Nova (and that's coming from a benelli guy)

There is nothing pretty, light, or quality on it again imo. But yes it does work on turkeys
I agree on the nova to. I'll get some hate on this one. But my 870 was a rattling piece of junk to. (It was a newer one) not an older one. Sold it almost immediately.
My 835 has killed every turkey I have fired it at and that's no small number over the years. I only shoot Winchester 3.5 number 5's in it and it still has the old original kicks GT choke.
It's been so dependable I just can't bring myself to leave it at home. Killed my first turkey with it many years ago in Jackson county, I guess I'll dance with the one that brung me till the end, I'll kill my last gobbler with that old 835 then it's my sons …
Dont understand all the heavy comments, ive got three that are the lightest 12 gauges ive handled? Do they rattle and kick? Of course they do but ive never found another gun that would out pattern an 835/935. The 870's, 1187's ive handled you couldn't give em to me, heavy and dont fit or feel good to me at all.im glad they make so many different ones so we dont all have to like the same ones😁
I wouldn't consider them junk. They are kind of like an old work truck, they will get the job done. I used one for several years and then got a 935. As said above they pattern great, and I've killed a bunch of turkeys with them.
I'm going to give 20 ga a try this year. It has some big shoes to fill, the 935 will be in the batters box.