A checking station observation

First of all thanks for the enlightenment on all your turkey success. Killing turkeys doesn't quite qualify you as a biologist! Nobody can identify the actual age of a turkey past 2 years old unless it has some sort of band/chip. Just like most all animals the dominant creature isn't always the oldest/most mature. All of the identifiable features a turkey has can grow or regrow if broken or damaged. I'm not starting a war with you but to call someone ignorant over aging a turkey is also another form of enlightenment on your part.
Im not the one who called you out or started this, and everything Ive said is the absolute facts. I dont claim to be a biologist, in fact I dont claim to be anything. The facts and the records speak for themselves. I dont brag or make boisterous claims about anything. If somebody has to blow smoke up somebody else's arse then what do they really bring to the table? You do you brother, I wish you the best this spring and every spring from now on for as long as you chase these majestic creatures the good Lord has seen fit to give us.
Pretty simple... a 5yo may have half in spurs (or even no spurs)... but a 2yo in TN is NOT gonna have over 1in spurs. As far as actually aging a turkey with certainty by the spurs... of course not... but when you see a bird with 1 3/8in spurs or better.. well, you KNOW he isn't a spring chicken. Now those daggers don't mean diddly when it comes to whether he is dominant or not... but again, LONG spurs are NOT a young bird in TN.
I stopped by and got my license this morning at one of the few places left that still check animals in and while there I noticed that there were some really older age class birds being checked in. Every bird I saw come in was 3+ yrs old and the guys manning the station said every bird that came in all morning was the same, older age class birds. PERHAPS delaying the opener for the rest of us MIGHT end up being more beneficial than we are willing to admit!
You think this weekend was special... just wait till next weekend.
Once a turkey gets past being a jake you can't judge the age whatsoever
Not really correct.

It may not be a guarantee, but, you can have a pretty good idea of a 2 yr old bird and a bird older than that with spur length. The agency has been using those measurements for decades to group birds into harvest groups.
How many of those turkeys came in with a temp tag on it? The lady at the store had no clue about the tag before you drag rule change. She asked why I didn't let her check in my kills and I told her I'd be in violation if I brought there to check it in. Honestly, I don't much care for the new rules or ways of doing it, but using an online check in is so much simpler if you never had a check in place close anyway.
Curious on why you think it would be a violation for someone to check in an animal ? According to the Guide, check-in stations are still listed as a place to check in a deer or turkey.

Not arguing, just not following what you are saying.
I don't give a hoot if they check them in or not, but it's pretty evident people don't realize the regs have changed. Check in stations are a thing of the past unfortunately. Not saying you can't use one with a temp tag but I doubt they had any on them.
I know of 2 checking stations that still operate. Plus don't you have to check animals out on some WMA hunts? Plus it does say that it is the Hunters responsibility to keep the tag intact...
Curious on why you think it would be a violation for someone to check in an animal ? According to the Guide, check-in stations are still listed as a place to check in a deer or turkey.

Not arguing, just not following what you are saying.
So tag before you drag don't apply anymore?
So tag before you drag don't apply anymore?
There are 2 stages to 'tagging'... the first stage is either affixing a temporary tag to the animal, or through the app (temporary if not in cell service).

Final tagging is done at a check in station, online via website, or through the previously entered app information when the phone reaches cell service. Any of those 3 methods suffice for final tagging and issuance of a confirmation number.

'Tag before you drag' is just one part... and unless you are using the app with cell service to receive the actual confirmation number, is NOT sufficient.

Are you saying that hunters were showing up at the check in stations without temporary tags attached to the animal? If so, that is illegal. Prob unintentional, yet still illegal.
So tag before you drag don't apply anymore?
Tag before you drag is in effect. 2 ways to tag your game.... 1 fill out a temp tag and attach before removed, Take to nearest chech station or check in thru TWRA website. 2. If you have mobile service, check out from the woods or field before removal with TWRAs mobile App. No need to attach a tag if a conformation # is assigned. But also remember. Saying "I think it blew off Officer" is not gonna work this year. Specifically states it is the Hunters responsibility to make sure the tag stay attached... Correct me or at to this......Be Safe, Make sure of your target and what lays beyond. There is no reason for any of y'all to be carrying Red, White, or Blue. Always give Thanks
There are 2 stages to 'tagging'... the first stage is either affixing a temporary tag to the animal, or through the app (temporary if not in cell service).

Final tagging is done at a check in station, online via website, or through the previously entered app information when the phone reaches cell service. Any of those 3 methods suffice for final tagging and issuance of a confirmation number.

'Tag before you drag' is just one part... and unless you are using the app with cell service to receive the actual confirmation number, is NOT sufficient.

