A checking station observation

LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
You're right about me. I didn't know who Jack Murray was. And now that I looked it up, I still don't know!! Jack Murray the actor? Country music singer? Jack Murray the son of Jack Murray?

Good luck Hunt!
You're right about me. I didn't know who Jack Murray was. And now that I looked it up, I still don't know!! Jack Murray the actor? Country music singer? Jack Murray the son of Jack Murray?

Good luck Hunt!
Jack Murray was the head turkey biologist with TWRA in the 70s and early 80s. Hes one of the men responsible for us having the turkeys we have now. (or had 10 years ago at least)
Heres another tidbit of info most wont know. With the exception of Cherokee, Catoosa, and some of the remote river bottoms along the Mississippi river, the rest of the whole state has been restocked. GOD put turkeys on Catoosa, man didnt. Man tried, back in the 50s and early 60s to restock with pen reared birds, but it never worked.
LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
I'm old,I knew who Mr Murray was back in the 1980's!!
That is interesting, also need to consider the new "jake law".

It was so odd taking my daughter and nephew this morning. Here it is April 9th and the first time I called to a TN bird. These birds having two extra weeks to do their thing has to have some kind of positive impact, surely.
I'm hoping it helps,I sure know it will not hurt for sure!There is a hen here on my land that is already laying,which is great!Just praying its not a very wet and cold spring!
LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
I have been around the turkey woods since back in the 1980's!
I don't think delaying the opener is going to have nearly as much effect on population numbers as some hope it will.
LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
I remember the name but didn't know him. He was the turkey biologist if memory serves me correct. As for check in procedures I like the convenience of the app but do sometimes miss going to a physical location where everybody would come out and see what you killed. Then they typically had a board with pictures of the kills. The good ole days I suppose.
LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
No maybe about me knowing Jack. He was a personal friend that I thought the world of. He was right down the hall from me, and we spoke most days. I really don't think we would be in our current mess if Jack had still been running the turkey program.
I don't think delaying the opener is going to have nearly as much effect on population numbers as some hope it will.
Maybe not, but, it is at least better to try something than continuing to do nothing like the TWRA biologists had done the past decade as the population cratered.

Keeping the season the same along with a four bird limit while the population went off the cliff shows you how much the agency biologists cared about the turkey flock.
I have a question about the use of temporary tags…I have a lifetime license and am not aware of any temporary tags…are they available online?

If not, what am I to do if I kill a deer or turkey in an area with no cell coverage?

I don't think delaying the opener is going to have nearly as much effect on population numbers as some hope it will.
At least we are trying something. What we were doing wasn't working so well

Next outlaw the dang decoys and maybe we can see some real improvement as well as weed out the googan class
I am trying to understand how the youth hunt turkeys killed are any different than years past?
I have a question about the use of temporary tags…I have a lifetime license and am not aware of any temporary tags…are they available online?

If not, what am I to do if I kill a deer or turkey in an area with no cell coverage?

You can go online and print off your temporary tags. This link should get you there.
I have a question about the use of temporary tags…I have a lifetime license and am not aware of any temporary tags…are they available online?

If not, what am I to do if I kill a deer or turkey in an area with no cell coverage?

They are available online for printing. I think you access your license account and print from there.
LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was. Without looking it up of course. Lord willing and I make it til then, next spring will be my 40th spring chasing these feathered creatures and I still try to learn something new every time I hunt them.
I knew Jack.
LOL with the exception of MAYBE SCN, it will surprise me if anybody else even knows who Jack Murray was.
Y'all are not alone, several of us knew of Jack and his relentless restocking efforts, as well as his coworker and friend Billy Minser.
Temporary transportation tags have been available since "tag before you drag" became law. Access your online account, print them (4 to a page), make a few copies and you will have enough to serve you for many years going forward.