Are you saying that hunters were showing up at the check in stations without temporary tags attached to the animal? If so, that is illegal. Prob unintentional, yet still illegal.
Did you not see where I mentioned the temp tag lol.
Tag before you drag is in effect. 2 ways to tag your game.... 1 fill out a temp tag and attach before removed, Take to nearest chech station or check in thru TWRA website. 2. If you have mobile service, check out from the woods or field before removal with TWRAs mobile App. No need to attach a tag if a conformation # is assigned. But also remember. Saying "I think it blew off Officer" is not gonna work this year. Specifically states it is the Hunters responsibility to make sure the tag stay attached... Correct me or at to this......Be Safe, Make sure of your target and what lays beyond. There is no reason for any of y'all to be carrying Red, White, or Blue. Always give Thanks
Either one of you?
So tag before you drag don't apply anymore?
Yes, it still applies.

You have the option of checking in the animal by the mobile app before you transport the animal. If you don't want to do it by the app, you attach a temporary transport tag on the animal, and then check it in at a checking station, by the app when you have a better cell signal, or, by computer.

If a business wants to offer to check in animals on their computer, I can't see where it violates any of the checking regs.
Did you not see where I mentioned the temp tag lol.

Either one of you?
You also said checking stations were a thing of the past. I don't think that is correct.

It isn't the checking station's responsibility to monitor the temporary tag. That is between the hunter and the officer if checked.
Did you not see where I mentioned the temp tag lol.

Either one of you?
Not trying to be offensive, but you just seem very confused.

You initial commet was accusing folks of being illegal by bringing animals to a physical check in station- which is completely false...yet later you admitted you did not even know whether they had a temporary tag on the animal or not in a later post. Apparently, there are several members on this thread besides myself who also want to make sure others members are not misled by your comments and know that it is perfectly legal to take a bird to a check in station as long as there is a temporary tag affixed to the animal before it is removed from the field.

And again, just to be clear to any other members on this forum so there is no confusion.... the temporary tag is NOT sufficient for final check-in... until you have the actual confirmation number issued by TWRA, the animal is not officially checked in.
Not trying to be offensive, but you just seem very confused.

You initial commet was accusing folks of being illegal by bringing animals to a physical check in station- which is completely false...yet later you admitted you did not even know whether they had a temporary tag on the animal or not in a later post. Apparently, there are several members on this thread besides myself who also want to make sure others members are not misled by your comments and know that it is perfectly legal to take a bird to a check in station as long as there is a temporary tag affixed to the animal before it is removed from the field.

And again, just to be clear to any other members on this forum so there is no confusion.... the temporary tag is NOT sufficient for final check-in... until you have the actual confirmation number issued by TWRA, the animal is not officially checked in.
I'm not confused. Unless those birds came in with temp tags, which is doubtful, they were transported illegally. But whatever. I'm done here.
I stopped by and got my license this morning at one of the few places left that still check animals in and while there I noticed that there were some really older age class birds being checked in. Every bird I saw come in was 3+ yrs old and the guys manning the station said every bird that came in all morning was the same, older age class birds. PERHAPS delaying the opener for the rest of us MIGHT end up being more beneficial than we are willing to admit!
That is interesting, also need to consider the new "jake law".

It was so odd taking my daughter and nephew this morning. Here it is April 9th and the first time I called to a TN bird. These birds having two extra weeks to do their thing has to have some kind of positive impact, surely.
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LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
Delaying the opener may help some, but don't think it will help or hurt me. I may have a different story after next weekend though! 😀😀 The harvest reports for the areas and counties I typically hunt have been relatively stable the last several years, and I can't say I've noticed a decline in turkey numbers. I know there are areas in the state with significant declines so I'm not disputing that something needed to be done.

"Tag before you drag" has been around a long, long time. 10+ years ago, you had to tear off the bottom portion of your license, notch it, and attach it to the turkey or deer before moving it. Then take it to a physical checking station. Heck, 30 years ago you had to tag a goose and check it in!

Tag before you drag is still required today, just more options:
1) Print a temporary kill tag, punch and attach the same way as before. Then check-in later on a computer, phone, or checking station for the official confirmation #.
2) Tear the tag out of the Regulations Guide, punch and attach. Still gotta check-in on computer, phone, or checking station and get confirmation #.
3) Check it in on your phone, and get the official confirmation #.

Regarding #3, I was reluctant to use it, but it still works without cell coverage. When you hit "submit", you get an immediate response with a confirmation number. When you get back in cell range, the app automatically uploads the data to TWRA.

Good luck guys!

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